Belgorod is getting bombed hard right now

Return mail.
do you have any contacts in MSM? we´d send it to our leading mass - media . This is the biggest development since Kyiv battle , Nazi GRU officer Utkin (Muscovite Otto Skorzeny ) with his 30 000 GRU Wagner vs Chechen Muslim War Lord Kadyrov with his 30 000 (?) . Sounds more and more like 1917 )

The Grey Zone channel run by a Wagner member/veteran talks about the role of Chechen units in the war. He says members of the 810th Naval Infantry Brigade said Chechen units rarely took part in assaults in Mariupol and when they did chose easier targets.

He also said Chechen representatives arrived in Mariupol to scout for profitable industries. Members of Wagner's 10th Assault Detachment said LNR soldiers were complaining that they were harassing women and Wagner command ordered them to remove them. 2/

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