Ben Stein agrees with Obama's tax plan

Simply letting Bush's TEMPORARY tax cuts expire would be a good start. Who could oppose that?
We have a SPENDING problem- not an income problem. The Feds could confiscate every penny earned over $250,000 and there would still be a deficit. Tax increases will not solve the problem. We need to CUT SPENDING. Who could oppose that?
Taxes are never the problem.
The Obama budget is 3.8 FUCKING TRILLION.
The revenues are 2.1 trillion.
Tax everyone that makes over 250K a year ALL OF THEIR FUCKING INCOME AT 100% TAX RATE.
And we raise about another trillion dollars so we ARE STILL IN THE FUCKING RED.
And then the next year all of those folks ARE BROKE BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT STOLE ALL THEIR $$$ and then what?
You liberals are fucking stupid fuck head dumb asses.
We have a SPENDING problem- not an income problem. The Feds could confiscate every penny earned over $250,000 and there would still be a deficit. Tax increases will not solve the problem. We need to CUT SPENDING. Who could oppose that?

I don't oppose that at all. We can start with defense spending since returning money to the taxpayers via SS is not spending.

But there is a reason it was called TEMPORARY.
This is one of those signs of the end of the world.

I think they Mayans might have been right...

Ben Stein: I agree with Obama's plan of raising taxes on millionaires – CNN Newsroom - Blogs




We have a SPENDING problem- not an income problem. The Feds could confiscate every penny earned over $250,000 and there would still be a deficit. Tax increases will not solve the problem. We need to CUT SPENDING. Who could oppose that?

I don't oppose that at all. We can start with defense spending since returning money to the taxpayers via SS is not spending.

But there is a reason it was called TEMPORARY.

Yet Obama extended the "temporary" tax cuts while he had a super majority in the Senate and an unassailable majority in the House. Why was that?
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Simply letting Bush's TEMPORARY tax cuts expire would be a good start. Who could oppose that?

Fine... as long as the other temporary cuts that ~47% of the populace have had for a long while also expire to have them start paying in to the federal income tax fund... and have that salary floor expire as well
Simply letting Bush's TEMPORARY tax cuts expire would be a good start. Who could oppose that?

Bush tax cuts: removed more taxpayers from the middle class from Federal income tax roles than gave tax cuts to those over 250K in income.
Effective revenue stream of the Bush tax cuts: Gave over 1.4 trillion in tax cuts to those with incomes under 250K over the last 10 years. Gave over 800 billion in tax cuts to those with incomes over 250K in the last 10 years.
The top 1% pay 35% of ALL FEDERAL INCOME TAXES NOW.
And you want to tax producers MORE?
Tax the moocher class more. An unmarried woman with 2 kids makes minimum wage $14,500 a year and receives FULL entitlement package that includes:
Food stamps
Day Care subsidy free
Earned Income Tax Credit
Rent subsidy Section 8
School Lunch Program
Utility Assistance
Free cell phone
Add it all up and she has $38,000 of disposable income that the government has given her to pay all of these bills with 2 kids as a single mother.
Simple economics and facts there.
So let us look at a single mother working and making $60,000 a year in income. She will pay no income taxes under the Bush tax cuts as she was removed from the tax roles when it passed but she receives NO EIC, no food stamps, no section 8, no free school lunch, no Medicaie, no Chip, no utility assistance, no free child care and no free cell phone.
After payroll social security taxes and day care her disposable income is $34,000 a year.

With this scenario as FACT, what incentive is there for ANYONE to improve their skills and get a $60,000 a year job when your disposable income is MORE AS A MOOCHER?


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