Bebe Putting A Clamp On Rock Throwing

It would work better if the Palestinians were more civilized. Maybe Tinnie would like some Arab living here who hates Americans throw a big rock at his head or at his windshield while he is driving. It certainly looks like Tinnie thinks it is quite OK for barbarians to throw rocks.
If the Israeli weren't barbarians nobody would want to throw rocks at them.
Why, Tinnie, Israelis don't hang people on lamp posts like your barbarian friends do and throw rocks bigger than baseballs at people. I think the readers can see why there can never be peace between the Israelis and the Arabs by just reading Tinnie's posts. In fact, you just have to read the exchanges between Rocco with all his excellent research and Tinnie.who will never accept anything Rocco says.
Better Rocks than BULLETS that the Israelis use Hoss.......steve
Rubber coated bullets, Steve.
Update Hoss my friend....They are now using LIVE bullets...STEVE
They are sick of the rocks killing innocents. The pallies did this to themselves
If the Israeli weren't barbarians nobody would want to throw rocks at them.
Why, Tinnie, Israelis don't hang people on lamp posts like your barbarian friends do and throw rocks bigger than baseballs at people. I think the readers can see why there can never be peace between the Israelis and the Arabs by just reading Tinnie's posts. In fact, you just have to read the exchanges between Rocco with all his excellent research and Tinnie.who will never accept anything Rocco says.
Better Rocks than BULLETS that the Israelis use Hoss.......steve
Rubber coated bullets, Steve.
Update Hoss my friend....They are now using LIVE bullets...STEVE
They are sick of the rocks killing innocents. The pallies did this to themselves
Two wrongs don't make it right Deer,any how what has made the children throw stones.......this should be the major resolution..steve
Why do they keep going to places where people throw rocks at them?


Well the problem is that the Palestinians follow them to throw stones and then complain that they are getting shot when they do it. You would think that they had grown out of this Palestinian mentality by now, as the world doesn't believe them any more
Why, Tinnie, Israelis don't hang people on lamp posts like your barbarian friends do and throw rocks bigger than baseballs at people. I think the readers can see why there can never be peace between the Israelis and the Arabs by just reading Tinnie's posts. In fact, you just have to read the exchanges between Rocco with all his excellent research and Tinnie.who will never accept anything Rocco says.
Better Rocks than BULLETS that the Israelis use Hoss.......steve
Rubber coated bullets, Steve.
Update Hoss my friend....They are now using LIVE bullets...STEVE
They are sick of the rocks killing innocents. The pallies did this to themselves
Two wrongs don't make it right Deer,any how what has made the children throw stones.......this should be the major resolution..steve

The teachings of islam and their parents of course, employ Islamic remedies and the incidents will stop immediately
In some respects, Israelis can be thoughtless, thankless bastards...

Biting The Hand That Feeds | Exploration & Production

I cannot agree with you, Mr. H. I have found the Israeli people to be the most grateful, thankful people of all nationalities I've ever met. The Jewish people in general are just more caring, more generous, more family oriented, more loving, more compassionate, more civil than society as a whole in other nationalities, people groups, religions, etc. That is my experience. I could not say it if it were not true. No one has ever been so good to me as the Jewish people have. I thank God for my Jewish family. I thank God very much for them.
Of course that does not change the fact that their government sucks.

Nothing personal, we have the same problem here.
In some respects, Israelis can be thoughtless, thankless bastards...

Biting The Hand That Feeds | Exploration & Production

I cannot agree with you, Mr. H. I have found the Israeli people to be the most grateful, thankful people of all nationalities I've ever met. The Jewish people in general are just more caring, more generous, more family oriented, more loving, more compassionate, more civil than society as a whole in other nationalities, people groups, religions, etc. That is my experience. I could not say it if it were not true. No one has ever been so good to me as the Jewish people have. I thank God for my Jewish family. I thank God very much for them.
Of course that does not change the fact that their government sucks.

Nothing personal, we have the same problem here.

Every government has its problems, P F Tinmore . The answer is to focus on the solution and not the problems. Nothing is too difficult that it cannot be overcome. (imo)
In some respects, Israelis can be thoughtless, thankless bastards...

Biting The Hand That Feeds | Exploration & Production

I cannot agree with you, Mr. H. I have found the Israeli people to be the most grateful, thankful people of all nationalities I've ever met. The Jewish people in general are just more caring, more generous, more family oriented, more loving, more compassionate, more civil than society as a whole in other nationalities, people groups, religions, etc. That is my experience. I could not say it if it were not true. No one has ever been so good to me as the Jewish people have. I thank God for my Jewish family. I thank God very much for them.
Of course that does not change the fact that their government sucks.

Nothing personal, we have the same problem here.

Every government has its problems, P F Tinmore . The answer is to focus on the solution and not the problems. Nothing is too difficult that it cannot be overcome. (imo)
The solution is to kill rock throwers until they are all gone.
In some respects, Israelis can be thoughtless, thankless bastards...

Biting The Hand That Feeds | Exploration & Production

I cannot agree with you, Mr. H. I have found the Israeli people to be the most grateful, thankful people of all nationalities I've ever met. The Jewish people in general are just more caring, more generous, more family oriented, more loving, more compassionate, more civil than society as a whole in other nationalities, people groups, religions, etc. That is my experience. I could not say it if it were not true. No one has ever been so good to me as the Jewish people have. I thank God for my Jewish family. I thank God very much for them.
Of course that does not change the fact that their government sucks.

Nothing personal, we have the same problem here.

Every government has its problems, P F Tinmore . The answer is to focus on the solution and not the problems. Nothing is too difficult that it cannot be overcome. (imo)
BDS calls for regime change. You should get on board.
In some respects, Israelis can be thoughtless, thankless bastards...

Biting The Hand That Feeds | Exploration & Production

I cannot agree with you, Mr. H. I have found the Israeli people to be the most grateful, thankful people of all nationalities I've ever met. The Jewish people in general are just more caring, more generous, more family oriented, more loving, more compassionate, more civil than society as a whole in other nationalities, people groups, religions, etc. That is my experience. I could not say it if it were not true. No one has ever been so good to me as the Jewish people have. I thank God for my Jewish family. I thank God very much for them.
Of course that does not change the fact that their government sucks.

Nothing personal, we have the same problem here.

Every government has its problems, P F Tinmore . The answer is to focus on the solution and not the problems. Nothing is too difficult that it cannot be overcome. (imo)
BDS calls for regime change. You should get on board.

No it calls for the massacre of the Jews and the destruction of Israel if you read the manifesto
In some respects, Israelis can be thoughtless, thankless bastards...

Biting The Hand That Feeds | Exploration & Production

I cannot agree with you, Mr. H. I have found the Israeli people to be the most grateful, thankful people of all nationalities I've ever met. The Jewish people in general are just more caring, more generous, more family oriented, more loving, more compassionate, more civil than society as a whole in other nationalities, people groups, religions, etc. That is my experience. I could not say it if it were not true. No one has ever been so good to me as the Jewish people have. I thank God for my Jewish family. I thank God very much for them.
Of course that does not change the fact that their government sucks.

Nothing personal, we have the same problem here.

Every government has its problems, P F Tinmore . The answer is to focus on the solution and not the problems. Nothing is too difficult that it cannot be overcome. (imo)
BDS calls for regime change. You should get on board.

No it calls for the massacre of the Jews and the destruction of Israel if you read the manifesto
Not true. BDS calls to protect the rights of the Jews.
I cannot agree with you, Mr. H. I have found the Israeli people to be the most grateful, thankful people of all nationalities I've ever met. The Jewish people in general are just more caring, more generous, more family oriented, more loving, more compassionate, more civil than society as a whole in other nationalities, people groups, religions, etc. That is my experience. I could not say it if it were not true. No one has ever been so good to me as the Jewish people have. I thank God for my Jewish family. I thank God very much for them.
Of course that does not change the fact that their government sucks.

Nothing personal, we have the same problem here.

Every government has its problems, P F Tinmore . The answer is to focus on the solution and not the problems. Nothing is too difficult that it cannot be overcome. (imo)
BDS calls for regime change. You should get on board.

No it calls for the massacre of the Jews and the destruction of Israel if you read the manifesto
Not true. BDS calls to protect the rights of the Jews.


As you see from here the DDS don't even know what they are campaigning for

Introducing the BDS Movement |

The campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) is shaped by a rights-based approach and highlights the three broad sections of the Palestinian people: the refugees, those under military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Palestinians in Israel. The call urges various forms of boycott against Israel until it meets its obligations under international law by: Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands occupied in June 1967 and dismantling the Wall; Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194. - See more at: Introducing the BDS Movement |
Of course that does not change the fact that their government sucks.

Nothing personal, we have the same problem here.

Every government has its problems, P F Tinmore . The answer is to focus on the solution and not the problems. Nothing is too difficult that it cannot be overcome. (imo)
BDS calls for regime change. You should get on board.

No it calls for the massacre of the Jews and the destruction of Israel if you read the manifesto
Not true. BDS calls to protect the rights of the Jews.


As you see from here the DDS don't even know what they are campaigning for

Introducing the BDS Movement |

The campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) is shaped by a rights-based approach and highlights the three broad sections of the Palestinian people: the refugees, those under military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Palestinians in Israel. The call urges various forms of boycott against Israel until it meets its obligations under international law by: Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands occupied in June 1967 and dismantling the Wall; Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194. - See more at: Introducing the BDS Movement |
They call for full equality for everyone. Nobody excluded.
Every government has its problems, P F Tinmore . The answer is to focus on the solution and not the problems. Nothing is too difficult that it cannot be overcome. (imo)
BDS calls for regime change. You should get on board.

No it calls for the massacre of the Jews and the destruction of Israel if you read the manifesto
Not true. BDS calls to protect the rights of the Jews.


As you see from here the DDS don't even know what they are campaigning for

Introducing the BDS Movement |

The campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) is shaped by a rights-based approach and highlights the three broad sections of the Palestinian people: the refugees, those under military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Palestinians in Israel. The call urges various forms of boycott against Israel until it meets its obligations under international law by: Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands occupied in June 1967 and dismantling the Wall; Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194. - See more at: Introducing the BDS Movement |
They call for full equality for everyone. Nobody excluded.

Not according to the above copied from their web site, it only applies to arab muslim Palestinians. The part saying this is now highlighted. I wonder what the arab muslims don't have that every other Israeli citizen does ?
I have nothing against the jews having their own State, the operative words being "Their own", not Land stolen by illegal immigrants invading Palestine besides they already have one Birobidzhan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was not arab muslims since 1099 so who did the Jews steal it from. Remember that the LoN granted the Jews the land in 1923 making it international law, so why do you want to breach international law ?

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