Beating Up Christians Is Great, But How Long Until This Affects You?

The Christians have about a dozen TV networks, many radio stations, a church for every hundred or so people in the USA, tax free status. Persecuted my ass.
Christians are like rowdy drunks who destroy your house and after being asked politely to leave..claim to be the victim.

Ha ha ha ha.

Take a look at this guys avatar!

And speaking of "victim hood", the Jews take the cake.
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The Christians have about a dozen TV networks, many radio stations, a church for every hundred or so people in the USA, tax free status. Persecuted my ass.

I take it you can't wait until they are being fed to lions.

The most reliable estimate of deaths under the Soviet regime is 20 million. Yet we can now recall and portray that time “fondly.”

If these are the opinionmakers who decide what is anti-Semitism, I am certainly not afraid of the label.
Christians are like rowdy drunks who destroy your house and after being asked politely to leave..claim to be the victim.

Ha ha ha ha.

Take a look at this guys avatar!

And speaking of "victim hood", the Jews take the cake.

Well after being kicked out of most of Europe and having a Christian Leader in Germany exterminate 6 million of them.

Yeah..they were victims.

Catch up.
The Christians have about a dozen TV networks, many radio stations, a church for every hundred or so people in the USA, tax free status. Persecuted my ass.

You must be speaking of the JUDEO-xtian Putzes that support the gangster state of Israel.

Let's be honest. Who is control of the media?
The Christians have about a dozen TV networks, many radio stations, a church for every hundred or so people in the USA, tax free status. Persecuted my ass.

I take it you can't wait until they are being fed to lions.

The most reliable estimate of deaths under the Soviet regime is 20 million. Yet we can now recall and portray that time “fondly.”

If these are the opinionmakers who decide what is anti-Semitism, I am certainly not afraid of the label.

Why would I do that to the poor lions?
Modern day christian persecutioin in the USA?


Jews, persecuted in the US? Ha ha ha ha ha.

They have the highest per capita income in the US, 3 or more out of 12 of the US Supreme Court,( the same institution which is authorizing this campus discrimination campaign against Christian organizations), the most powerful congressional lobby (representing Israel), and over representation in every lucrative field there is.

Yet, THESE are the people who whine the loudest about being persecuted.

Or have you never heard the term "anti-semitism"?

It's too bad that there is no analogous word to reference "anti-gentilism". There certainly needs to be one considering the contempt with which they are referred to in the Talmud.
Modern day christian persecutioin in the USA?


Jews, persecuted in the US? Ha ha ha ha ha.

They have the highest per capita income in the US, 3 or more out of 12 of the US Supreme Court,( the same institution which is authorizing this campus discrimination campaign against Christian organizations), the most powerful congressional lobby (representing Israel), and over representation in every lucrative field there is.

Yet, THESE are the people who whine the loudest about being persecuted.

Or have you never heard the term "anti-semitism"?

It's too bad that there is no analogous word to reference "anti-gentilism". There certainly needs to be one considering the contempt with which they are referred to in the Talmud.


Stormfront down today?
The Christians have about a dozen TV networks, many radio stations, a church for every hundred or so people in the USA, tax free status. Persecuted my ass.

I take it you can't wait until they are being fed to lions.

The most reliable estimate of deaths under the Soviet regime is 20 million. Yet we can now recall and portray that time “fondly.”

If these are the opinionmakers who decide what is anti-Semitism, I am certainly not afraid of the label.

Why would I do that to the poor lions?

My guess is for the same reason that you say Hitler stoked the ovens of Auschwitz.

That was a massive conspiracy theory wasn't it?
Modern day christian persecutioin in the USA?


Jews, persecuted in the US? Ha ha ha ha ha.

They have the highest per capita income in the US, 3 or more out of 12 of the US Supreme Court,( the same institution which is authorizing this campus discrimination campaign against Christian organizations), the most powerful congressional lobby (representing Israel), and over representation in every lucrative field there is.

Yet, THESE are the people who whine the loudest about being persecuted.

Or have you never heard the term "anti-semitism"?

It's too bad that there is no analogous word to reference "anti-gentilism". There certainly needs to be one considering the contempt with which they are referred to in the Talmud.


Stormfront down today?

You tell me. You're the one that's trying to project their image.

Usurers in every sense of the word aren't you?
Talk about an utter affront to freedom at just about EVERY level!!!
If these are the means employed in modern day Christian persecution, perhaps someone should remind the intellectual titans behind it of the "unintended consequences" which ALWAYS accompany their heavy handed tyranny.
Two thumbs up to the campus Democrat leadership and the agnostics with enough foresight to recognize where this utter idiocy will inevitably lead.

Exiled from Vanderbilt: How Colleges are Driving Religious Groups off Campus - YouTube

While I understand your anger at these people, I must tell you that you have not heard the end of this story. After reading some of the replies, I get it that people are not aware of what the bible says concerning such things. You see, there are consequences for attempting to harm or actually harming a christian. That is the side not many outside the church understand, friend.

God says it is a righteous thing for him to recompense with trouble those who trouble his children. That is in the bible. You'll find it in 2 Thessalonians 1: 6. I'll give you the NIV translation rather than King James so that others might "get it" even though it is apparent you already do. 1 Thessalonians 1:6 God is just. He will pay back trouble and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well.

Alright, let me set this up for you. There are Christians who do not understand spiritual warfare and how to handle some of these situations. Even so, God has got their back and the consequences are coming on the wicked who trouble them irregardless. One of the greatest weapons of warfare is humility. I remember the story of another sister in a Muslim country whose church where she and her husband and children lived was about to be set on fire by a gang of Muslims. This prayer warrior fell on her knees crying out and pleading with them not to burn down the church. Instead they rolled out barrels of gasoline and the Muslim leader pulled out a book of matches to light it all up.

While she was pleading mercy on her knees and calling upon her God, the muslim tried to strike the first match. It would not light, then he tried to strike the second match it would not light, the third time a warfare angel appeared before these men ( the story was in the news for any mockers here ) and said, you are standing on "real holy ground" right now. Leave or die. These Muslims fled in terror, the leader lost his mind, shouting on a roof that anyone who touched that church would die. The villagers said he was holding his head screaming in terror.

I am not sure if he was given a vision of hell ( it is possible as many have had them including the man on youtube in the video 23 minutes in hell which is a must see ) and knew he was going there or what. But the story spread like wildfire and it was the Muslims, not the Pastors wife who told the story! You see, she couldn't see the angel!

He only appeared to the Muslims to tell them the ground they were standing on was the "real holy ground" and this was what converted them to Christianity. The bible scripture, Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm is a very real command and it comes from God Almighty. Who are the anointed of God? Those laborers who are out in the harvest preaching his word. Who are his prophets? You'll know when what they say starts coming to pass or when they stand in front of you and speak under the unction of the Holy Ghost. Just remember that putting your hands on one is a death sentence.

There is another characteristic of the born again Christian that is anointed by God and living a holy life. They are fearless. If you ever wondered why Stephen was not in fear while being stoned to death ( but rather praying for his enemies ) it was because he had no fear. That was his time ( if it had not been he could have called on a legion of angels to rescue him ) and he was ready to enter heaven and hear the Master say, Well done, good and faithful servant, enter in to thy reward! If you are living a holy life you will not have fear on you when the wicked wage their worst threats, acts against you. The bible says the wicked run when no one is chasing them but the Godly are as bold as a lion. Why is that?

The bible has a clear explanation. The fearlessness of the Christian is a sign of their salvation and to those perishing a sign of their perdition. You see, when the wicked see a Christian standing in holy boldness and not backing down they begin to fear and temble. It is like a flashing sign to the wicked that says, "Your'e doomed"! "Your'e doomed"! Yes, an unbeliever may have some courage to them but nothing compared to the blood bought Christian and how much more so the Christian who knows His God, how to wield the Sword of the Spirit, is armored up and walking in the Power of the Holy Ghost?

To that one? He laughs.. Seriously, guys. You haven't seen the end of this story yet. I pray for those persecutors. They need my prayers and the prayers of all those whose prayers are heard by God.

Hell is the most unbelievable, horrific real place with no exit. If you had any idea how horrific you'd never tell anyone to go there. Not even your worst enemy.

- Jeremiah
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The Weapons of Our Warfare.

For any Christians who may end up reading this thread I want to give you some instruction that is going to help you stand against the enemy when he comes. Every morning when you wake up you the first thing you do is welcome the Holy Spirit into your day. Spend time praying in the Holy Ghost. If you don't have the baptism of the Holy Ghost, ask for it. The scriptures tell you this gift of tongues is for you so receive it because praying in the Holy Ghost is what is going to build you up in your most Holy Faith.

The first thing I do before prayer is put on the full armor of God. We are in a warfare and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through the pulling down of strongholds. You can pray Ephesians 6:13 all the way through to the last part of that prayer which isn't the Sword of the Spirit but Praying in the Spirit without ceasing and being alert praying for your brethren at all times. The final act is the same as Pauls. Declaring the Word of God boldly to those who are perishing ( headed for hell ) and fearlessly.

That is the way every Christian should start their day. The way to win this war is to stay out of sin. Do not get yourself entangled with the things of this world. Pray for those who are lost and perishing. You can easily identify them. Those are the ones who consider the gospel of Jesus Christ foolishness and mock those who follow Christ. If they died tonight they would be in hell. That should be a very deep concern for anyone who calls themselve a Christian. There is a lost and dying world out there and we have to reach them before it is too late.

As to the rest of it........

A soldier doesn't get entangled in civilian affairs as Paul explained in the Book. His mind is set on one goal. Obeying orders and finishing the mission or assignment he has been given. You cannot know what your assignment is unless you get before the LORD and find out what He has for you to do. Once you know? Do it with all your heart unto the glory of God.

Remember during your prayer time to Plead the Blood of Jesus over yourselves, from the crown of your head to the souls of your feet, plead the blood of Jesus over your husbands, wives, children, homes, land, cars, everything, every single day. Satan cannot cross the bloodline.

I have a brother in the Lord and a sister in the Lord whose ministry was helping satanists get out of satanism and they have revealed that the only people they were told they couldn't harm, put spells on, incantations, etc. were the Christians covered in the Blood of Jesus. To those ones they were powerless. On everyone else it was open season!

Satan cannot cross the bloodline. I remember a Christian brother, Perry Stone, telling a story about a crazed hater of God outside his fathers church threatening to do bodily harm to him right there on the sidewalk! Perry took his shoe made a line in the sand and said, you won't cross that line. That is the blood of Jesus I am drawing right there and you cross it you'll be dealing with more than me. ( in my own words I am repeating his story ) the man tried over and over again to cross the line and could not. Why? He was demon possessed and couldn't cross the bloodline.

The blood of Jesus is a powerful weapon and one that should be used every day, people. The Word of God is a sword in your mouth. Memorize it and use it. And last of all, stay out of sin. It was only when Samson layed his head in the lap of the world ( as depicted by that harlot, Delilah ) that he lost his spiritual strength. Be holy, be filled continually with a fresh infilling of the Holy Ghost, Declare the Word of God out loud every single day ( faith comes by hearing the Word not just reading it ), pray without ceasing and watch what God will do for you. Remember the scriptures that declare who you are and speak it! No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against you, you SHALL CONDEMN for this is the heritage of the children of the LORD and their righteousness is of me, Sayeth the LORD. That is what God says about you, church! Are you condemning the tongues that are speaking against you? If not, why not? You should be doing that on a daily basis! This is warfare 101! Take your authority and use it or someone is going to take it, turn it around and use it against you! Use the authority God has given you through, Christ! Luke 10:19. Read it and let that word penetrate deeply into your spirit. Confess it 10,000 times a day until it becomes yours. Do whatever you must do but make sure Luke 10:19 is yours and WALK IN IT!

A word to the mockers: While you may believe that God does not protect his own there is a day coming in which you will see a very stark difference between how he deals with His Own children and those who are the Cursed. That day is fast approaching, people. When this nation finally falls under the weight of God's Judgment and you are living through hell on earth here in America, you will see with your own eyes the Goshen anointing upon Gods own people in this land.

Yes, there are many still left in America who have not bowed their knee in worship to the Baal gods who have saturated this land. Just as in the days of Elijah when he told Elijah he had 7,000 left in Israel who had not bowed their knee to Baal so God has his own company still on the earth today. In fact, the bible says that the whole earth travails waiting for these sons of God to appear. It would be better for you to not wait until then. It would be better for you to plead out with God now at the mercy seat and tell him that what you have been saying about his children, doing to his children you have done in ignorance. Then repent and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior so that you too can become one of His Own. There is no rest for the wicked, says the LORD. Why perish in hell when God sent His Son to ransom you from it?

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why can't people keep their religious beliefs to themselves?

p.s. there is no such thing as hell.
why can't people keep their religious beliefs to themselves?

Do you mean like the Marxist "progressives" who have to insert their ideology into everything from cartoons to advertising?

p.s. there is no such thing as hell.

Or are you referring to yourself for expressing your belief that there is no hell?

There are a lot of things right here on this earth right here in this life which could aptly be described as hell. So what makes you so sure that there isn't another one waiting, unless you don't think that anything about us survives this mortal body?

An atheist asserts his conviction that there is no God and therefore there can be no life beyond the one he knows.

But how can he prove his convictions? Can he truthfully say that all he knows is all there is to know? He can't!

Therefore his assertions are nothing more than his own faith in the absurdity of our existence. And what other meaning can be gleaned from our existence if his beliefs are true? To his way of thinking only matter and it's associated energy reign supreme.

He cannot explain how mind can emerge from matter, but he purports to know with certainty that no mind can precede it or exist without it. Before he can prove this, he must first be able to demonstrate the relation. So far no one has been able to even approach the subject in a way that sheds any true light on it.

Your faith that there is no hell is no less wishful thinking than the hope that there is a heaven. One can not make any sense without the other. And one stands to reason no more than the other.

Unbelievers must have some reason for wanting to express their unbelief. What can that be unless it involves an attempt to convert others to their atheistic faith or to silence those who do not share with them whatever political and sociological philosophy their particular brand of atheism entails, the communist ideology for example. The Secular Humanist philosophy of many so called Jews is another example.

One only needs to examine the philosophies being foisted upon college students to realize that these "Humanists" are every bit as "evangelistic" in promoting their agendas as any Christian apologist.

Jews are the world's foremost leaders in the effort to stymie the spread of the Gospel of Christ and to silence all His advocates. Why shouldn't I be allowed to say so when there is so much evidence available to support my contention?
Christians would be the 1st to ban Muslim groups anywhere on a college campus.
Best to just ban them all.
But this stops NO ONE from practicing their religion on any campus.
why can't people keep their religious beliefs to themselves?

Do you mean like the Marxist "progressives" who have to insert their ideology into everything from cartoons to advertising?

p.s. there is no such thing as hell.

Or are you referring to yourself for expressing your belief that there is no hell?

There are a lot of things right here on this earth right here in this life which could aptly be described as hell. So what makes you so sure that there isn't another one waiting, unless you don't think that anything about us survives this mortal body?

An atheist asserts his conviction that there is no God and therefore there can be no life beyond the one he knows.

But how can he prove his convictions? Can he truthfully say that all he knows is all there is to know? He can't!

Therefore his assertions are nothing more than his own faith in the absurdity of our existence. And what other meaning can be gleaned from our existence if his beliefs are true? To his way of thinking only matter and it's associated energy reign supreme.

He cannot explain how mind can emerge from matter, but he purports to know with certainty that no mind can precede it or exist without it. Before he can prove this, he must first be able to demonstrate the relation. So far no one has been able to even approach the subject in a way that sheds any true light on it.

Your faith that there is no hell is no less wishful thinking than the hope that there is a heaven. One can not make any sense without the other. And one stands to reason no more than the other.

Unbelievers must have some reason for wanting to express their unbelief. What can that be unless it involves an attempt to convert others to their atheistic faith or to silence those who do not share with them whatever political and sociological philosophy their particular brand of atheism entails, the communist ideology for example. The Secular Humanist philosophy of many so called Jews is another example.

One only needs to examine the philosophies being foisted upon college students to realize that these "Humanists" are every bit as "evangelistic" in promoting their agendas as any Christian apologist.

Jews are the world's foremost leaders in the effort to stymie the spread of the Gospel of Christ and to silence all His advocates. Why shouldn't I be allowed to say so when there is so much evidence available to support my contention?

Quit watching Mickey Mouse.

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