Beating Up Christians Is Great, But How Long Until This Affects You?

I bet if this was an atheists bashing free for all nothing would be said....seems when people do not fall in line with these mythological beliefs and speak out against them christians claim persecution. News FLASH for ya! Your not the only ones being persecuted so get over it.

Your avatar is a picture of a rather menacing looking clown with the sign of the devil on his forehead. Atheists don't believe in the devil anymore than they believe in God.

Nope I don't...I liked it so I use it. Got nothing to do with some mythological demon created in the minds of ancient men.
That policy did not work so well for Jews.

The policy of ignoring or denying the Jewish political juggernaut is not working so well for white anglo saxon protestants either, especially the males among them.

At last count how many millions of white anglo saxon protestant males have been gassed to death.

None I know of except for maybe a few on death row or those who have left their ovens on or ran hoses from their tail pipes into their cars.

But there are probably a great many white anglo saxons who have been either cut out of the more lucrative jobs or put out of work altogether as a result of class discrimination and the people who engineer the economic policies of the US.
Nope I don't...I liked it so I use it. Got nothing to do with some mythological demon created in the minds of ancient men.

There's nothing mythical about the evil that men do, even the ones who dress up like clowns to do it.
Satanists believe in nothing more than gratification of their own individual senses.

What pukes.
The policy of ignoring or denying the Jewish political juggernaut is not working so well for white anglo saxon protestants either, especially the males among them.

At last count how many millions of white anglo saxon protestant males have been gassed to death.

None I know of except for maybe a few on death row or those who have left their ovens on or ran hoses from their tail pipes into their cars.

But there are probably a great many white anglo saxons who have been either cut out of the more lucrative jobs or put out of work altogether as a result of class discrimination and the people who engineer the economic policies of the US.

White Anglo Saxon males are SO PERSECUTED!
White Anglo Saxon males are SO PERSECUTED!

No. They're just gradually being phased out by multiculturalism.

What we are seeing in the US is a promotion of minorities and women accompanied by the demotion of white gentile males.

Think of it this way. For every white woman that marries a black or a Jew for financial reasons or because it's politically correct , socially chic, or whatever, there is one poor slob of a white guy who can either
1. marry outside his race or culture
2. play the role of the homo that he is being fitted for by the popular media and drug culture or
3. do without.

There are different reasons for why this is becoming a more common occurrence but the primary one is economical.
Whereas a white gentile female may have some primal urge for forbidden fruit, finance trumps all.

So follow the money trail.

The general acceptance of miscegenation as an acceptable or preferred way of life has not occurred over night.

The numbers of white gentiles who have been forced to give up their seats to make room for the "minorities" has grown slowly and has not yet approached the numbers that would be required to cause a spontaneous outcry from the class as a whole.

As long as these sacrificial lambs remain below the threshold of that critical mass, the process may proceed without objection from their fellow white gentile males who are still managing to fare within reasonable standards.

Coupled with this is the fact that most white gentile males are conditioned to accept this overall loss of status by social pressures brought to bear by the media moguls who set the trends and societal standards.

These white males are unable to differentiate between themselves and the "Chosen Ones". Because of this untrained eye they fail to spot the discrepancies between themselves and the favored class. They accept them as being the same as themselves while the "Chosen Ones" don't suffer from this blindness.

Traditionally, it has been the WASP who has stood between the Jews and the hegemony they seek. Every promotion given to a member of the non WASP "minority" class further weakens the collective bargaining power of the WASP community as a whole. The same principle of divide and conquer has also been used with effect via the feminist movement.

What we are talking about are trends that have occurred slowly and by increments which were not painful enough to cause any protest or even create much awareness among the class those methods have been employed against. As Ben Franklin once said, "Little strokes fell great oaks", the implication being that one could conceivably bring down a mighty oak with a pocket knife given enough time.

Changes which happen slowly enough are not as apt to be noticed as those which occur abruptly. A cat moves very stealthily towards her prey. A spider meticulously avoids the business end of a bee, being sure to snare each leg or wing one at a time until its victim has no way left to resist. When one digs a pit or sets a snare, he takes care to do so out of the target's site.

A spy, an infiltrator, or a plant may not be recognized by his appearance. He would use every precaution possible to avoid detection. Nevertheless he remains aware of his own personal identity even when those around him are not.

The 2011 census revealed that for the first time minority birth rates surpassed those of whites. This may be all well and good provided that those who will be assuming power in the future are incapable of committing the sins of discrimination which the white gentile males have been accused of. I suppose it would be easier to trust in their good will for anyone who was not a white gentile male.

You notice that I am forced to use the qualifier "gentile" when referring to the ability to discriminate or be guilty of bigotry. Because if I were to include the Jews who also call themselves white, I would be accused of "anti-semitism" for even making the suggestion that they might be guilty of something similar.
But given the current power structure and the Jewish way of networking, they have their advocates and social shields against the influx of other sorts of gentiles.

Such racial or ethnic pride among white male gentiles is strongly frowned upon as being "racist". Therefore the existence of advocacy groups that exist expressly for the interest of the least among them are forbidden.

None of this is of any importance except to the minority of white males who are having their futures compromised for the sake of racial and religious harmony. The prevailing attitude in today's political and social climate suggests that only white gentile males stand between the world and it's dream of peace, equality, and prosperity for all.

As an interesting to note with respect to minorities one source says that

There are approximately 1.376 billion 'white' people in the world, approximately 20.25% of the world's population.

The number above is calculated from the European and Caucasian populations of the world.

The most significant populations of 'white' people are the Germans (160 million), the Spaniards (152 million), the Italians (140 million), the French (130 million), the English (90 million), the Irish (80 million), the Poles (60 million) and the Ukrainians (50 million).

Notice that no numbers of Jews are given. No where on US census forms are they given a place to identify themselves racially unless they choose to answer "other".

From this one is lead to believe that they are insignificant or that they don't really exist at all.

This is surprising considering the inordinate numbers of them occupy some of the world's most powerful positions such as heading the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, or the International Monetary Fund.
For a negligible to non existent race, high concentrations of them can also be found in other organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, and among the Bilderbergers. There are many others as well.

No doubt that citing these facts will be construed as "anti-semitism". They are facts nevertheless.
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White Anglo Saxon males are SO PERSECUTED!

No. They're just gradually being phased out by multiculturalism.

What we are seeing in the US is a promotion of minorities and women accompanied by the demotion of white gentile males.

Think of it this way. For every white woman that marries a black or a Jew for financial reasons or because it's politically correct , socially chic, or whatever, there is one poor slob of a white guy who can either
1. marry outside his race or culture
2. play the role of the homo that he is being fitted for by the popular media and drug culture or
3. do without.

There are different reasons for why this is becoming a more common occurrence but the primary one is economical.
Whereas a white gentile female may have some primal urge for forbidden fruit, finance trumps all.

So follow the money trail.

The general acceptance of miscegenation as an acceptable or preferred way of life has not occurred over night.

The numbers of white gentiles who have been forced to give up their seats to make room for the "minorities" has grown slowly and has not yet approached the numbers that would be required to cause a spontaneous outcry from the class as a whole.

As long as these sacrificial lambs remain below the threshold of that critical mass, the process may proceed without objection from their fellow white gentile males who are still managing to fare within reasonable standards.

Coupled with this is the fact that most white gentile males are conditioned to accept this overall loss of status by social pressures brought to bear by the media moguls who set the trends and societal standards.

These white males are unable to differentiate between themselves and the "Chosen Ones". Because of this untrained eye they fail to spot the discrepancies between themselves and the favored class. They accept them as being the same as themselves while the "Chosen Ones" don't suffer from this blindness.

Traditionally, it has been the WASP who has stood between the Jews and the hegemony they seek. Every promotion given to a member of the non WASP "minority" class further weakens the collective bargaining power of the WASP community as a whole. The same principle of divide and conquer has also been used with effect via the feminist movement.

What we are talking about are trends that have occurred slowly and by increments which were not painful enough to cause any protest or even create much awareness among the class those methods have been employed against. As Ben Franklin once said, "Little strokes fell great oaks", the implication being that one could conceivably bring down a mighty oak with a pocket knife given enough time.

Changes which happen slowly enough are not as apt to be noticed as those which occur abruptly. A cat moves very stealthily towards her prey. A spider meticulously avoids the business end of a bee, being sure to snare each leg or wing one at a time until its victim has no way left to resist. When one digs a pit or sets a snare, he takes care to do so out of the target's site.

A spy, an infiltrator, or a plant may not be recognized by his appearance. He would use every precaution possible to avoid detection. Nevertheless he remains aware of his own personal identity even when those around him are not.

The 2011 census revealed that for the first time minority birth rates surpassed those of whites. This may be all well and good provided that those who will be assuming power in the future are incapable of committing the sins of discrimination which the white gentile males have been accused of. I suppose it would be easier to trust in their good will for anyone who was not a white gentile male.

You notice that I am forced to use the qualifier "gentile" when referring to the ability to discriminate or be guilty of bigotry. Because if I were to include the Jews who also call themselves white, I would be accused of "anti-semitism" for even making the suggestion that they might be guilty of something similar.
But given the current power structure and the Jewish way of networking, they have their advocates and social shields against the influx of other sorts of gentiles.

Such racial or ethnic pride among white male gentiles is strongly frowned upon as being "racist". Therefore the existence of advocacy groups that exist expressly for the interest of the least among them are forbidden.

None of this is of any importance except to the minority of white males who are having their futures compromised for the sake of racial and religious harmony. The prevailing attitude in today's political and social climate suggests that only white gentile males stand between the world and it's dream of peace, equality, and prosperity for all.

As an interesting to note with respect to minorities one source says that

There are approximately 1.376 billion 'white' people in the world, approximately 20.25% of the world's population.

The number above is calculated from the European and Caucasian populations of the world.

The most significant populations of 'white' people are the Germans (160 million), the Spaniards (152 million), the Italians (140 million), the French (130 million), the English (90 million), the Irish (80 million), the Poles (60 million) and the Ukrainians (50 million).

Notice that no numbers of Jews are given. No where on US census forms are they given a place to identify themselves racially either unless they choose to answer "other".

From this one might expect that they are insignificant or that they they don't really exist at all.

This is surprising considering the inordinate numbers of them occupy some of the world's most powerful positions such as heading the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, or the International Monetary Fund.
For a negligible to non existent race, high concentrations of them can also be found in other organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, and among the Bilderbergers. There are many others as well.

No doubt that citing these facts will be construed as "anti-semitism". They are facts nevertheless.

White Anglo Saxon males are SO PERSECUTED!

No. They're just gradually being phased out by multiculturalism.

What we are seeing in the US is a promotion of minorities and women accompanied by the demotion of white gentile males.

Think of it this way. For every white woman that marries a black or a Jew for financial reasons or because it's politically correct , socially chic, or whatever, there is one poor slob of a white guy who can either
1. marry outside his race or culture
2. play the role of the homo that he is being fitted for by the popular media and drug culture or
3. do without.

There are different reasons for why this is becoming a more common occurrence but the primary one is economical.
Whereas a white gentile female may have some primal urge for forbidden fruit, finance trumps all.

So follow the money trail.

The general acceptance of miscegenation as an acceptable or preferred way of life has not occurred over night.

The numbers of white gentiles who have been forced to give up their seats to make room for the "minorities" has grown slowly and has not yet approached the numbers that would be required to cause a spontaneous outcry from the class as a whole.

As long as these sacrificial lambs remain below the threshold of that critical mass, the process may proceed without objection from their fellow white gentile males who are still managing to fare within reasonable standards.

Coupled with this is the fact that most white gentile males are conditioned to accept this overall loss of status by social pressures brought to bear by the media moguls who set the trends and societal standards.

These white males are unable to differentiate between themselves and the "Chosen Ones". Because of this untrained eye they fail to spot the discrepancies between themselves and the favored class. They accept them as being the same as themselves while the "Chosen Ones" don't suffer from this blindness.

Traditionally, it has been the WASP who has stood between the Jews and the hegemony they seek. Every promotion given to a member of the non WASP "minority" class further weakens the collective bargaining power of the WASP community as a whole. The same principle of divide and conquer has also been used with effect via the feminist movement.

What we are talking about are trends that have occurred slowly and by increments which were not painful enough to cause any protest or even create much awareness among the class those methods have been employed against. As Ben Franklin once said, "Little strokes fell great oaks", the implication being that one could conceivably bring down a mighty oak with a pocket knife given enough time.

Changes which happen slowly enough are not as apt to be noticed as those which occur abruptly. A cat moves very stealthily towards her prey. A spider meticulously avoids the business end of a bee, being sure to snare each leg or wing one at a time until its victim has no way left to resist. When one digs a pit or sets a snare, he takes care to do so out of the target's site.

A spy, an infiltrator, or a plant may not be recognized by his appearance. He would use every precaution possible to avoid detection. Nevertheless he remains aware of his own personal identity even when those around him are not.

The 2011 census revealed that for the first time minority birth rates surpassed those of whites. This may be all well and good provided that those who will be assuming power in the future are incapable of committing the sins of discrimination which the white gentile males have been accused of. I suppose it would be easier to trust in their good will for anyone who was not a white gentile male.

You notice that I am forced to use the qualifier "gentile" when referring to the ability to discriminate or be guilty of bigotry. Because if I were to include the Jews who also call themselves white, I would be accused of "anti-semitism" for even making the suggestion that they might be guilty of something similar.
But given the current power structure and the Jewish way of networking, they have their advocates and social shields against the influx of other sorts of gentiles.

Such racial or ethnic pride among white male gentiles is strongly frowned upon as being "racist". Therefore the existence of advocacy groups that exist expressly for the interest of the least among them are forbidden.

None of this is of any importance except to the minority of white males who are having their futures compromised for the sake of racial and religious harmony. The prevailing attitude in today's political and social climate suggests that only white gentile males stand between the world and it's dream of peace, equality, and prosperity for all.

As an interesting to note with respect to minorities one source says that

There are approximately 1.376 billion 'white' people in the world, approximately 20.25% of the world's population.

The number above is calculated from the European and Caucasian populations of the world.

The most significant populations of 'white' people are the Germans (160 million), the Spaniards (152 million), the Italians (140 million), the French (130 million), the English (90 million), the Irish (80 million), the Poles (60 million) and the Ukrainians (50 million).

Notice that no numbers of Jews are given. No where on US census forms are they given a place to identify themselves racially unless they choose to answer "other".

From this one is lead to believe that they are insignificant or that they don't really exist at all.

This is surprising considering the inordinate numbers of them occupy some of the world's most powerful positions such as heading the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, or the International Monetary Fund.
For a negligible to non existent race, high concentrations of them can also be found in other organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, and among the Bilderbergers. There are many others as well.

No doubt that citing these facts will be construed as "anti-semitism". They are facts nevertheless.

If I didn't know better I'd think I was reading something prior to the rise of Hitler, Sir. You are completely wrong about this! Your inferring "chosen ones" in some grand conspiracy is nothing but sheer paranoia brought on by the visitation of one too many Bankster Conspiracy Websites. Seriously, get a grip here! Someone has filled your head with lies.

As to the population of Jews missing in that chart, did you even read it before posting it? It states clearly the most "significant populations", does it not? With that in mind why would they have added that there were 12 million Jews on the earth or whatever the population it is so tiny!

Do you realize what a tiny population the Jewish people consist of? Very tiny! Less than 1% which is why God calls them a remnant! Do you believe in the bible, Sir? Yes? Then you must believe God when he uses the word "remnant"! Please go to an upholstery store and ask them what the remnant of a piece of fabric would be after re-upholstering a sofa! It is a very small piece of cloth compared to what it takes to cover that sofa! I can tell you that right now! You should do yourself a favor and take a trip to one and see for yourself.

There are many lies told about the Jews blaming them for the Wall Street stories, the banking problems, this is nothing but a repeat of the very same type talk prior to Hitlers rise to power. I must urge you not to persist in such nonsense because it truly is a lie, Sir.

The Jews are a wonderful people. My very best friends are Jewish and I can tell you they have hearts of pure gold! They value family, their children, their work which they excel at because they believe in doing everything with excellence! They are a very caring people who have a heart for others and are concerned for the poor and the needy. They are kind to their enemies and give them medical care for free, surgeries, offer free services and you'll never find any other nation of people that would be willing to do such a thing! Their kindness is legendary!

I just received pictures the other day of the IDF helping arab elderly people and young children. They were very kind to them all while knowing what is in the hearts of those people towards them. Still they show great compassion without any reservation. You won't see those photos in the newspapers because people would rather believe a lie! When have you ever seen Jewish people lining up for a welfare check and hanging out on a street corner peddling drugs rather than working? I'll tell you you'd be hard pressed to find one! They were raised with good family values and work hard!

Should they be penalized for that because other people are too lazy to study, to sacrifice, to save their money and not live beyond their means? God forbid! If there is any reason for our nation being in the state it is in it is our own fault. Do not be looking to the Jews for a scapegoat for this one! It is not only wrong but it is highly unfair. Thank you for listening to me and I hope you will give serious consideration to the thoughts I have shared with you about what you have written here.

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Pop on the Satanic clown nose, and voilà:

The Hound from Hell.​

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