Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

People here seem determined to turn the attack in Benghazi into some kind of mythical event.

When in reality it was just an amateur assault on a compound by militants using small arms. .. :cool:
That killed FOUR Americans.

No biggie...
Yes, it was a tragedy for our country.

But I have trouble seeing the event as a political ploy by the Obama administration as some here intimate. ... :cool:


Oh it definitely was not a ploy by the Obama administration. Anyone who has looked at this thing for more than ten minutes should realize that.
People here seem determined to turn the attack in Benghazi into some kind of mythical event.

When in reality it was just an amateur assault on a compound by militants using small arms. .. :cool:
That killed FOUR Americans.

No biggie...

If the ambassador hadn't turned down more security TWICE, you might have a point.

But seriously. No biggie? like the tens of thousands killed and maimed in Iraq? Why were we there again? The "real" reason.
Getting off topic on your own thread? Really? Try again.
1. Hillary Clinton warning Republicans to NOT cut embassy security budgets before Benghazi.

2. The right wing video that inflamed the Muslim community (which is what it was designed to do) by mocking their deity.

3. The altered Benghazi emails.
WH Benghazi emails have different quotes than earlier reported - CBS News

4. Released partial transcripts.
Another 'partial transcript' from Issa

5. Republicans cutting embassy security budgets before Benghazi.
Cutting State Department’s Security Budget

6. Republicans raising embassy security budgets by two billion AFTER Benghazi when they previously said it wasn't needed.
House Republicans Propose Extra $2B for Embassy Security | Fox Business

7. The ambassador that twice refused military aid.
CAIRO: Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say | Middle East | McClatchy DC

8. The non partisan reports that supported everything the administration and Susan Rice said.

If Republicans can get passed all this, then they can try to impeach Obama for Benghazi.
The rat fucker needs to be impeached for more than this Deany. What a tool you are.

Like what? Make it good.
Son? Circumventing the Constitution, Going around the Congress on ObamaCare? Enforcing law he likes and ignoring others? Fast and Furious where hundreds of deaths happened with Guns purchased by Cartels WE let them have Border agents murdered WITH the weapons...and a few others.

SON? You're a tool of criminals.
The rat fucker needs to be impeached for more than this Deany. What a tool you are.

Like what? Make it good.
Son? Circumventing the Constitution, Going around the Congress on ObamaCare? Enforcing law he likes and ignoring others? Fast and Furious where hundreds of deaths happened with Guns purchased by Cartels WE let them have Border agents murdered WITH the weapons...and a few others.

SON? You're a tool of criminals.

Here's a question for you. What intelligence agency was involved in the Benghazi attack. What intelligence agency is the only one to have agents in Mexico? What intelligence agency is not having its classified information dumped on the Internet although Snowden actually worked for them? OK, that was three questions. Who lost their autonomous status and was put under another agency after 9/11? OK, four questions.
Like what? Make it good.
Son? Circumventing the Constitution, Going around the Congress on ObamaCare? Enforcing law he likes and ignoring others? Fast and Furious where hundreds of deaths happened with Guns purchased by Cartels WE let them have Border agents murdered WITH the weapons...and a few others.

SON? You're a tool of criminals.

Here's a question for you. What intelligence agency was involved in the Benghazi attack. What intelligence agency is the only one to have agents in Mexico? What intelligence agency is not having its classified information dumped on the Internet although Snowden actually worked for them? OK, that was three questions. Who lost their autonomous status and was put under another agency after 9/11? OK, four questions.

I sure hope I am improving my B average. ;)
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The rat fucker needs to be impeached for more than this Deany. What a tool you are.

Like what? Make it good.
Son? Circumventing the Constitution, Going around the Congress on ObamaCare? Enforcing law he likes and ignoring others? Fast and Furious where hundreds of deaths happened with Guns purchased by Cartels WE let them have Border agents murdered WITH the weapons...and a few others.

SON? You're a tool of criminals.

You know, I had a right winger explain the "Fast and Furious" scandal to me. It was like the worst joke I ever heard. Perhaps you could give it a go? What exactly was the "Fast and Furious" scandal and why did Obama do it? What was the point? The goal? I want to know if your version in as silly as the last one I heard.
Like what? Make it good.
Son? Circumventing the Constitution, Going around the Congress on ObamaCare? Enforcing law he likes and ignoring others? Fast and Furious where hundreds of deaths happened with Guns purchased by Cartels WE let them have Border agents murdered WITH the weapons...and a few others.

SON? You're a tool of criminals.

You know, I had a right winger explain the "Fast and Furious" scandal to me. It was like the worst joke I ever heard. Perhaps you could give it a go? What exactly was the "Fast and Furious" scandal and why did Obama do it? What was the point? The goal? I want to know if your version in as silly as the last one I heard.
Problem is? It isn't a joke. Tools as YOU usually resort to laughing at reality.
Like what? Make it good.
Son? Circumventing the Constitution, Going around the Congress on ObamaCare? Enforcing law he likes and ignoring others? Fast and Furious where hundreds of deaths happened with Guns purchased by Cartels WE let them have Border agents murdered WITH the weapons...and a few others.

SON? You're a tool of criminals.

You know, I had a right winger explain the "Fast and Furious" scandal to me. It was like the worst joke I ever heard. Perhaps you could give it a go? What exactly was the "Fast and Furious" scandal and why did Obama do it? What was the point? The goal? I want to know if your version in as silly as the last one I heard.

oo, oo, I know the answer to this one. See, by somehow the border guard got shot (see early reply) the blame went back up to Obama. That was not the primary target though, Attorney General Holder was. The Attorney General is the one who would prosecute any wrong doing in an election. This also ties into the "IRS scandal." If someone can get the watchdog of campaign finance to backoff their doings it will open the flood gates of money for them. Once again this goes back to Holder in a twofer. Holder is blamed for attacking 'someone' and any attempt later to enforce the law will be labeled as more of the same partisanship. Did I get it right? Do I get a prize? :D
1. Hillary Clinton warning Republicans to NOT cut embassy security budgets before Benghazi.

2. The right wing video that inflamed the Muslim community (which is what it was designed to do) by mocking their deity.

3. The altered Benghazi emails.
WH Benghazi emails have different quotes than earlier reported - CBS News

4. Released partial transcripts.
Another 'partial transcript' from Issa

5. Republicans cutting embassy security budgets before Benghazi.
Cutting State Department’s Security Budget

6. Republicans raising embassy security budgets by two billion AFTER Benghazi when they previously said it wasn't needed.
House Republicans Propose Extra $2B for Embassy Security | Fox Business

7. The ambassador that twice refused military aid.
CAIRO: Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say | Middle East | McClatchy DC

8. The non partisan reports that supported everything the administration and Susan Rice said.

If Republicans can get passed all this, then they can try to impeach Obama for Benghazi.
Reading you is like reading a good George Orwell novel. The schemes grow grander and grander, at least in your imagination, with every line. Where did you get this from? Let me guess, the Ministry of Truth. I really have to applaud you. Schemes, scams, outright fraud and deception, funny numbers, you really hit on it all.

When you get past all of the spin..... What exactly was done to prepare for the 911 Anniversary, in relation to security? Lock down? Emergency Evacuation planning? What exactly was the Administration's priority, that it would throw the Embassy under the bus, knowingly? Why the stand down when the Embassy was overrun? Where was Obama during that critical time? What could possibly be more important? Where was Hillary? What was Panetta's take? Is he even allowed to comment, openly? Is he even big enough a man to do so? I wonder?
You really make an important point though.... Republicans=Bad... can do no right...... Democrats=good can do no wrong. Hey, are you going to eat all of that paste yourself, or are you willing to share it with your playmates??? ;)
1. Hillary Clinton warning Republicans to NOT cut embassy security budgets before Benghazi.

2. The right wing video that inflamed the Muslim community (which is what it was designed to do) by mocking their deity.

3. The altered Benghazi emails.
WH Benghazi emails have different quotes than earlier reported - CBS News

4. Released partial transcripts.
Another 'partial transcript' from Issa

5. Republicans cutting embassy security budgets before Benghazi.
Cutting State Department’s Security Budget

6. Republicans raising embassy security budgets by two billion AFTER Benghazi when they previously said it wasn't needed.
House Republicans Propose Extra $2B for Embassy Security | Fox Business

7. The ambassador that twice refused military aid.
CAIRO: Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say | Middle East | McClatchy DC

8. The non partisan reports that supported everything the administration and Susan Rice said.

If Republicans can get passed all this, then they can try to impeach Obama for Benghazi.
Reading you is like reading a good George Orwell novel. The schemes grow grander and grander, at least in your imagination, with every line. Where did you get this from? Let me guess, the Ministry of Truth. I really have to applaud you. Schemes, scams, outright fraud and deception, funny numbers, you really hit on it all.

When you get past all of the spin..... What exactly was done to prepare for the 911 Anniversary, in relation to security? Lock down? Emergency Evacuation planning? What exactly was the Administration's priority, that it would throw the Embassy under the bus, knowingly? Why the stand down when the Embassy was overrun? Where was Obama during that critical time? What could possibly be more important? Where was Hillary? What was Panetta's take? Is he even allowed to comment, openly? Is he even big enough a man to do so? I wonder?
You really make an important point though.... Republicans=Bad... can do no right...... Democrats=good can do no wrong. Hey, are you going to eat all of that paste yourself, or are you willing to share it with your playmates??? ;)

Uh, what "schemes"? Did you notice, I even used Fox as one of my links. Is Fox part of the "scheme"?
Son? Circumventing the Constitution, Going around the Congress on ObamaCare? Enforcing law he likes and ignoring others? Fast and Furious where hundreds of deaths happened with Guns purchased by Cartels WE let them have Border agents murdered WITH the weapons...and a few others.

SON? You're a tool of criminals.

You know, I had a right winger explain the "Fast and Furious" scandal to me. It was like the worst joke I ever heard. Perhaps you could give it a go? What exactly was the "Fast and Furious" scandal and why did Obama do it? What was the point? The goal? I want to know if your version in as silly as the last one I heard.

oo, oo, I know the answer to this one. See, by somehow the border guard got shot (see early reply) the blame went back up to Obama. That was not the primary target though, Attorney General Holder was. The Attorney General is the one who would prosecute any wrong doing in an election. This also ties into the "IRS scandal." If someone can get the watchdog of campaign finance to backoff their doings it will open the flood gates of money for them. Once again this goes back to Holder in a twofer. Holder is blamed for attacking 'someone' and any attempt later to enforce the law will be labeled as more of the same partisanship. Did I get it right? Do I get a prize? :D

Let me say, it's as good as the one I heard.
Son? Circumventing the Constitution, Going around the Congress on ObamaCare? Enforcing law he likes and ignoring others? Fast and Furious where hundreds of deaths happened with Guns purchased by Cartels WE let them have Border agents murdered WITH the weapons...and a few others.

SON? You're a tool of criminals.

You know, I had a right winger explain the "Fast and Furious" scandal to me. It was like the worst joke I ever heard. Perhaps you could give it a go? What exactly was the "Fast and Furious" scandal and why did Obama do it? What was the point? The goal? I want to know if your version in as silly as the last one I heard.
Problem is? It isn't a joke. Tools as YOU usually resort to laughing at reality.

Look at that piss for brains. Who's running away now? Come on shitstain. Out with it. Tell us the "plot". The "scandal". Something that makes sense and we can't laugh our asses off at.
You know, I had a right winger explain the "Fast and Furious" scandal to me. It was like the worst joke I ever heard. Perhaps you could give it a go? What exactly was the "Fast and Furious" scandal and why did Obama do it? What was the point? The goal? I want to know if your version in as silly as the last one I heard.
Problem is? It isn't a joke. Tools as YOU usually resort to laughing at reality.

Look at that piss for brains. Who's running away now? Come on shitstain. Out with it. Tell us the "plot". The "scandal". Something that makes sense and we can't laugh our asses off at.
:eek: :badgrin:

Son? You're to easy. I stated my case. YOU flail away.

Deal with your aggravation. YOU earned it.

Your greatly oversimplifying that not to mention attacks planned out the way you described have a high failure rate. According to what we have heard about the attack the attackers knew how to set up perimeter security around the consulate during the attack, knew the layout of the building, knew where the safe room the ambassador was in was at, and knew where the gasoline supplies that they used to torch the place were not really the hallmark of guys saying hey grab your weapons meet up here at this time and go get em.
Of course they knew the layout of the area and the building.

Heck, they live there and maybe even helped build the building.

You are trying to make the whole thing out to be some kind of complicated endeavor.

Which is nonsense. .. :cool:
Do you honestly think the State Department is going to contract locals with the building of compounds for the Ambassador and other diplomatic personal and let them see the layout of them especially in the Middle East? Allowing something like that would a security lapse of epic standards. All I'm doing is stating what the attackers did and what they knew according to the reports out there what is nonsense is acting like a group of guys could just go and pull something like that off on the spur of the moment.
People here seem determined to turn the attack in Benghazi into some kind of mythical event.

When in reality it was just an amateur assault on a compound by militants using small arms. .. :cool:

The reality is it was a planned and coordinated attack by terrorist not a protest that got out of control over a video and I'm pretty sure ak-47s are considered assault weapons not small arms nor do I think most people consider mortars or RPG's small arms.
1. Hillary Clinton warning Republicans to NOT cut embassy security budgets before Benghazi.

2. The right wing video that inflamed the Muslim community (which is what it was designed to do) by mocking their deity.

3. The altered Benghazi emails.
WH Benghazi emails have different quotes than earlier reported - CBS News

4. Released partial transcripts.
Another 'partial transcript' from Issa

5. Republicans cutting embassy security budgets before Benghazi.
Cutting State Department’s Security Budget

6. Republicans raising embassy security budgets by two billion AFTER Benghazi when they previously said it wasn't needed.
House Republicans Propose Extra $2B for Embassy Security | Fox Business

7. The ambassador that twice refused military aid.
CAIRO: Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say | Middle East | McClatchy DC

8. The non partisan reports that supported everything the administration and Susan Rice said.

If Republicans can get passed all this, then they can try to impeach Obama for Benghazi.
Reading you is like reading a good George Orwell novel. The schemes grow grander and grander, at least in your imagination, with every line. Where did you get this from? Let me guess, the Ministry of Truth. I really have to applaud you. Schemes, scams, outright fraud and deception, funny numbers, you really hit on it all.

When you get past all of the spin..... What exactly was done to prepare for the 911 Anniversary, in relation to security? Lock down? Emergency Evacuation planning? What exactly was the Administration's priority, that it would throw the Embassy under the bus, knowingly? Why the stand down when the Embassy was overrun? Where was Obama during that critical time? What could possibly be more important? Where was Hillary? What was Panetta's take? Is he even allowed to comment, openly? Is he even big enough a man to do so? I wonder?
You really make an important point though.... Republicans=Bad... can do no right...... Democrats=good can do no wrong. Hey, are you going to eat all of that paste yourself, or are you willing to share it with your playmates??? ;)

Uh, what "schemes"? Did you notice, I even used Fox as one of my links. Is Fox part of the "scheme"?

It totally blows me away that you would go to such lengths to divert away from Obama dropping the ball on Benghazi. Schemes? Your Administration is riddled with them. Does Smoke Screens work better for you in relation to taking responsibility for the unpreparedness? It was the fucking anniversary of the 9/11 attack. If you want to remain a Dick with your head in the sand, while pointing fingers at the RNC, go for it.
I'm really amazed Benghazi is even still alive. I'm expecting it's death sometime in 2015 or so, Conservative media and the like are keeping it on life support right now.

The GOP is so afraid of Hillary, they need to keep this alive. Of course there is nothing there and it is a dead end for the GOP...but we all need a "security blanket" occasionally to keep us feeling safe. I guess they are using this incident to ward off the evil Hillary. :clap2:
Yes, Rand Paul has attacked Bill Clinton a number of times lately. He'll use Bill against Hillary should he be the nominee. Rand would be the first nominee with a home perm.
Reading you is like reading a good George Orwell novel. The schemes grow grander and grander, at least in your imagination, with every line. Where did you get this from? Let me guess, the Ministry of Truth. I really have to applaud you. Schemes, scams, outright fraud and deception, funny numbers, you really hit on it all.

When you get past all of the spin..... What exactly was done to prepare for the 911 Anniversary, in relation to security? Lock down? Emergency Evacuation planning? What exactly was the Administration's priority, that it would throw the Embassy under the bus, knowingly? Why the stand down when the Embassy was overrun? Where was Obama during that critical time? What could possibly be more important? Where was Hillary? What was Panetta's take? Is he even allowed to comment, openly? Is he even big enough a man to do so? I wonder?
You really make an important point though.... Republicans=Bad... can do no right...... Democrats=good can do no wrong. Hey, are you going to eat all of that paste yourself, or are you willing to share it with your playmates??? ;)

Uh, what "schemes"? Did you notice, I even used Fox as one of my links. Is Fox part of the "scheme"?

It totally blows me away that you would go to such lengths to divert away from Obama dropping the ball on Benghazi. Schemes? Your Administration is riddled with them. Does Smoke Screens work better for you in relation to taking responsibility for the unpreparedness? It was the fucking anniversary of the 9/11 attack. If you want to remain a Dick with your head in the sand, while pointing fingers at the RNC, go for it.

People here seem determined to turn the attack in Benghazi into some kind of mythical event.

When in reality it was just an amateur assault on a compound by militants using small arms. .. :cool:

The reality is it was a planned and coordinated attack by terrorist not a protest that got out of control over a video and I'm pretty sure ak-47s are considered assault weapons not small arms nor do I think most people consider mortars or RPG's small arms.
Obviously, you never served in the military combat arms. . :cool:

"Small arms are infantry weapons an individual person may carry. The term is usually limited to revolvers, pistols, carbines, rifles, shotguns, submachine guns, assault rifles, squad automatic weapons, and general-purpose machine guns. Also, grenade launchers and certain hand-held antitank weapons may be considered small arms, depending on the armed force."

Small arms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
People here seem determined to turn the attack in Benghazi into some kind of mythical event.

When in reality it was just an amateur assault on a compound by militants using small arms. .. :cool:

The reality is it was a planned and coordinated attack by terrorist not a protest that got out of control over a video and I'm pretty sure ak-47s are considered assault weapons not small arms nor do I think most people consider mortars or RPG's small arms.
Obviously, you never served in the military combat arms. . :cool:

"Small arms are infantry weapons an individual person may carry. The term is usually limited to revolvers, pistols, carbines, rifles, shotguns, submachine guns, assault rifles, squad automatic weapons, and general-purpose machine guns. Also, grenade launchers and certain hand-held antitank weapons may be considered small arms, depending on the armed force."

Small arms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you wish to call them small arms knock yourself out I highly doubt the people who were being attacked by these weapons cared how they were labeled and it does not change the reality that Benghazi was a planned and coordinated attack by terrorist not a protest that got out of control over a video.

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