Ben Carson: America ‘closer’ to biblical end of days


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Ben Carson: America ‘closer’ to biblical end of days
Washington Times ^ | 10/11/15 | Jennifer Harper

Interesting questions, interesting answers. Sharyl Attkisson — host of “Full Measure,” a new investigative political talk show that debuted last week — has offered some fact-driven verve and refreshing originality. She interviewed Republican front-runner Donald Trump on the first program. It was Ben Carson’s turn on Sunday.

“What’s your view on what’s happening around the globe and here in the U.S. in terms of what’s in the Bible? Do you think we’re at the end of days?” Ms. Attkisson asked the candidate.

“You could guess that we are getting closer to that. You do have people who have a belief system that sees this apocalyptic phenomenon occurring, and they’re a part of it, and who would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if they gain possession,” replied Mr. Carson, who had previously discussed jihad and Shariah law.

“Is there a chance to change the course if it is something that’s prophesied?” the host inquired.

My god,,,this guys nutz. Why won't he become a fucking praise or bishop for crying out load. The presidency needs to be pro-science and r&d!!! This god shit is what is wrong with countries like turkey, iraq, etc.
so what. it feels like that to millions of people who has had to live and struggle under this nasty regime of Obama, Pelosi, Hillary and that party of death, the Democrat party
Ben Carson: America ‘closer’ to biblical end of days
Washington Times ^ | 10/11/15 | Jennifer Harper

Interesting questions, interesting answers. Sharyl Attkisson — host of “Full Measure,” a new investigative political talk show that debuted last week — has offered some fact-driven verve and refreshing originality. She interviewed Republican front-runner Donald Trump on the first program. It was Ben Carson’s turn on Sunday.

“What’s your view on what’s happening around the globe and here in the U.S. in terms of what’s in the Bible? Do you think we’re at the end of days?” Ms. Attkisson asked the candidate.

“You could guess that we are getting closer to that. You do have people who have a belief system that sees this apocalyptic phenomenon occurring, and they’re a part of it, and who would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if they gain possession,” replied Mr. Carson, who had previously discussed jihad and Shariah law.

“Is there a chance to change the course if it is something that’s prophesied?” the host inquired.

My god,,,this guys nutz. Why won't he become a fucking praise or bishop for crying out load. The presidency needs to be pro-science and r&d!!! This god shit is what is wrong with countries like turkey, iraq, etc.
When will you learn to put a fucking coherent sentence together, for crying out loud?
America cannot afford to have a guy in the WH who believes that Jesus is coming tomorrow. Christians have been seeing the signs of the end of times in every generation since the crucifixion and death of Jesus. We cannot afford to have Carson and his nonsense of biblical literalism of the far right governing in the WH.
So, it's better to elect a POTUS who caters to those who believe in killing the infadels?
For them it's better to elect a President who supports the killing of the unborn so they can be butchered and used in research that used to be done on monkeys and other animals
For them it's better to elect a President who supports the killing of the unborn so they can be butchered and used in research that used to be done on monkeys and other animals
They value the animal's lives more.
So, it's better to elect a POTUS who caters to those who believe in killing the infadels?

Obama's spiritual advisor, Jeremiah Wright, is at it again.

Check Out What Obama’s Former Pastor Says About Jesus During Million Man March Speech

He just got done saying that Jesus was really Palestinian and that the Zionists need to be removed.

This is the kind of thinking we have in the White House right now. Of course, for left wingers, this left winged religious fanaticism is OK.
Apparently the host of "Full Measure" was more concerned about the concept of "end times" than Dr. Carson was. She asked him if "we are getting closer to "end of days" and Dr. Carson merely said in effect "if you say so". Of course the Media Matters vultures were waiting for a sound bite so Jennifer Harper managed to interpret Dr. Carson's response to Sharyl Attkisson's intentionally provocative question just to keep the democrat racist base on alert.
For them it's better to elect a President who supports the killing of the unborn so they can be butchered and used in research that used to be done on monkeys and other animals

Don't take it personally. As they say in the mob, it's just business.

The abortion industry is a billion dollar industry and is what keeps Planned Parenthood financially sound.
Apparently the host of "Full Measure" was more concerned about the concept of "end times" than Dr. Carson was. She asked him if "we are getting closer to "end of days" and Dr. Carson merely said in effect "if you say so". Of course the Media Matters vultures were waiting for a sound bite so Jennifer Harper managed to interpret Dr. Carson's response to Sharyl Attkisson's intentionally provocative question.

Ben will continually get questions about religious matters such as this so that they can then run with it and say what a religious nut job he is.
Rain Man Carson is not only an idiot savant - he's a religious nut. If I was married to his wife - I'd also be wanting the end days.

For them it's better to elect a President who supports the killing of the unborn so they can be butchered and used in research that used to be done on monkeys and other animals
They value the animal's lives more.

of course. wailing over something as harmless as this; it shows their lives are empty so they feel they need to make everyone feel that way
Rain Man Carson is not only an idiot savant - he's a religious nut. If I was married to his wife - I'd also be wanting the end days.


They should kill off their kind so they can't reproduce.

My bad, we have Planned Parenthood.
America cannot afford to have a guy in the WH who believes that Jesus is coming tomorrow. Christians have been seeing the signs of the end of times in every generation since the crucifixion and death of Jesus. We cannot afford to have Carson and his nonsense of biblical literalism of the far right governing in the WH.

The last loon we had in the white house said god told him to attack Iraq

George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'


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