Believers in Conspiracies: In General, just like you.

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
I drove home to a small dinner party: my wife and I, another couple and a friend. I told them about what I had seen and heard. The man of the couple said that on Sept. 11, 2001, when he heard the news, “inside job” was the first thought he had, although he hadn’t bothered much with the thought since. Our other guest told us that her brother-in-law was even more a partisan of the “government-did-it” view than those I had listened to. I guess you never know.-Truth and Conspiracy in the Catskills - Opinionator Blog -

The above is from an article that explains a little bit while raisng more questions. Sort of what it's like when dealing with truthers.

What is telling is how normal many/most of the truthers appear to be.
I drove home to a small dinner party: my wife and I, another couple and a friend. I told them about what I had seen and heard. The man of the couple said that on Sept. 11, 2001, when he heard the news, “inside job” was the first thought he had, although he hadn’t bothered much with the thought since. Our other guest told us that her brother-in-law was even more a partisan of the “government-did-it” view than those I had listened to. I guess you never know.-Truth and Conspiracy in the Catskills - Opinionator Blog -

The above is from an article that explains a little bit while raisng more questions. Sort of what it's like when dealing with truthers.

What is telling is how normal many/most of the truthers appear to be.

I would be very surprised if Dante ever critically examined the evidence before forming his opinion..
I drove home to a small dinner party: my wife and I, another couple and a friend. I told them about what I had seen and heard. The man of the couple said that on Sept. 11, 2001, when he heard the news, “inside job” was the first thought he had, although he hadn’t bothered much with the thought since. Our other guest told us that her brother-in-law was even more a partisan of the “government-did-it” view than those I had listened to. I guess you never know.-Truth and Conspiracy in the Catskills - Opinionator Blog -

The above is from an article that explains a little bit while raisng more questions. Sort of what it's like when dealing with truthers.

What is telling is how normal many/most of the truthers appear to be.

Amazing the crap people pass of as journalism..
I drove home to a small dinner party: my wife and I, another couple and a friend. I told them about what I had seen and heard. The man of the couple said that on Sept. 11, 2001, when he heard the news, “inside job” was the first thought he had, although he hadn’t bothered much with the thought since. Our other guest told us that her brother-in-law was even more a partisan of the “government-did-it” view than those I had listened to. I guess you never know.-Truth and Conspiracy in the Catskills - Opinionator Blog -

The above is from an article that explains a little bit while raisng more questions. Sort of what it's like when dealing with truthers.

What is telling is how normal many/most of the truthers appear to be.

I would be very surprised if Dante ever critically examined the evidence before forming his opinion..

Are you suggesting Dante is a poser?
I was called a conspiracist for saying that Sadam had no nukes nor WMD's immediately before Bush II invaded.
I was called a conspiracist for saying that Sadam had no nukes nor WMD's immediately before Bush II invaded.

He did have WMDS. Thousands of gassed Kurds can't be wrong. Regardless, Bush did the right thing taking him out.
I drove home to a small dinner party: my wife and I, another couple and a friend. I told them about what I had seen and heard. The man of the couple said that on Sept. 11, 2001, when he heard the news, “inside job” was the first thought he had, although he hadn’t bothered much with the thought since. Our other guest told us that her brother-in-law was even more a partisan of the “government-did-it” view than those I had listened to. I guess you never know.-Truth and Conspiracy in the Catskills - Opinionator Blog -

The above is from an article that explains a little bit while raisng more questions. Sort of what it's like when dealing with truthers.

What is telling is how normal many/most of the truthers appear to be.

I would be very surprised if Dante ever critically examined the evidence before forming his opinion..

Are you suggesting Dante is a poser?
eots is just one of a group belonging to Dante's Pussy Posse. They act like pussies following Dante all over the place and posting idiocies in attempts to get attention from Dante. \

go figure
I was called a conspiracist for saying that Sadam had no nukes nor WMD's immediately before Bush II invaded.
I never said Iraq had or didn't have WMD. That was an issue that was not easily debated. There was evidence of WMD and programs pre the 1992 war.

Afterward there was evidence of stockpiles and programs being old and dismantled - the UN inspectors were on teh ground for a bit.

Nukes? NO one ever suggested Iraq had Nukes. No one. Cheney did raise the fear of Nukes, but he never said Iraq had nukes.

If you were called a conspiracist, and I have no evidence you were not, I would bet it was for more than what you claim you said.
I was called a conspiracist for saying that Sadam had no nukes nor WMD's immediately before Bush II invaded.

He did have WMDS. Thousands of gassed Kurds can't be wrong. Regardless, Bush did the right thing taking him out.
Iraq had WMD before and inspectors and others saw and aided in teh dismantling of the very stuff you mentioned.

It was never stated that it was stated fact that Iraq had WMD. It was suggested they still might.

I supported going into Iraq to overthrow Saddam, but I did not ever buy into the WMD arguments as they were always suggestive and factually wanting
Hi Dante:

... The above is from an article that explains a little bit while raisng more questions. Sort of what it's like when dealing with truthers.

What is telling is how normal many/most of the truthers appear to be.

We disagree. Those in 911Denial must ignore all of the evidence pointing directly to a definite 9/11 Inside Job - sort of what it's like when dealing with LIARS. Dante can start 'debunking' anytime:

This Is What Happened On 9/11
Govt Documentation Proves 9/11 Inside Job
Flight 93/Shanksville
Flight 77/Pentagon
WTC-7 Controlled Demolition
9:32 AM First Explosion Can Break The Pentagon Case Wide Open
Pentagon Timeline
DoD Manipulated Fire And Firemen
Flight 77 Never Crashed Near The Pentagon
April Gallop Was Injured During 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike
9:31 AM Missile Strike: Answers To Bill Veale's Questions
"9/11 Press For Truth" Continues: The Video
Secret Bush-Clinton-FED Pakistani Accounts Linked To 9/11 Attacks
Dick Cheney, Karl Rove And Donald Rumsfeld Have Been Murdering Americans
Rebuttal To CIT Claims About What "Did Not" Hit The Pentagon
Poll: Who Supports The Official 9/11 Cover Stories

Here is one of my favorite examples of having to deal with 911LIARS:

Flight 93 Topic:


Okay you 911LIARS, go right ahead and tell everyone what you see. I see the EMPTY HOLE containing NO SIGNS of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner!


Once again I see an EMPTY HOLE that includes no 60-ton Titanium Frame and no 6-ton Rolls-Royce Engines and no landing gear and no 200 seats with cargo and no massive wing and tail sections!!! Anyone believing that NONSENSE is a willing Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPE.

Here are the News Clips taken on 9/11 that also say the empty hole is only 15 by 20 feet!

[ame=]Nothing Bigger Than A Phone Book![/ame]


This little hole is what 911LIARS represent as their crashed 100-ton Jetliner! Then they have the gall to come to this fine USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum and badmouth real 911Truthers who know 'the' 911Truth backwards and forwards. Go right ahead and point out the massive wing sections and the 44-foot tall tail section :)cuckoo:) ...


Here is another photograph of 'your' crashed 100-ton Jetliner, which is nothing more than an EMPTY HOLE. Then Dante and all of the 911LIARS around here can explain WHY their crashed 100-ton Jetliner appears with the same EMPTY HOLE in the US Geological Survey Photographs taken on April 20, 1994!!!

Click Here and see for yourself.

Those of you pushing Official Govt Cover Story LIES about 9/11 can burn with the Inside-job murderers of Innocent Americans in the lake of fire where "ALL LAIRS" (Rev. 21:8) belong.

And "all" that means every damned one of you ...


[ame=]YouTube - WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP[/ame]

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