#BeckyWithTheBadGrades - Blames Affirmative Action

Considering white women have been the #1 beneficiaries of AA one has to wonder what this little princess was thinking
FALSE! This dumb talking point continues to be used by affirmative action defenders, despite its obvious falsehood. For every 1 woman helped by AA, 100 are damaged by it (wives, daughters, mothers, etc of discriminated-against white men)
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On Thursday the Supreme Court upheld the University of Texas’ affirmative action policies and shot down claims by Abigail Fisher that the policy was unconstitutional. Although Fisher claimed that she was denied entry to the University of Texas because she was white; obviously her spot had been taken by some student of color who was less qualified than she was. :2up:

However, during the case, it was revealed that Fisher had lower grades than all but 47 students who were admitted to UT that year. Of the students who were admitted to Texas with grades lower than Fisher’s, 42 of the 47 were white. :badgrin: Instead of Kanye-shrugging her shoulders and resigning herself to another school, she decided to sue.

As a legacy student whose parents had attended the school, she felt she should have been afforded the opportunity of hopscotching past the more qualified candidates because … well … white privilege.
60 Minutes did a special on the Texas plan; White kids with 4.0 gpas can't get in but minorities with 3.0 do get in.

so while she probably should not have gotten in, many are left out b/c they are white.

On Thursday the Supreme Court upheld the University of Texas’ affirmative action policies and shot down claims by Abigail Fisher that the policy was unconstitutional. Although Fisher claimed that she was denied entry to the University of Texas because she was white; obviously her spot had been taken by some student of color who was less qualified than she was. :2up:

However, during the case, it was revealed that Fisher had lower grades than all but 47 students who were admitted to UT that year. Of the students who were admitted to Texas with grades lower than Fisher’s, 42 of the 47 were white. :badgrin: Instead of Kanye-shrugging her shoulders and resigning herself to another school, she decided to sue.

As a legacy student whose parents had attended the school, she felt she should have been afforded the opportunity of hopscotching past the more qualified candidates because … well … white privilege.
No, she just thought she should not be discriminated against, because of being white. And she also correctly thinks she shouldn't be maligned, by racists like YOU. And by liars like you who speak with forked tongue using words like "white privilege"...... when this very court decision shows there is no such thing as white privilege, but there sure still is plenty of black privilege.
60 Minutes did a special on the Texas plan; White kids with 4.0 gpas can't get in but minorities with 3.0 do get in.

so while she probably should not have gotten in, many are left out b/c they are white.
Black privilege. Anti-white RACIST discrimination. This racist SCOTUS should be ashamed of itself.

On Thursday the Supreme Court upheld the University of Texas’ affirmative action policies and shot down claims by Abigail Fisher that the policy was unconstitutional. Although Fisher claimed that she was denied entry to the University of Texas because she was white; obviously her spot had been taken by some student of color who was less qualified than she was. :2up:

However, during the case, it was revealed that Fisher had lower grades than all but 47 students who were admitted to UT that year. Of the students who were admitted to Texas with grades lower than Fisher’s, 42 of the 47 were white. :badgrin: Instead of Kanye-shrugging her shoulders and resigning herself to another school, she decided to sue.

As a legacy student whose parents had attended the school, she felt she should have been afforded the opportunity of hopscotching past the more qualified candidates because … well … white privilege.

I agree that there was no case here but you don't understand what "legacy student" means. There is no white privilege anywhere here. Quite the opposite.

Legacy student policies do tend to favor whites disproportionately. That's pretty obvious.
60 Minutes did a special on the Texas plan; White kids with 4.0 gpas can't get in but minorities with 3.0 do get in.

so while she probably should not have gotten in, many are left out b/c they are white.
Black privilege. Anti-white RACIST discrimination. This racist SCOTUS should be ashamed of itself.
Please tell us why you think this whiny girl should have gotten in over 168 minorities with higher scores than her who were rejected. Please tell us why of the 47 people who were accepted wih worse scores than hers, 42 of them being white makes the school racist.
Affirmative action is unconstitutional. It rewards skin color. I wonder what of Martin Luther King Jr. would have thought of affirmative action ? I don't need to post a quote everyone should know what I'm talking about and he was 100% correct.

On Thursday the Supreme Court upheld the University of Texas’ affirmative action policies and shot down claims by Abigail Fisher that the policy was unconstitutional. Although Fisher claimed that she was denied entry to the University of Texas because she was white; obviously her spot had been taken by some student of color who was less qualified than she was. :2up:

However, during the case, it was revealed that Fisher had lower grades than all but 47 students who were admitted to UT that year. Of the students who were admitted to Texas with grades lower than Fisher’s, 42 of the 47 were white. :badgrin: Instead of Kanye-shrugging her shoulders and resigning herself to another school, she decided to sue.

As a legacy student whose parents had attended the school, she felt she should have been afforded the opportunity of hopscotching past the more qualified candidates because … well … white privilege.

I agree that there was no case here but you don't understand what "legacy student" means. There is no white privilege anywhere here. Quite the opposite.

Feel free to explain then. Thanks for your contribution

A Legacy Student is a child of a graduate from the college. There is probably other factors also involved but it has nothing to do with skin color.

And since historically whites and blacks have had the same College opportunities....I get what you're saying

No, you are a moron, you never get anything. You think HER generation is the first generation to have black students? I guarantee you that there were black legacy students there. It only has to be one generation you empty-headed racist idiot.
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On Thursday the Supreme Court upheld the University of Texas’ affirmative action policies and shot down claims by Abigail Fisher that the policy was unconstitutional. Although Fisher claimed that she was denied entry to the University of Texas because she was white; obviously her spot had been taken by some student of color who was less qualified than she was. :2up:

However, during the case, it was revealed that Fisher had lower grades than all but 47 students who were admitted to UT that year. Of the students who were admitted to Texas with grades lower than Fisher’s, 42 of the 47 were white. :badgrin: Instead of Kanye-shrugging her shoulders and resigning herself to another school, she decided to sue.

As a legacy student whose parents had attended the school, she felt she should have been afforded the opportunity of hopscotching past the more qualified candidates because … well … white privilege.

I agree that there was no case here but you don't understand what "legacy student" means. There is no white privilege anywhere here. Quite the opposite.

Legacy student policies do tend to favor whites disproportionately. That's pretty obvious.

No, it isn't obvious when you factor in the population numbers.
Affirmative action is unconstitutional. It rewards skin color. I wonder what of Martin Luther King Jr. would have thought of affirmative action ? I don't need to post a quote everyone should know what I'm talking about and he was 100% correct.
Martin Luther King Jr. explicitly supported what's now called affirmative action: Jarvis DeBerry
Did not know that so I guess he was a hypocrite in that area.
You called AA a reward for skin color. Of course, that was to revers effects of centuries of punishment for skin color. Though I'd agree that the benefits of AA are approaching an expiration date, and may have already reached it.

Of course, it turns out that AA played zero role in the case of the OP. But nvm.

On Thursday the Supreme Court upheld the University of Texas’ affirmative action policies and shot down claims by Abigail Fisher that the policy was unconstitutional. Although Fisher claimed that she was denied entry to the University of Texas because she was white; obviously her spot had been taken by some student of color who was less qualified than she was. :2up:

However, during the case, it was revealed that Fisher had lower grades than all but 47 students who were admitted to UT that year. Of the students who were admitted to Texas with grades lower than Fisher’s, 42 of the 47 were white. :badgrin: Instead of Kanye-shrugging her shoulders and resigning herself to another school, she decided to sue.

As a legacy student whose parents had attended the school, she felt she should have been afforded the opportunity of hopscotching past the more qualified candidates because … well … white privilege.

I agree that there was no case here but you don't understand what "legacy student" means. There is no white privilege anywhere here. Quite the opposite.

Legacy student policies do tend to favor whites disproportionately. That's pretty obvious.

No, it isn't obvious when you factor in the population numbers.

The population numbers? What?! The University of Texas was once segregated. So legacy enrollment will naturally be disproportionately white. That's like 5th Grade arithmetic we're dealing with :rolleyes:
The U of TEx

On Thursday the Supreme Court upheld the University of Texas’ affirmative action policies and shot down claims by Abigail Fisher that the policy was unconstitutional. Although Fisher claimed that she was denied entry to the University of Texas because she was white; obviously her spot had been taken by some student of color who was less qualified than she was. :2up:

However, during the case, it was revealed that Fisher had lower grades than all but 47 students who were admitted to UT that year. Of the students who were admitted to Texas with grades lower than Fisher’s, 42 of the 47 were white. :badgrin: Instead of Kanye-shrugging her shoulders and resigning herself to another school, she decided to sue.

As a legacy student whose parents had attended the school, she felt she should have been afforded the opportunity of hopscotching past the more qualified candidates because … well … white privilege.
60 Minutes did a special on the Texas plan; White kids with 4.0 gpas can't get in but minorities with 3.0 do get in.

so while she probably should not have gotten in, many are left out b/c they are white.

It's more complex than that. The U of T polices do indeed discriminate; getting 4.0's in a crappy public school in no way compares to even a 2.5-3.0 in a private school or even the better public schools. So, yeah, they are indeed making race and income a factor, they go about it more sneakily.

And, rather than do what it takes to bring the crappy schools up to speed, the faux 'left' would rather keep them stupid and inadequate and just avoid all the work, and just rely on social promotion and crying about 'raycism n stuff'. It's much easier, and any dumbass can do that. Black and latino pols love it, their parents love it, everybody's happy, because as long as it some white or Asian being screwed it's fine with them.
For the clueless who don't have any idea how UT Austins' Top Ten program works:

What the Supreme Court's Affirmative Action Case Was Really About

Blum chose the University of Texas to mount what could be a decisive challenge to affirmative action in college admissions because it already had what was regarded as a "race-neutral" process -- the Top 10 program. Since many Texas high schools remain segregated, taking the top 10 percent of students from black and Latino high schools ensured a substantial population of students of color at the UT.

And many of those students are unprepared for university, and I already pointed out the problem with using GPA's above, as does this news story:

As UT Officials Fight the Top 10 Percent Rule, UT Also Fights to Make it a Success

Quintero’s early struggles made her wonder whether she was ready for college. She got into UT-Austin automatically because she was in the top 7 percent of her high school class. But her small magnet school was considered “in the hood,” she said. She’d taken AP biology there, but when she saw her peers, she felt like that class had been a joke.

“When you’re not challenged, you get used to that,” Quintero said. “You get used to smooth sailing. Coming here, it’s completely different. It’s like you’re challenged on another level, and if you’re not ready for that and you don’t know how to cope, then it’ll be hard to move forward.”

Scores of UT-Austin freshmen go through the same thing each year. They come from schools in rural West Texas, near the border with Mexico or in inner-city Dallas. They lack the college-level training or tutoring that more well-to-do students receive. And they’re growing in numbers; in Texas, 71 percent of schoolchildren are nonwhite, and nearly 60 percent are considered economically disadvantaged.

Many get in with the help of Texas’ Top 10 Percent Rule, which promises automatic admission into any state university if students graduate in the top tier of their public high school class, regardless of their SAT scores. (At UT-Austin, they usually have to be in the top 7 percent; everywhere else, it’s the top 10 percent.)

Most top UT-Austin administrators declined to comment for this story. But they have long expressed frustration with the law, saying it’s partly responsible for a low graduation rate and low average SAT scores of incoming freshmen. Those factors hurt UT-Austin when it comes to important national rankings, an unfortunate unintended consequence of the law, they say.
Affirmative action is unconstitutional. It rewards skin color. I wonder what of Martin Luther King Jr. would have thought of affirmative action ? I don't need to post a quote everyone should know what I'm talking about and he was 100% correct.
Martin Luther King Jr. explicitly supported what's now called affirmative action: Jarvis DeBerry
Did not know that so I guess he was a hypocrite in that area.
You called AA a reward for skin color. Of course, that was to revers effects of centuries of punishment for skin color. Though I'd agree that the benefits of AA are approaching an expiration date, and may have already reached it.

Of course, it turns out that AA played zero role in the case of the OP. But nvm.
Sorry but that guilt trip shit does not apply to anyone living today. The last confirmed freed slave in the US died in 1948.
Affirmative action is unconstitutional. It rewards skin color. I wonder what of Martin Luther King Jr. would have thought of affirmative action ? I don't need to post a quote everyone should know what I'm talking about and he was 100% correct.
Martin Luther King Jr. explicitly supported what's now called affirmative action: Jarvis DeBerry
Did not know that so I guess he was a hypocrite in that area.
You called AA a reward for skin color. Of course, that was to revers effects of centuries of punishment for skin color. Though I'd agree that the benefits of AA are approaching an expiration date, and may have already reached it.

Of course, it turns out that AA played zero role in the case of the OP. But nvm.
Sorry but that guilt trip shit does not apply to anyone living today. The last confirmed freed slave in the US died in 1948.
Plenty of victims of segregation still living.
AA was never intended to be a quota system, and the main line Liberals fought turning it into one tooth and nail, and won. Within two weeks of starting his administration, Richard Milhouse Nixon turned it into one, with the enthusiastic support of the NAACP and Black Caucus, in his efforts to win back black votes for the Republican Party. The "War On Drugs" was also part of that strategy, and supported by the same black politicians, including Charles Rangel. The results have been a disaster for equal education, especially for minorities.

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