Belgium set to legalize child euthanasia


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
when the whacky left rules, you get whacky results. If they pass it, they will later extend it to allow children with mental problems to be euthanized, like they currently do with adults.
Then involuntary euthanasia will occur, especially to cut costs by reducing the older populations... It's expensive to keep old people around, especially if they eat healthy and don't smoke.

BBC News - Belgian MPs due to vote on child euthanasia
By this logic, with the left if a 7 year old is mature enough to consent to euthanasia, then they should be ab le to vote as well.. and consent to sex.. So all that indoctrination will really help the left at the voting stations.
If they pass it, they will later extend it to allow children with mental problems to be euthanized, like they currently do with adults.
Really? I didn't read that part in the article. Surely you wouldn't just make something like that up, would you? :cuckoo:

Then involuntary euthanasia will occur, especially to cut costs by reducing the older populations... It's expensive to keep old people around, especially if they eat healthy and don't smoke.
REALLY?. I missed that part of the article also. :cuckoo:

How do you feel about the transsexual who asked to die after a series of failed sex-change operations asking to be euthanized? I'm betting you wouldn't have a problem with that though would you, you ole closet queen.
It's only conservatives who worry about their families wanting to euthanize them. Curious, that is. I wouldn't want to look to closely at their private lives.
when the whacky left rules, you get whacky results. If they pass it, they will later extend it to allow children with mental problems to be euthanized, like they currently do with adults.
Then involuntary euthanasia will occur, especially to cut costs by reducing the older populations... It's expensive to keep old people around, especially if they eat healthy and don't smoke.

BBC News - Belgian MPs due to vote on child euthanasia

Many countries of the world take a more utilitarian approach to their problems than the US takes. Nothing new.
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If they pass it, they will later extend it to allow children with mental problems to be euthanized, like they currently do with adults.
Really? I didn't read that part in the article. Surely you wouldn't just make something like that up, would you? :cuckoo:

Then involuntary euthanasia will occur, especially to cut costs by reducing the older populations... It's expensive to keep old people around, especially if they eat healthy and don't smoke.
REALLY?. I missed that part of the article also. :cuckoo:

How do you feel about the transsexual who asked to die after a series of failed sex-change operations asking to be euthanized? I'm betting you wouldn't have a problem with that though would you, you ole closet queen.

Does being a cocksucking poofter prevent you from thinking of consequences and next steps? Is it a coincidence liberals are trying to get voting ages lowered in a lot of places?
when the whacky left rules, you get whacky results. If they pass it, they will later extend it to allow children with mental problems to be euthanized, like they currently do with adults.
Then involuntary euthanasia will occur, especially to cut costs by reducing the older populations... It's expensive to keep old people around, especially if they eat healthy and don't smoke.

BBC News - Belgian MPs due to vote on child euthanasia

Many countries of the world take a more utilitarian approach to their problems than the US takes. Nothing new.

That, and many in the US have this strange Calvinist attitude that suffering is a good thing. So you could have a terminal cancer patient writhing in pain, the pain control meds all but useless, and these people would rather they suffer in agony with no hope of recovery than die a quick and painless death. Dogs are treated with more dignity and love.
By this logic, with the left if a 7 year old is mature enough to consent to euthanasia, then they should be ab le to vote as well.. and consent to sex.. So all that indoctrination will really help the left at the voting stations.

Indeed. It also puts doctors in a horrible position, "Well you're dying, we can either drug you up real good or kill ya." Probably not what most doctors went through all that schooling to offer.

Scripture's against suicide, assisted-suicide, and euthanasia (for animals) by the way.
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If they pass it, they will later extend it to allow children with mental problems to be euthanized, like they currently do with adults.
Really? I didn't read that part in the article. Surely you wouldn't just make something like that up, would you? :cuckoo:

Then involuntary euthanasia will occur, especially to cut costs by reducing the older populations... It's expensive to keep old people around, especially if they eat healthy and don't smoke.
REALLY?. I missed that part of the article also. :cuckoo:

How do you feel about the transsexual who asked to die after a series of failed sex-change operations asking to be euthanized? I'm betting you wouldn't have a problem with that though would you, you ole closet queen.

Does being a cocksucking poofter prevent you from thinking of consequences and next steps? Is it a coincidence liberals are trying to get voting ages lowered in a lot of places?



PLUS, Delta4Embassy said he already had a thread on this a week ago
Belgium set to legalize child euthanasia
If they pass it, they will later extend it to allow children with mental problems to be euthanized, like they currently do with adults.
I hope they vote against it. Euthanasia is morally wrong, especially child euthanasia. I could not ever visualize a scenario where I would justify euthanizing a child, regardless of the child's illness. It's just very saddening and heartbreaking to even consider it.

We are not the ones to decide when and how the ill should die. As far as I am concerned there is only one super power that is authorized to make that decision.
Really? I didn't read that part in the article. Surely you wouldn't just make something like that up, would you? :cuckoo:

REALLY?. I missed that part of the article also. :cuckoo:

How do you feel about the transsexual who asked to die after a series of failed sex-change operations asking to be euthanized? I'm betting you wouldn't have a problem with that though would you, you ole closet queen.

Does being a cocksucking poofter prevent you from thinking of consequences and next steps? Is it a coincidence liberals are trying to get voting ages lowered in a lot of places?



PLUS, Delta4Embassy said he already had a thread on this a week ago

In fairness to Steve, I tried to find it and couldn't. Think I put it in R&E as an ethical thread though.
when the whacky left rules, you get whacky results. If they pass it, they will later extend it to allow children with mental problems to be euthanized, like they currently do with adults.
Then involuntary euthanasia will occur, especially to cut costs by reducing the older populations... It's expensive to keep old people around, especially if they eat healthy and don't smoke.

BBC News - Belgian MPs due to vote on child euthanasia

Many countries of the world take a more utilitarian approach to their problems than the US takes. Nothing new.

That, and many in the US have this strange Calvinist attitude that suffering is a good thing. So you could have a terminal cancer patient writhing in pain, the pain control meds all but useless, and these people would rather they suffer in agony with no hope of recovery than die a quick and painless death. Dogs are treated with more dignity and love.

So, it would seem, do Buddhists!

e central importance of dukkha in Buddhist philosophy has caused some observers to consider Buddhism to be a pessimistic philosophy.[c][d] However, the emphasis on dukkha is not intended to present a pessimistic view of life, but rather to present a realistic practical assessment of the human condition—that all beings must experience suffering and pain at some point in their lives, including the inevitable sufferings of illness, aging, and death.[3] Contemporary Buddhist teachers and translators emphasize that while the central message of Buddhism is optimistic, the Buddhist view of our situation in life (the conditions that we live in) is neither pessimistic nor optimistic, but realistic.[d]

Dukkha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The law passed.

Did you know that because of Hitler's policies in the 40s there are no retarded adults (with the exception of stinkyangst) in Germany today. That is one of the reasons for its current prosperity.

Nazi Germany and its euthanasia policies served that country well. Do you expect that other countries would not follow along?
Belgium teen granted euthanasia...

Belgium minor first to be granted euthanasia
Sat, 17 Sep 2016 | A terminally-ill teenager has been helped to die in Belgium, the first case since age restrictions on euthanasia were lifted in 2014.
The head of the federal euthanasia commission said the teenager was "suffering unbearable physical pain". Belgium is the only country that allows minors of any age to choose euthanasia. They must have rational decision-making capacity and be in the final stages of a terminal illness. The parents of the under-18 year olds must also give their consent. Euthanasia commission head Wim Distelmans said the teenager was "nearly 18". He said doctors used "palliative sedation", which involves bringing patients into an induced coma, as part of the process. "Fortunately there are very few children who are considered [for euthanasia] but that does not mean we should refuse them the right to a dignified death," he told the Het Nieuwsblad newspaper.


People take part in the March4Life (Marche pour la Vie - Mars voor het Leven) demonstration, on March 30, 2014, in Brussels.​

Mr Distelmans told Reuters news agency the case had been reported to his committee by a local doctor last week. The case occurred in Flemish-speaking Belgium, reports RTBF (in French), the public broadcaster for Belgium's French-speaking community. The Netherlands also allows euthanasia for minors, but they must be aged over 12 years old. Belgium lifted the age restrictions in 2014. The law passed by parliament said the child would have to be terminally ill, face "unbearable physical suffering" and make repeated requests to die before euthanasia is considered. Many people, including church leaders and some paediatricians, questioned whether children would be able to make such a difficult choice. Senator Jean-Jacques De Gucht said he was proud the legislation had passed. He said having the possibility to ask about euthanasia "makes a big difference to many people".

Where is assisted dying permitted?

* The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg permit euthanasia and assisted suicide
* Switzerland permits assisted suicide if the person assisting acts unselfishly
* Colombia permits euthanasia
* California last year joined the US states of Oregon, Washington, Vermont and Montana in permitting assisted dying
* Canada passed laws allowing doctor-assisted dying in June of this year

How old must the patient be?
If anyone is terminally-ill and suffering greatly, I should think we should have the compassion to allow those individuals the dignity to pass away peacefully, as they would wish. Sadly, many patients don't have that luxury, as their families don't want to let go and thus lets them continue to suffer. As for children, if the doctors and parents don't want their children to continue suffering while dying, they should have the option of euthanasia. I would want that compassion for me were I to be dying. It's always best if one can choose how and where one dies.
I don't necessarily advocate the Soylent Green option though.
when the whacky left rules, you get whacky results. If they pass it, they will later extend it to allow children with mental problems to be euthanized, like they currently do with adults.
Then involuntary euthanasia will occur, especially to cut costs by reducing the older populations... It's expensive to keep old people around, especially if they eat healthy and don't smoke.

BBC News - Belgian MPs due to vote on child euthanasia

Wacky results like kids not suffering on their way to death?

We DEMAND they suffer and be kept alive.

It's taken 2 years for the first case to happen.

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