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Benjamin Netanyahoo Speech About How Zionists Descend From Old Testament Characters

The Bible is not History, as one or more delusional posters here seems to think.

AND as for Prophecy, there are as many or more ways to interpret the words as there are drops of water in the ocean.

The bible is the written history of the Jews.
Just like the Sumerians had Sumerian Cuneiform script and wrote about what happened to them.

ARCHAELOGY proves much of what is recorded never happened.

AND books were likely written long after incidents portrayed in them.

The Bible is simply not a valid source to record History.

Well ShiaSherri, YOUR bible says that scripture was given to men of God who were instructed by the Holy Spirit. Which means the bible is the word of God. And you're saying it isn't true. Which means you're calling God a liar. Hope that works out for ya.
Even lousy lawyers know that a negative cannot be proven-----In the course of
my life---I did something unusual----I PROVED THAT A LAWYER LIED IN COURT---
----unfortunately lawyers are not under oath in court
Archeology is Demolishing the History of the Bible

Exodus never happened and the walls of Jericho did not come a-tumbling down. How archaeologists are shaking Israel to its biblical foundations.Israel Finkelstein, chairman of the Archaeology Department at Tel Aviv University, with archaeology historian Neil Asher Silberman, has just published a book called "The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Text.""The Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land [of Canaan] in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the twelve tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united kingdom of David and Solomon, described in the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom."<< These statements correspond well with what was written by John Rembsburg:"In the 12th chapter of Joshua is given a list of 31 kingdoms which were conquered by Israel. This was in the fifteenth century B.C. From this time forward they are represented as a mighty nation by Bible historians.Rameses III overran Canaan and conquered it between 1280 and 1260 B.C. The Egyptian records give a list of all the tribes inhabiting it. The children of Israel-- the Hebrews-- were not there. In the 5th century B.C., when Herodotus, the father of History, was collecting materials for his immortal work, he traversed nearly every portion of Western Asia. He describes all its principal peoples and places; but the Jews and Jerusalem are of too little consequence to merit a line from his pen. Not until 332 B.C. do the Jews appear upon the stage of history, and then only as the submissive vassals of a Grecian king."John E. Remsburg,*The Bible*(1901), pg. 263.Jerusalem was essentially a cow town, not the glorious capital of an empire. These findings have been accepted by the majority of biblical scholars and archaeologists for years and even decades.The tales of the patriarchs -- Abraham, Isaac and Joseph among others -- were the first to go when biblical scholars found those passages rife with anachronisms and other inconsistencies. The story of Exodus, one of the most powerful epics of enslavement, courage and liberation in human history, also slipped from history to legend when archaeologists could no longer ignore the lack of corroborating contemporary Egyptian accounts and the absence of evidence of large encampments in the Sinai Peninsula ("the wilderness" where Moses brought the Israelites after leading them through the parted Red Sea).Finkelstein is an iconoclast. He established his reputation in part by developing a theory about the settlement patterns of the nomadic shepherd tribes who would eventually become the Israelites, bolstering the growing consensus that they were originally indistinguishable from the rest of their neighbors, the Canaanites. This overturns a key element in the Bible: The Old Testament depicts the Israelites as superior outsiders -- descended from Abraham, a Mesopotamian immigrant -- entitled by divine order to invade Canaan and exterminate its unworthy, idolatrous inhabitants.

The famous battle of Jericho, with which the Israelites supposedly launched this campaign of conquest after wandering for decades in the desert, has been likewise debunked: The city of Jericho didn't exist at that time and had no walls to come tumbling down. These assertions are all pretty much accepted by mainstream archaeologists."Research is research, and strong societies can easily endure

Archeology Demolishes the Bible
Under the guise of a serpent, Satan uses reverse psychology, and knowledge of how our subconscious mind operates to influence Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Reverse Psychology is a technique that relies on reactance(psychological) to influence a behavior or trigger a belief totally opposite of what is actually being suggested or commanded.

Satan was already aware of what GOD commanded Adam and Eve to eat, but he starts the conversation with Eve, tempting to confuse her by asking "hath GOD said yea are not to eat of every tree in the garden"? It is clear that it was ok to eat of the trees in the garden except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It is also clear in the scripture that they was not supposed to even touch the fruit from this tree, for they shall die.

Satan then applies Tricknology by mixing the truth with lies to make them seem ultimately true. Note: Tricknology is not a term you will find in a dictionary but it is derived from the term trickery. Placing the suffix -ology (the study of) at the end makes it mean the study of trickery, which is also a form of deception used by Satan.Satan told them that they would not die and their minds would be opened; that they would become as GOD's knowing both good and evil. That statement by Satan triggered their subconscious mind into believing this lie.


Only children believe in satan...

Well child, you've helped him reach his goal which is to get you to believe he doesn't exist.
The bible is the written history of the Jews.
Just like the Sumerians had Sumerian Cuneiform script and wrote about what happened to them.

ARCHAELOGY proves much of what is recorded never happened.

AND books were likely written long after incidents portrayed in them.

The Bible is simply not a valid source to record History.

Well ShiaSherri, YOUR bible says that scripture was given to men of God who were instructed by the Holy Spirit. Which means the bible is the word of God. And you're saying it isn't true. Which means you're calling God a liar. Hope that works out for ya.

that's ok Peach----she has also comitted what amounts to a CAPITAL CRIME
in Iran----she claimed that the KORAN is a pile of lies. Why do you think that
SALMAN RUSHDIE was under a DEATH FARTWAH? he was not even an Iranian
citizen or married to an Iranian LET US ALL PRAY FOR SHERRI_---THAT SHE IS
For the record----HYPERCRITICAL and ICONOCLASTIC arguements are very
popular in Israel----in fact they are and have been very popular amongst jews
'for MILLENIA and are often the basis of TALMUDIC DISCOURSE which
is what makes the talmud so difficult for isa-repecters to understand-----it
takes a BRAIN ----isa respecters like things to be very concrete so they can
chant silly stuff-------like "DEATH TO THE JEWS, DEATH TO THE HINDUS ,
DEATH TO ISRAEL, AMERICA, THE WEST......whatevah......
Of course if the same standards of historicity are applied to the NT - it doesn't fare even as well as the Hebrew Bible.....

No earthquake, no eclipse on the original Good Friday - and certainly no tombs and graves bursting open with their occupants strolling the streets of Jerusalem as "recorded" in the NT.

So if those rather hard to miss events were not even mentioned in any Roman or other contemporary sources, it's pretty obvious that none of the above ever occurred..... I believe the astronomers have gone back and not been able to locate a 'Good Friday' eclipse (which they could, yes, since the solar system is rather a 'gravitational clock-work').....

I can reject it as a history book and it still have meaning. I simply do not have to read it all as literally true. And for a Christian the central focus of our Bible is Jesus and The Gospels.
Of course if the same standards of historicity are applied to the NT - it doesn't fare even as well as the Hebrew Bible.....

No earthquake, no eclipse on the original Good Friday - and certainly no tombs and graves bursting open with their occupants strolling the streets of Jerusalem as "recorded" in the NT.

So if those rather hard to miss events were not even mentioned in any Roman or other contemporary sources, it's pretty obvious that none of the above ever occurred..... I believe the astronomers have gone back and not been able to locate a 'Good Friday' eclipse (which they could, yes, since the solar system is rather a 'gravitational clock-work').....

I can reject it as a history book and it still have meaning. I simply do not have to read it all as literally true. And for a Christian the central focus of our Bible is Jesus and The Gospels.

No one is claiming it's a history book. But every word in that bible is the word of God and you have rejected it. Heretic!
Of course if the same standards of historicity are applied to the NT - it doesn't fare even as well as the Hebrew Bible.....

No earthquake, no eclipse on the original Good Friday - and certainly no tombs and graves bursting open with their occupants strolling the streets of Jerusalem as "recorded" in the NT.

So if those rather hard to miss events were not even mentioned in any Roman or other contemporary sources, it's pretty obvious that none of the above ever occurred..... I believe the astronomers have gone back and not been able to locate a 'Good Friday' eclipse (which they could, yes, since the solar system is rather a 'gravitational clock-work').....

I can reject it as a history book and it still have meaning. I simply do not have to read it all as literally true. And for a Christian the central focus of our Bible is Jesus and The Gospels.

No one is claiming it's a history book. But every word in that bible is the word of God and you have rejected it. Heretic!

Here I am!!! YOU LUCKY PEOPLE -- I have was born into a completely secular
household------to the point that I never even attended "hebrew school"----a custom
of just about every jewish family in my town was to send their kids to after school---
learn the hebrew alphabet, school-------but I was exempted by my secular parents.
I DID OTHER THINGS----one of them to read any book that fell into my hands
from the RAMAYANA to the Koran ---of course the New Testament because
they were all over the place----freebees handed out christmas time----and---
somewhere along the line a copy of the old testament fell into my hands---about
the same time I found "LOLITA" in moms underwear drawer

I do like OLD STUFF----so ---well ---there was the ODYSSEY and THE ILIAD --and---
all those weird greek plays

Over time---I did come to understand the value of the EPIC POEMS of the ancient
world--------ARE YOU READY, YOU LUCKY PEOPLE???? ----HERE IT IS>>>>>

***** they is history *******----

-except I am not all that sure about
BEOWULF----it seems legendary like robin hood

it is true that many of the greek city states did fight Troy---despite the fact
that for CENTURIES ---iconoclasts insisted that it was all myth. Heinrich
Schiemann----proved it.
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Under the guise of a serpent, Satan uses reverse psychology, and knowledge of how our subconscious mind operates to influence Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Reverse Psychology is a technique that relies on reactance(psychological) to influence a behavior or trigger a belief totally opposite of what is actually being suggested or commanded.

Satan was already aware of what GOD commanded Adam and Eve to eat, but he starts the conversation with Eve, tempting to confuse her by asking "hath GOD said yea are not to eat of every tree in the garden"? It is clear that it was ok to eat of the trees in the garden except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It is also clear in the scripture that they was not supposed to even touch the fruit from this tree, for they shall die.

Satan then applies Tricknology by mixing the truth with lies to make them seem ultimately true. Note: Tricknology is not a term you will find in a dictionary but it is derived from the term trickery. Placing the suffix -ology (the study of) at the end makes it mean the study of trickery, which is also a form of deception used by Satan.Satan told them that they would not die and their minds would be opened; that they would become as GOD's knowing both good and evil. That statement by Satan triggered their subconscious mind into believing this lie.


Only children believe in satan...

Well child, you've helped him reach his goal which is to get you to believe he doesn't exist.

Yes, that's exactly what it is...:cuckoo:
I am an independent who voted for Obama, even though I find him to be mediocre and weak. Obama does not know how to govern. Republicans have him running scared.

With Benjamin Netanyahu, he presents his position supported by facts, we always know exactly where he stands, and he backs up his words with action. Wish we could run him for President of the United States!

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I am an independent who voted for Obama, even though I find him to be mediocre and weak. Obama does not know how to govern. Republicans have him running scared.

With Benjamin Netanyahu, he presents his position supported by facts, we always know exactly where he stands, and he backs up his words with action. Wish we could run him for President of the United States!


The hasbara is strong with this binyamin.
for those jerks who WORSHIP Herodotus-----you should learn a bit about him and his
times and HIS GREEK PERSPECTIVE OF REALITY . In and around 500 BC ----the two
major powers in the area over there--Greece, Iran and the rest of the middle east were
GREECE AND IRAN-----Herodotus precedes Alexander the great-----whose extraordinary
IMPERIALIST exploits in the area and AGAINST PERSIA are well known. In 500
BC -----PERSIA was the big time Imperialist and it controlled Babylon----
and----babylon under the AEGIS of Persia ----shipped all jewish LEADERS
to Babylon leaving the Kingdom of Israel/Judea ---virtually destroyed
and nonfunctioning----INCLUDING JERUSALEM AND THE TEMPLE therein. From
the POINT OF VIEW of greeks at that time------the only important persons in the world
were GREEKS-----everyone else were "barbarians" useful only as "living tools"

Of course for Herodotus----Syria ---full of greek clones ---PHONECIANS----and
AEGEANS ---PHILISTINES ---DEFINED the middle east. thus he coined
hanging around were simply non-entity "living tools" ) Then ---as luck would
have it-----THE PERSIAN KING ---decided to give free reign to EZRA (remember him
Sherri dear----bible scholar?) to re-establish the Temple in Jerusalem and the
KINGDOME OF ISRAEL/JUDEA. -----which even Alexander who conquored PERSIA
and BABYLON a few centuries later -------did recognize quite politely and ---interetingly
enough----quite out of character NEVER TRIED TO CONTROL ----He did knock
the rest of the middle east apart and even tried to conquor INDIA-----but he never
so much as lifted a finger against Jerusalem and the KINGDOM OF ISRAEL/JUDEA.

Later on-----some greek like goons ----did. It is in the book of MACCABEES
in the bible which Sherri claims she read.

gee sherri------learn some history-----even the muslims recognize ALEXANDER
the GREAT as THE EMPIRE BUILDER ------he shows up in the koran----the book
that you have today spat upon
Of course if the same standards of historicity are applied to the NT - it doesn't fare even as well as the Hebrew Bible.....

No earthquake, no eclipse on the original Good Friday - and certainly no tombs and graves bursting open with their occupants strolling the streets of Jerusalem as "recorded" in the NT.

So if those rather hard to miss events were not even mentioned in any Roman or other contemporary sources, it's pretty obvious that none of the above ever occurred..... I believe the astronomers have gone back and not been able to locate a 'Good Friday' eclipse (which they could, yes, since the solar system is rather a 'gravitational clock-work').....

I can reject it as a history book and it still have meaning. I simply do not have to read it all as literally true. And for a Christian the central focus of our Bible is Jesus and The Gospels.
Then this makes you smarter than Jesus. He studied the Septuagint and said "I believe Gods Word" which means he accepted the bible as history. Read this little explanation if you will.

What Bible Did Jesus Use? - Online Bible Study Tools
I am an independent who voted for Obama, even though I find him to be mediocre and weak. Obama does not know how to govern. Republicans have him running scared.

With Benjamin Netanyahu, he presents his position supported by facts, we always know exactly where he stands, and he backs up his words with action. Wish we could run him for President of the United States!


The hasbara is strong with this binyamin.
This benyamin ain't bluffin', Sonny.
Of course if the same standards of historicity are applied to the NT - it doesn't fare even as well as the Hebrew Bible.....

No earthquake, no eclipse on the original Good Friday - and certainly no tombs and graves bursting open with their occupants strolling the streets of Jerusalem as "recorded" in the NT.

So if those rather hard to miss events were not even mentioned in any Roman or other contemporary sources, it's pretty obvious that none of the above ever occurred..... I believe the astronomers have gone back and not been able to locate a 'Good Friday' eclipse (which they could, yes, since the solar system is rather a 'gravitational clock-work').....

I can reject it as a history book and it still have meaning. I simply do not have to read it all as literally true. And for a Christian the central focus of our Bible is Jesus and The Gospels.
Then this makes you smarter than Jesus. He studied the Septuagint and said "I believe Gods Word" which means he accepted the bible as history. Read this little explanation if you will.

What Bible Did Jesus Use? - Online Bible Study Tools

Sherri does not recognize "JESUS" aka YESHUA aka Yehoshua ben Yosef-----
she does ISA -----the arabic speaking guy who lived in a place he himself called
Of course if the same standards of historicity are applied to the NT - it doesn't fare even as well as the Hebrew Bible.....

No earthquake, no eclipse on the original Good Friday - and certainly no tombs and graves bursting open with their occupants strolling the streets of Jerusalem as "recorded" in the NT.

So if those rather hard to miss events were not even mentioned in any Roman or other contemporary sources, it's pretty obvious that none of the above ever occurred..... I believe the astronomers have gone back and not been able to locate a 'Good Friday' eclipse (which they could, yes, since the solar system is rather a 'gravitational clock-work').....

I can reject it as a history book and it still have meaning. I simply do not have to read it all as literally true. And for a Christian the central focus of our Bible is Jesus and The Gospels.

No one is claiming it's a history book. But every word in that bible is the word of God and you have rejected it. Heretic!
She is waiting for Jesus to return, break all the crosses, and then start preaching Islam. This is what many Muslims believe. That is why you see on some of the signs at Muslim protests in England saying such things as "Jesus will destroy the cross and follow the Quran."
I am an independent who voted for Obama, even though I find him to be mediocre and weak. Obama does not know how to govern. Republicans have him running scared.

With Benjamin Netanyahu, he presents his position supported by facts, we always know exactly where he stands, and he backs up his words with action. Wish we could run him for President of the United States!


The hasbara is strong with this binyamin.
And the two-bit anti-Semites love to play that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" game as if they think anyone with brains believes that they (especially Alfalfa) really care about the Arabs. Hmm, I wonder which is Alfalfa favorite hate site. It's difficult to tell since so many bring up the word "hasbara."
I can reject it as a history book and it still have meaning. I simply do not have to read it all as literally true. And for a Christian the central focus of our Bible is Jesus and The Gospels.

No one is claiming it's a history book. But every word in that bible is the word of God and you have rejected it. Heretic!
She is waiting for Jesus to return, break all the crosses, and then start preaching Islam. This is what many Muslims believe. That is why you see on some of the signs at Muslim protests in England saying such things as "Jesus will destroy the cross and follow the Quran."

Neither of you are right. I think every word has a Truth to speak to me everytime I read or study a bible verse. But it is not a history book and noone should read it with the goal of reconstructing the past with it. Thus, reading Joshua in a Bible Study, I know I am not being called to ethnically cleanse, but I can learn lessons from the stories, like how to respond to conflicts in relationships. And I find even when I have difficulties seeing myself getting something worthwhile from reading verses in a weeks lesson, those times in particular, I find when my small group discusses the verses, it is those times I am humbled by some of the most beautiful and meaningful discussions taking place. I cannot explain what happens, I just see God working and feel His presence.
No one is claiming it's a history book. But every word in that bible is the word of God and you have rejected it. Heretic!
She is waiting for Jesus to return, break all the crosses, and then start preaching Islam. This is what many Muslims believe. That is why you see on some of the signs at Muslim protests in England saying such things as "Jesus will destroy the cross and follow the Quran."

Neither of you are right. I think every word has a Truth to speak to me everytime I read or study a bible verse. But it is not a history book and noone should read it with the goal of reconstructing the past with it. Thus, reading Joshua in a Bible Study, I know I am not being called to ethnically cleanse, but I can learn lessons from the stories, like how to respond to conflicts in relationships. And I find even when I have difficulties seeing myself getting something worthwhile from reading verses in a weeks lesson, those times in particular, I find when my small group discusses the verses, it is those times I am humbled by some of the most beautiful and meaningful discussions taking place. I cannot explain what happens, I just see God working and feel His presence.

Your post is gibberish What you have stated is that the bible is something like a volume of poetry by WALT WHITMAN. Regarding your visual delusions and delusions of sensation---see a doctor. The book which you call the old testament----is the scriptural writings of
the jews-----just as the Ramayana is a scriptural writing of the hindus. In the field of
Psychiatry-----your reaction to the bible is known as a DELUSION OF REFERENCE
Bennie usually begins his presentations with an absurd summary of the Old Testament that leaves out the part of Yahweh hating the the 12 tribes of Israel. That oversight notwithstanding, the UN or whatever did not interrupt and point out the Old Testament is mythology and should not be a basis for public policy. A few minutes ago he described an agreement with a Persian king back in the old days and why can't the new guy be like the old guy.

Sherri endorsed the above OP and the idiotic, typically islamo nazi whine and lie--
which in sum and substance is


kinda funny-----the fact that jews had an interaction with Persians ---
some 2500 years ago that led to the rebuilding of a ravaged jerusalem
and restablishment of the state------is a fact that even the Iranians of
today recognize-------or at least those who are educated do so and
the government actually claims to do so

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