Berkeley police arrested zero rioters, which tells us whose side the police are on

Obvious that the Berkeley Cops were told to stand down.
Just another sign of corrupt cops that can be bought.

It's not the cops. It the politicians who give the orders.

Who are not corrupt so much as on the side of the barbarians.
Politicians gave the order but it was the police that followed it.
The police should know right from wrong and if they don't they are in the wrong profession

Perhaps, but the responsibility lies with the people in charge.

I fully expect that that cops there were disgusted by being told to stand back and watch these savages.
IMO, we need a law against the public wearing of masks.
Wear a mask, get your ass arrested immediately.
That group? It needs to be targeted.
I definitely agree those wearing masks should be targeted for potential crime.
However, a law against wearing one in public is way too extreme; i am a libertarian. Full liberty until you lose it by being uncivil.

Wearing a mask in the context of a planned riot where people are wearing masks to hide their identities while they commit crimes is not Free Speech.

It is a statement of intent to commit or assist crime.
Obvious that the Berkeley Cops were told to stand down.
Just another sign of corrupt cops that can be bought.

It's not the cops. It the politicians who give the orders.

Who are not corrupt so much as on the side of the barbarians.
Politicians gave the order but it was the police that followed it.
The police should know right from wrong and if they don't they are in the wrong profession

Perhaps, but the responsibility lies with the people in charge.

I fully expect that that cops there were disgusted by being told to stand back and watch these savages.
I hope you are right.
I don't see things thru red white and blue glasses to the point it blinds me. I never collected welfare nor unemployment. I worked for what I have. Now I am retired and no I am not patriotic(proud of that), have never protested, I only lambasted america to my own children. So stick got I was born in america...I see things different. You got nothing. You are despicable. Patriotic dunces are a dime a dozen.
Anarchist punks!!! should not be allowed to car jack non-violent protests and start real riots. Good job Police. To the video...get the punks lol. AFL! AFL!
I not believe in rioting or violence. I do believe in peaceful dissent. It is patriotic. Dissent strengthens a nation.
I don't see things thru red white and blue glasses to the point it blinds me. I never collected welfare nor unemployment. I worked for what I have. Now I am retired and no I am not patriotic(proud of that), have never protested, I only lambasted america to my own children. So stick got I was born in america...I see things different. You got nothing. You are despicable. Patriotic dunces are a dime a dozen.

If America ever finds it has a need for vermin, you'll, I'm sure, be the first to get a call.
about 150 of these thugs belong in prison. It's no wonder these riots continue to escalate since the police do nothing to stop them.
I agree that about 150 of those violent protestors in Berkeley should have been arrested. Few, if any, were likely students at the university. It was a travesty that UC and Berkeley police were not better prepared.

From what i heard, the liberal students wanted to protest peacefully, and respected the freedom of speech. It was those organized extremist non-student assholes from Oakland & other cities, in addition to Berkeley, that came prepared for destruction to prevent free speech.
Next time, the UC police AND Berkeley city police better be prepared. I suggest allowing only UCB students into their auditorium to hear Milo's bigoted speech.
It could be that they actually wanted the violence to draw attention. I heard on the radio the police were told to stand down just like they were in Baltimore during their riot.
The police (both UC & city) probably did stand down; they did not do much other than observe the chaos. They say they were overwhelmed, and focused on safety of innocent people, not property.
NO EXCUSE! They should have been better prepared.
Of course, it's the fault of the police and not the rioters.
If the police have their hands tied, then it doesn't matter if there are ten of them or five hundred.
If there were sufficient police, and/or a good strategy for control of the masses, then the police would not have had their hands tied.
We may see Round 2; i understand Milo will be invited back for another chance to speak to the students.

If that happens they should call in the national guard to control things. A couple dozen K-9 units from surrounding areas wouldn't be a bad idea either. If your leg gets half chewed off, it makes one think about disobeying the police.
The Berkeley mayor egged on the protestors, hence no action while banks, a Starbucks and other business were trashed.

UC Berkeley is overseen by Janet Napolitano, so 'nuff said there.
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