Of course I've seen the clip! How would I know that Carson smiled after making the turn off her mic comment? He didn't melt down. Considering he was constantly being talked over by one of the three MSNBC "interviewers" he remained remarkably calm. The only thing that approached a melt down was Joe Scarborough getting huffy when Carson referred to "you folks in the media" as if that was an insult of some kind!
Sorry, but you're trying to twist it just like a good rightie should. Good luck. No one buys it. Here's proof. Not smiling but chastising her.
You're unbelievable. Do you want me to bring up the screen shot where he's smiling? You think you can fool people by pretending that he didn't and posting a picture like that? At 4:40 of that tape he asks if someone can turn her mic off because Katty Kat AND Joe Scarborough are both talking over his answer having hissy fits because he won't give them what they want and he makes the turn off her mic comment, smiles and laughs.
Ben Carson didn't lose his cool. On the contrary he stood his ground while the entire MSNBC "crew" tried to goad him into losing his cool. Your string is based on bullshit, Waiting!
He petulantly attacked Katty Kay for asking him a yes or no question.
He wasn't "petulant"...he wasn't even annoyed! When Katty, Joe and the other woman ALL started talking over him he smiled and made a joke about turning off her mic! You liberals can't even tell the difference between a tongue and cheek remark delivered with a big smile and someone being upset! This entire string is a joke!
Obviously you weren't watching the meltdown. Your description doesn't match what was seen on television.
I watched the clip several times...THERE WAS NO "MELTDOWN"! The closest someone got to being "petulant" as a matter of fact is Joe Scarborough...who for some unknown reason took offense at being referred to as "you folks in the media"! Why someone would get pissy about THAT is something you'll have to explain!