Ben Carson Needs To Stop Using the Holocaust To Score Political Points


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Another Grandson of the victims of hitlers insanity now being used by those who are ignorant

Ben Carson’s ignorance of the historical facts of the Holocaust is every bit as appalling as his insensitive exploitation of the memory of that genocide to score political points in his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.

Carson’s statements parrot an erroneous myth propagated by the gun lobby for decades. More than 20 years ago, the National Rifle Association’s Wayne LaPierre wrote, “In Germany, Jewish extermination began with the Nazi Weapon Law of 1938, signed by Adolf Hitler, that required police permission of ownership of a handgun.”

To begin with, the law in question actually loosened rather than tightened the ability of most Germans to own and sell guns. Prior to the Nazis’ advent to power in 1933 and for the first five years of the Third Reich, relatively strict gun control and registration laws had been in effect in Germany. True, the March 1938 law to which Carson and LaPierre refer barred Jews from manufacturing firearms and ammunition, and regulations promulgated by the German Ministry of the Interior later that year prohibited Jews from owning weapons altogether. But the same law also deregulated ownership of rifles, shotguns and ammunition — it applied only to handguns — for many other Germans, and exempted members of the Nazi party, government workers and holders of hunting permits from any regulations whatsoever for the acquisition or transfer of firearms.

Ben Carson Needs To Stop Using the Holocaust To Score Political Points - Opinion
By your own words, Jews were not allowed to own guns. Nazis would have had a tougher time rounding them up had the Jews been armed. Try taking our guns away here and see what happens.
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By your own words, Jews were not allowed to own guns. Nazis would have had a tougher time rounding them up had the Jews been armed. Try taking our guns away here and see what happens.

We did the same to the germans and Japanese on US soil during WWII.
By your own words, Jews were not allowed to own guns. Nazis would have had a tougher time rounding them up had the Jews been armed. Try taking our guns away here and see what happens.

We did the same to the germans and Japanese on US soil during WWII.

we took guns away from germans and Japanese during world war II???
I did not know-----you have a citation to support your claim, penny?
I grew up in a very Nazi ---waspish town. Lots of persons of german
ancestry------none of them lost their hunting rifles during world war II------
they went on happily shooting deer and squirrels. Lots of them had
souvenir weapons from that war

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