Benghazi: Smart Republicans Debunk Dumb Republican Claims

there is no scandal here but what they have made up in their minds.

You know what the Republicans are after. They are scared stiff of Hillary winning another eight years in the White House. They keep throwing sh*t against the wall hoping that something will stick. Now even members of their own party are beginning to see a witch hunt as a witch hunt.

They know that if Hillary runs and wins in 2016, the USSC will drastically change. The GOP will lose their advantage of Scalia and possibly Thomas.
It would appear someone knows more that others. Save me some typing here and please inform the others of the rest of the story.

Typical democrat. How much typing is required for a yes or no answer? Never mind, you have already answered. You don't have the honesty or integrity to speak the truth, I no longer need to hear you say it. Thanks for volunteering yourself as an example of what I was saying.

What? You think the context is not relevant? It is not quite as cut-n-dried as all that, now is it? Now I ask again, you care to share or are you just another 'use Benghazi for political points' asshole. Don't fucking wave the Flag and piss on it at the same time. If you want to talk about scum who make me sick I'm all for it.


You answered my question, you're a dishonest hack. No real need to discuss anything else. Good luck with that.
4 people died. Human beings. The country was lied to and is still being lied to by the Obama administration and the democrats. Why would they lie? They didn't organize the terrorists and send them to the embassy? What is the reason for the lie? Oh right. The reason they lied and still lie is that Obama lied to the American people about his effectiveness at foreign policy and this proved it. The president had to be protected at all costs so they made up a lie and pushed that on the American people.

It's a lie and the most despicable thing is that all you liberal assholes know it was wrong and know he lied and know they are still lying but you don't care. You only care that your guy won and that he has to continue to win. Right or wrong makes no difference to you immoral scumbags.

Disgusting douchebags all of you.

So it was an attack? There would have not been an attack if Ambassador Stevens was not there. How did the attackers have enough notice to organize an attack? It was an organized attack after all. President Obama to blame for that too? No? You really want all the answers?

If this attack on our diplomatic outpost was no big deal, why in the hell did your messiah, and his minions go so far out of their way to lie about what happened. And, why did they spend so much time and effort to hide the fact that they lied about what happened?

Secondly, no one, at the time, knew how long the attacks were going to last, so the idea that they didn't send help because they wouldn't have got there in time, is so bogus as to be idiotic.

What is obvious to anyone but the sheeple, is that Obama put his reelection campaign ahead of the lives of Americans in Benghasi. And, for Hillary, it was amateur hour at the State Department. How about you dumbass loons give them another round of applause?
Typical democrat. How much typing is required for a yes or no answer? Never mind, you have already answered. You don't have the honesty or integrity to speak the truth, I no longer need to hear you say it. Thanks for volunteering yourself as an example of what I was saying.

What? You think the context is not relevant? It is not quite as cut-n-dried as all that, now is it? Now I ask again, you care to share or are you just another 'use Benghazi for political points' asshole. Don't fucking wave the Flag and piss on it at the same time. If you want to talk about scum who make me sick I'm all for it.


You answered my question, you're a dishonest hack. No real need to discuss anything else. Good luck with that.

Hey, it's nothing to me. This one is on the Republicans. I'm merely giving them what they asked for, not what they want, but what they asked for. You cheering them on is part of the problem but not part of mine.
4 people died. Human beings. The country was lied to and is still being lied to by the Obama administration and the democrats. Why would they lie? They didn't organize the terrorists and send them to the embassy? What is the reason for the lie? Oh right. The reason they lied and still lie is that Obama lied to the American people about his effectiveness at foreign policy and this proved it. The president had to be protected at all costs so they made up a lie and pushed that on the American people.

It's a lie and the most despicable thing is that all you liberal assholes know it was wrong and know he lied and know they are still lying but you don't care. You only care that your guy won and that he has to continue to win. Right or wrong makes no difference to you immoral scumbags.

Disgusting douchebags all of you.

So it was an attack? There would have not been an attack if Ambassador Stevens was not there. How did the attackers have enough notice to organize an attack? It was an organized attack after all. President Obama to blame for that too? No? You really want all the answers?

If this attack on our diplomatic outpost was no big deal, why in the hell did your messiah, and his minions go so far out of their way to lie about what happened. And, why did they spend so much time and effort to hide the fact that they lied about what happened?

Secondly, no one, at the time, knew how long the attacks were going to last, so the idea that they didn't send help because they wouldn't have got there in time, is so bogus as to be idiotic.

What is obvious to anyone but the sheeple, is that Obama put his reelection campaign ahead of the lives of Americans in Benghasi. And, for Hillary, it was amateur hour at the State Department. How about you dumbass loons give them another round of applause?

One at a time oh curious one. The attacks would last until help arrived and they would be gone just before it did. So the claim that help was not sent in time would work no matter what. It was very unusual that the attack lasted as long as it did and the first explains that.
So it was an attack? There would have not been an attack if Ambassador Stevens was not there. How did the attackers have enough notice to organize an attack? It was an organized attack after all. President Obama to blame for that too? No? You really want all the answers?

If this attack on our diplomatic outpost was no big deal, why in the hell did your messiah, and his minions go so far out of their way to lie about what happened. And, why did they spend so much time and effort to hide the fact that they lied about what happened?

Secondly, no one, at the time, knew how long the attacks were going to last, so the idea that they didn't send help because they wouldn't have got there in time, is so bogus as to be idiotic.

What is obvious to anyone but the sheeple, is that Obama put his reelection campaign ahead of the lives of Americans in Benghasi. And, for Hillary, it was amateur hour at the State Department. How about you dumbass loons give them another round of applause?

One at a time oh curious one. The attacks would last until help arrived and they would be gone just before it did. So the claim that help was not sent in time would work no matter what. It was very unusual that the attack lasted as long as it did and the first explains that.

What utter nonsense! And, who gives a tinker's damn about what claims would work. The concept of sending help is not hinged on what kind of excuses you wish to use to cover your own ass.

But yes, it does take hours for these incompetent clowns to determine what the political ramifications of taking action would be, and they obviously reached the conclusion that no action, coupled with a few lies about what really took place, would be the most beneficial politically. Besides that, Obama had a fundraiser, in California, the next day, and needed his sleep.

You people are in serious need of mental health treatment.
If the administration had simply said Benghazi was a terrorist attack or stated they didn't know who was behind the attack or their motives at this time instead of pushing the baloney story about it being a protest gone out of control over a video which they knew from the get go was not true people would not still be talking about it. This is just one more example of something politicians Dem and Rep never seem to learn when you screw up come clean and admit it trying to to hide, spin or cover it up always comes back to bite you in the ass.
4 people died. Human beings.

Many more than that died during the ten attacks on our diplomatic missions during Bush's presidency, including an American diplomat. I bet you don't even know his name.

I bet you have no idea if the Bush Administration was asked for more help by our overseas missions. I bet you have no idea what Bush was doing before, during, or after any one of these attacks. I bet you have no clue what response the Bush Administration issued the day after each attack. I bet you could not even name which missions were attacked and when.

You rubes really need to spare us your hypocritical alligator tears.
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If the administration had simply said Benghazi was a terrorist attack or stated they didn't know who was behind the attack or their motives at this time instead of pushing the baloney story about it being a protest gone out of control over a video which they knew from the get go was not true people would not still be talking about it. This is just one more example of something politicians Dem and Rep never seem to learn when you screw up come clean and admit it trying to to hide, spin or cover it up always comes back to bite you in the ass.

Speaking of lies, there was no stand down order. Obama did not watch from a drone while they died. Fox News and other hyperpartisan hack media outlets did not hesitate for a second to begin cranking out these and other lies and repeat them FOR YEARS.

Stop eating your own shit.
4 people died. Human beings.

Many more than that died during the ten attacks on our diplomatic missions during Bush's presidency, including an American diplomat. I bet you don't even know his name.

I bet you have no idea if the Bush Administration was asked for more help by our overseas missions. I bet you have no idea what Bush was doing before, during, or after any one of these attacks. I bet you have no clue what response the Bush Administration issued the day after each attack. I bet you could not even name which missions were attacked and when.

You rubes really need to spare us your hypocritical alligator tears.

Not tears. Pissed off at lies. You really need to take another midol and stop projecting bitch.
If the administration had simply said Benghazi was a terrorist attack or stated they didn't know who was behind the attack or their motives at this time instead of pushing the baloney story about it being a protest gone out of control over a video which they knew from the get go was not true people would not still be talking about it. This is just one more example of something politicians Dem and Rep never seem to learn when you screw up come clean and admit it trying to to hide, spin or cover it up always comes back to bite you in the ass.

Speaking of lies, there was no stand down order. Obama did not watch from a drone while they died. Fox News and other hyperpartisan hack media outlets did not hesitate for a second to begin cranking out these and other lies and repeat them FOR YEARS.

Stop eating your own shit.[/QUOTE
I never claimed any of that in my post or said any of that was true what I stated was the administration claimed the attack was a protest gone out of control over a video which they knew it was not.
4 people died. Human beings.

Many more than that died during the ten attacks on our diplomatic missions during Bush's presidency, including an American diplomat. I bet you don't even know his name.

I bet you have no idea if the Bush Administration was asked for more help by our overseas missions. I bet you have no idea what Bush was doing before, during, or after any one of these attacks. I bet you have no clue what response the Bush Administration issued the day after each attack. I bet you could not even name which missions were attacked and when.

You rubes really need to spare us your hypocritical alligator tears.

Not tears. Pissed off at lies. You really need to take another midol and stop projecting bitch.

ah so this one attack was your line in the sand...everything else...meh it happens and its in the past.

you truly are trash
Another liberal thread on this? Ok it's mod time.
They're cornered and we are witnessing fits of desperation. They can't believe their Messiah Boy King has been caught lying to them. (AGAIN)
You stupid fucking cock-sucking motherfucker...

Random attacks outside and near a US Embassy are different than some organized terrorist attack where Americans are killed on purpose.

Anyone can drive by and shoot at a US Embassy but to attack it and get inside then kidnap or kill Americans is a different stupid fuck asswipe.

4 people died. Human beings. The country was lied to and is still being lied to be the Obama administration and the democrats. Why would they lie? They didn't organize the terrorists a d send them to the embassy? What is the reason for the lie? Oh right. The reason they lied and still lie is that I AMA lied to the Erica's peoe about his effectiveness at foreign policy and this proved it. The president had to be protected at all costs so they made up a lie and pushed that on the American pe

53 attacks under Bush, and only three went to investigation. Stop hiding behind the idea you give a shit about 4 people dying. that's an afternoon in chicago and i see nothing out of you.

4 people dying, like you give a fucking shit you partisan hack.

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