Befuddled Jews endorse black lives matter

There are (at least) three different jewish communities in the U.S. To speak of "jews" as though this were a cohesive community, culturally or politically, is folly.

We have the ultra-orthodox, largely limited to NYC, who tend to live in relatively closed communities in the form of cults. They tend to be apolitical or liberal.

We have the orthodox/religious jews who take the Torah, the dietary laws, and the traditions seriously, but not to a neurotic extent. These jews tend to be politically conservative, and their prominent members are high visibility personages like Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro, and Mark Levin.

Finally, the largest group of jews are the mainly-secular jews who identify as jews and occasionally participate in the traditional and religious ceremonials, but have little use for the Torah or jewish dietary laws. They tend to be very Liberal and nearly unanimously Democrat.

It is this third group that would support BLM because, like other Leftists, truth and reality are not highly valued when a political Narrative is at stake.
Jews have zero survival and political skills
They again sided with the devil over patriot Americans and they will have a bad outcome
Goes to show that even intelligent people sometimes simply cannot get to the truth of a matter due to past events that have shaped a certain mentality of which they cannot escape from.

Befuddled Jews Endorse Black Lives Matter | The American SpectatorThe American Spectator
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Jews, like Catholics, vote democrat as a matter of bloodlines. Their pappies and their pappy’s pappies all voted democrat so they must vote democrat, too.
Which leads to Jews endorsing anti-semitism and Catholics endorsing abortion and, similarly, anti-homo black Christians endorsing homo marriage.
Flocks of sheep.
Jews have voted Democratic as long as I can remember, it follows they would support a Marxist group equally disdainful of Jews. Who runs CNN? Who runs Facebook? It's bizarre, but that's the way it is. :dunno:
Yo Semite, you aint a real Jew if you don't vote for Trump!!!
I wonder why you so-called conservatives don't mock Jews as being slaves in gas chambers for voting Democrat-[because mocking holocausts is so edgy] -- you know, like you mock black folks for being slaves on a plantation for voting their best interests..

If a black voter is in favor of expanding Medicare and protecting social security and not cutting it -- why is that black voter called a slave on a plantation??
Jews have zero survival and political skills
Jews have survived a long time- they get others to do their politicing for them- saw (and posted here) an article a while back about the Dual Citizenship lobbyist- and they weren't Russian, Chinese or Mexican.
Jews have zero survival and political skills
Jews have survived a long time- they get others to do their politicing for them- saw (and posted here) an article a while back about the Dual Citizenship lobbyist- and they weren't Russian, Chinese or Mexican.
and yet when Rep. Omar talked about Israel and dual citizenship -- so-called conservatives lost their shit.....

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