Ben Carson: America ‘closer’ to biblical end of days

America cannot afford to have a guy in the WH who believes that Jesus is coming tomorrow. Christians have been seeing the signs of the end of times in every generation since the crucifixion and death of Jesus. We cannot afford to have Carson and his nonsense of biblical literalism of the far right governing in the WH.

The last loon we had in the white house said god told him to attack Iraq

George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'

You left wingers just kill me. You filled thread after thread about how "W" went into Iraq over oil, but then you throw this at us?

For the love of God, make up your schizophrenic demented infantile minds.
Those were direct quotes for the cross groveling moron himself
The last loon we had in the white house said god told him to attack Iraq

George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'

You left wingers just kill me. You filled thread after thread about how "W" went into Iraq over oil, but then you throw this at us?

For the love of God, make up your schizophrenic demented infantile minds.

Bush did go to Iraq for oil.

Do you think most citizens would support that?

No. He made up the god part to rally support from the gullible wingnuts.

It worked.
And the slack jaws eat it up like shit and asked for more
well Matt dear. We've seen you sane before and it's sad to see how far you have fallen. but you are getting hard to take anymore. wish y
We have so much time before we go to the elections. I'm afraid they will have lock up quite a few of the left if threads like this is any indication of how INSANE they are getting. sheesh

All they can do is fearmonger.

What else are you going to do with a man who pulled himself out of abject poverty in Detroit and lived such a successful life and is now being considered for President?

They either tar and feather him and hang him from a rope through such fear mongering or they risk him succeeding because they have no other way to attack him.

I know it. it's horrible how they treat people. And Dr. Carson isn't even a politician that's already entrenched in our Governments. then they crow how they care more about minorities, woman, etc. and it's all for their politics.
The last loon we had in the white house said god told him to attack Iraq

George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'

You left wingers just kill me. You filled thread after thread about how "W" went into Iraq over oil, but then you throw this at us?

For the love of God, make up your schizophrenic demented infantile minds.

Bush did go to Iraq for oil.

Do you think most citizens would support that?

No. He made up the god part to rally support from the gullible wingnuts.

It worked.
And the slack jaws eat it up like shit and asked for more

So what you are saying is that you want Hillary as President cuz she voted for the religious Holy war of "W"?

At least, that was the e-mail I got from her.
So, it's better to elect a POTUS who caters to those who believe in killing the infadels?

Does your little mind allow for someone who doesn't believe either of those crazy things?
Since 12 he has been a vegetarian and that is good for him , but shoots down the popeye story

Dr. Ben Carson’s Life Story Rests on a Deep Adventist Faith

So basically anyone except an atheist or a self proclaimed "Christian" like Obama who never attends church will do for President?
Neither Reagan nor Bush, Jr. attended church regularly.

Which I guess is why they were elected.

We can't have any church attending loons be in the Oval Orifice now can we?
I guess he should have spewed how he was five days until Destroying US and our country from within, but he would go out of his way to STOP the Seas rising

and would heal thy planet and no matter it would cause 1000's of jobs be lost or as he puts it: they'll go bankrupt. AND You still voted for him even after telling you he would cause OUR ENEGY we rely on to go Bankrupt

that ugly crap had the little collage school girls fainting and giving Chrissy Matthews tingles up one leg.

You just can't figure out these people on the left. they can't handle the truth( like Carson, Trump, etc) so they faint over someone like Obama spinning them a fairy tale or his plans will end up HURTING US.

Or will still vote for a woman that is under Investigation. they are out there cheering on someone who is an avowed Socialist the only thing is he nearly a 100 freaking years old.

and then we wonder why our country is going to hell and we will suffer for it
I guess he should have spewed how he was five days until Destroying US and our country from within, but he would go out of his way to STOP the Seas rising

and would heal thy planet and no matter it would cause 1000's of jobs be lost or as he puts it: they'll go bankrupt. AND You still voted for him even after telling you he would cause OUR ENEGY we rely on to go Bankrupt

that ugly crap had the little collage [sic] school girls fainting and giving Chrissy Matthews tingles up one leg.

You just can't figure out these people on the left. they can't handle the truth( like Carson, Trump, etc) so they faint over someone like Obama spinning them a fairy tale or his plans will end up HURTING US.

Or will still vote for a woman that is under Investigation. they are out there cheering on someone who is an avowed Socialist the only thing is he nearly a 100 freaking years old.

and then we wonder why our country is going to hell and we will suffer for it

Obama gave Matthews tingles up his leg, not college girls.
Rain Man Carson is not only an idiot savant - he's a religious nut. If I was married to his wife - I'd also be wanting the end days.


libs are so tolerant.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... alla wars an' rumors o' wars...

... an' earthquakes an' diseases...

... anna Supreme Court forcing people to go against God...

... Jesus comin' back soon, an' he ain't gonna be pleased."
Ben Carson: America ‘closer’ to biblical end of days
Washington Times ^ | 10/11/15 | Jennifer Harper

Interesting questions, interesting answers. Sharyl Attkisson — host of “Full Measure,” a new investigative political talk show that debuted last week — has offered some fact-driven verve and refreshing originality. She interviewed Republican front-runner Donald Trump on the first program. It was Ben Carson’s turn on Sunday.

“What’s your view on what’s happening around the globe and here in the U.S. in terms of what’s in the Bible? Do you think we’re at the end of days?” Ms. Attkisson asked the candidate.

“You could guess that we are getting closer to that. You do have people who have a belief system that sees this apocalyptic phenomenon occurring, and they’re a part of it, and who would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if they gain possession,” replied Mr. Carson, who had previously discussed jihad and Shariah law.

“Is there a chance to change the course if it is something that’s prophesied?” the host inquired.

My god,,,this guys nutz. Why won't he become a fucking praise or bishop for crying out load. The presidency needs to be pro-science and r&d!!! This god shit is what is wrong with countries like turkey, iraq, etc.

More raw bigotry from another militant atheist here. FYI, Carson is "pro-science"--he's a neurosurgeon who attended Yale and did his residency at Johns Hopkins. He's one of the most respected pediatric neurosurgeons in the world.

But, of course, in your mind, if anyone believes in the Bible, he must be nuts. Well, another FYI for you: The guys who founded America and created the greatest experiment in freedom and prosperity in human history believed in the Bible.

Would it shock you to know that there are thousands of scientists and other scholars who have publicly rejected evolution and who believe in intelligent design?

And this "God %&#@" is not what's wrong in the Middle East. Radical ISLAM is what's wrong in the Middle East.

I believe in God, and I can tell from the poor quality of your writing that I'm quite a bit smarter than you are. But I would never go to the extreme of saying that anyone who doesn't believe in God and who embraces secular humanism and evolution is "nutz." To do that would show extreme bias and a lack of critical thinking.
Well, I don't know what Bens theology is.
The world is on fire and nothing is getting better. And this country has been give a big sh!t sandwich by our commander a$$ hat.

Anyone would have to be delusional to think our best days are ahead of us.
20+ trillion dollars in debt, most of that occurred in the last seven years.

120+ trillion in unfunded liabilities, in a few years every one of these social programs are going to have several more people taking money of them then people paying in to them... Impossible to sustain so many fiscal gaps.

Happy Columbus Day!!!!
I don't want our leader to believe in.........

But what can I do but vote.
And he says the craziest of shit with the calmest of demeanor.

that's a good thing. Our enemy's will be scared shitless. lol
I guess he should be like that thing in there now (Obama) who runs out to his soapbox to spew how he's sick and tired of these shootings and then go off on some tangent blaming us for everything because we wouldn't let him step on us and Second amendment
Here's a good article on why the left/democrats has stooped to being Racist and downright NASTY against Mr.Carson. It's nasty how you treat ALL Republican candidates, be they a black person, a women (which was some of vilest I had ever seen you treat them) just because they aren't your choice to vote for. you should be ashamed of yourselves. nobody from the Republicans treats Hillary the way you are treating, Carson, Trump and how you treated Sarah Palin.

Why Carson Scares the Media
It has nothing to do with Muslims, guns, or the Holocaust.

By David Catron – 10.12.15

The media, having failed to stop Ben Carson’s steady rise in popularity by treating him like Ralph Ellison’s “invisible man,” are now going nuclear on him. The number of press attacks launched on Carson has recently increased exponentially.

And, significantly, the barrage has been far more vicious than any criticism directed at Donald Trump or the other GOP presidential aspirants. The GQ assault titled “F*ck Ben Carson” is only exceptional for its vulgarity.

Countless columns, articles, broadcasts and blog posts have portrayed him as “stupid,” “insane,” and even “racist.” The media clearly fear Carson more than the other Republicans. Why?

The answer is in the latest polls of registered voters. It’s not just that Carson has closed the gap on Donald Trump in the race for the GOP nomination. What really scares the media is that, in hypothetical general election match-ups, Carson consistently beats the probable Democrat nominee—Hillary Clinton.

According to Real Clear Politics, most surveys of registered voters conducted since the beginning of September show Clinton losing to Carson in the general election. One shows Carson winning by 7 points. The opposite is true for Trump. Most polls covering the same time period show Clinton beating “the Donald” with ease.

This would be less frightening to the “reporters” of the MSM if their 24/7 coverage of Trump had been successful in preventing him from being overtaken by Carson in the race for the Republican nomination.

The latest Fairleigh Dickenson survey of registered voters, released last Thursday, shows Carson at 22 percent with Trump clinging to 26 percent. The findings of this survey are consistent with other respected polls. In fact, a recent survey from IBD/TIPP—which enjoys a stellar reputation for accuracy—showed Carson 7 points ahead of Trump. A recent NBC/WSJ survey showed the two candidates in a statistical tie for the lead.

All of which means that it is becoming increasingly plausible that Carson will beat Trump in the race for the GOP presidential nomination, and that he will go on to defeat Hillary Clinton in the general election.

This would make him, to paraphrase Rupert Murdoch, our first black President. For the establishment media, which is for all intents and purposes the public relations branch of the Democratic Party (i.e. the party of white supremacy), this is a terrifying prospect. Even worse, he would be the first real conservative to occupy the Oval Office since Ronald Reagan. And, like Reagan, he would reverse many of his predecessor’s idiotic policies.

This is why these “journalists” have changed their strategy. Now that they know Carson won’t go away if they simply ignore him, they will try to bring him down with a classic campaign of personal destruction.

And they will not temper their “reporting” with the truth about his character or his beliefs. Thus, they have deliberately misrepresented Carson’s positions on Obamacare, Islam, the Second Amendment, Planned Parenthood, the Holocaust, illegal immigration, ad infinitum. Meanwhile, they have studiously ignored the racial slurs to which he has been subjected, including being called a “coon” by an Ivy League professor.

But Dr. Carson could not have risen from poverty to the pinnacle of a very select profession, much less become a serious contender for the presidency, if he didn’t possess a pugnacious streak.

Thus, last Friday, he took the fight to the media at the National Press Club. And, in a refreshing change from the usual pusillanimous Republican approach to the press, he didn’t equivocate. Using the way his own words have been repeatedly distorted as an example, he told the scribblers that they are destroying their own credibility: “I got to tell you guys, that’s why people don’t trust you anymore. I mean you're down there with used car salesmen.”

ALL of it here:
Why Carson Scares the Media

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