Berkeley police arrested zero rioters, which tells us whose side the police are on

No, most people work hard to afford such things here.
No doublewides here. Florida

Two big houses...big whoop tee doo. No doubt inherited. in a double wide down south is soi much better. I do understand they are starved for smart workers there no doubt.

Actually even the dumbest Living in a doublewide have a better life than most city dwellers and have a much higher IQ
about 150 of these thugs belong in prison. It's no wonder these riots continue to escalate since the police do nothing to stop them.
I agree that about 150 of those violent protestors in Berkeley should have been arrested. Few, if any, were likely students at the university. It was a travesty that UC and Berkeley police were not better prepared.

From what i heard, the liberal students wanted to protest peacefully, and respected the freedom of speech. It was those organized extremist non-student assholes from Oakland & other cities, in addition to Berkeley, that came prepared for destruction to prevent free speech.
Next time, the UC police AND Berkeley city police better be prepared. I suggest allowing only UCB students into their auditorium to hear Milo's bigoted speech.
Is there anyone who doesn't like upheaval? To me it strengthens a nation. Ifwe all agreed the nation ceases to exist. Simple logic.
Thugs running around destroying property does not strengthen a nation.

It has very little to do with the police, but a whole lot to do with the orders they are receiving from politicians who are in charge. Remember, it fits the narrative of a left city or state if the population is out of control because of the President. We should feel sorry for the regular citizen of those states who are having to put up with it.

Also, as I stated before and I still do---------->if we are SMART conservatives, it is time to boycott whenever possible, California and New York, period. Do NOT spend a dime there, deny them tax money. That is how you deal with the left, without money, they are screwed. And since they are a state and/or a city, they can't print their own cash, so with a solid effort, we can punish the hell out of them!
about 150 of these thugs belong in prison. It's no wonder these riots continue to escalate since the police do nothing to stop them.
I agree that about 150 of those violent protestors in Berkeley should have been arrested. Few, if any, were likely students at the university. It was a travesty that UC and Berkeley police were not better prepared.

From what i heard, the liberal students wanted to protest peacefully, and respected the freedom of speech. It was those organized extremist non-student assholes from Oakland & other cities, in addition to Berkeley, that came prepared for destruction to prevent free speech.
Next time, the UC police AND Berkeley city police better be prepared. I suggest allowing only UCB students into their auditorium to hear Milo's bigoted speech.

It could be that they actually wanted the violence to draw attention. I heard on the radio the police were told to stand down just like they were in Baltimore during their riot.
Is there anyone who doesn't like upheaval? To me it strengthens a nation. Ifwe all agreed the nation ceases to exist. Simple logic.
Thugs running around destroying property does not strengthen a nation.
It has very little to do with the police, but a whole lot to do with the orders they are receiving from politicians who are in charge.
In a TV interview, the Berkeley city mayor claimed to give no orders to his interim police chief who was trying to hire more officers & purchase a bullet-proof van BEFORE the speech riot. The chief indicated that police officers were greatly outnumbered and their top priority was safety of people, not property.
It seems that city does need to spend more tax dollars to hire more officers.
about 150 of these thugs belong in prison. It's no wonder these riots continue to escalate since the police do nothing to stop them.
I agree that about 150 of those violent protestors in Berkeley should have been arrested. Few, if any, were likely students at the university. It was a travesty that UC and Berkeley police were not better prepared.

From what i heard, the liberal students wanted to protest peacefully, and respected the freedom of speech. It was those organized extremist non-student assholes from Oakland & other cities, in addition to Berkeley, that came prepared for destruction to prevent free speech.
Next time, the UC police AND Berkeley city police better be prepared. I suggest allowing only UCB students into their auditorium to hear Milo's bigoted speech.
It could be that they actually wanted the violence to draw attention. I heard on the radio the police were told to stand down just like they were in Baltimore during their riot.
The police (both UC & city) probably did stand down; they did not do much other than observe the chaos. They say they were overwhelmed, and focused on safety of innocent people, not property.
NO EXCUSE! They should have been better prepared.
Is there anyone who doesn't like upheaval? To me it strengthens a nation. Ifwe all agreed the nation ceases to exist. Simple logic.
Thugs running around destroying property does not strengthen a nation.
It has very little to do with the police, but a whole lot to do with the orders they are receiving from politicians who are in charge.
In a TV interview, the Berkeley city mayor claimed to give no orders to his interim police chief who was trying to hire more officers & purchase a bullet-proof van BEFORE the speech riot. The chief indicated that police officers were greatly outnumbered and their top priority was safety of people, not property.
It seems that city does need to spend more tax dollars to hire more officers.

No offense PK, but if the rioters were tossed in jail and nailed with big fines, well then riots would stop happening in La-La Land, and the left can't have that! We see that the riots are housed in blue states. Does anyone think that it is a coincidence?

I am here to tell you PK, the politicians had their hands in this mess, period! People who do these types of things need to know the outcome BEFORE they do it, because an outcome that is NOT favorable would kill the movement.

It is as plain as the nose on our faces-----------> California WANTS this to happen, and the outcomes to continue to be the same.
about 150 of these thugs belong in prison. It's no wonder these riots continue to escalate since the police do nothing to stop them.
I agree that about 150 of those violent protestors in Berkeley should have been arrested. Few, if any, were likely students at the university. It was a travesty that UC and Berkeley police were not better prepared.

From what i heard, the liberal students wanted to protest peacefully, and respected the freedom of speech. It was those organized extremist non-student assholes from Oakland & other cities, in addition to Berkeley, that came prepared for destruction to prevent free speech.
Next time, the UC police AND Berkeley city police better be prepared. I suggest allowing only UCB students into their auditorium to hear Milo's bigoted speech.
It could be that they actually wanted the violence to draw attention. I heard on the radio the police were told to stand down just like they were in Baltimore during their riot.
The police (both UC & city) probably did stand down; they did not do much other than observe the chaos. They say they were overwhelmed, and focused on safety of innocent people, not property.
NO EXCUSE! They should have been better prepared.

Of course, it's the fault of the police and not the rioters.

If the police have their hands tied, then it doesn't matter if there are ten of them or five hundred. The prisoners are running the asylum. If the police won't protect the property or the people, what good are they?
Is there anyone who doesn't like upheaval? To me it strengthens a nation. Ifwe all agreed the nation ceases to exist. Simple logic.
Thugs running around destroying property does not strengthen a nation.
It has very little to do with the police, but a whole lot to do with the orders they are receiving from politicians who are in charge.
In a TV interview, the Berkeley city mayor claimed to give no orders to his interim police chief who was trying to hire more officers & purchase a bullet-proof van BEFORE the speech riot. The chief indicated that police officers were greatly outnumbered and their top priority was safety of people, not property.
It seems that city does need to spend more tax dollars to hire more officers.
No offense PK, but if the rioters were tossed in jail and nailed with big fines, well then riots would stop happening in La-La Land, and the left can't have that! We see that the riots are housed in blue states. Does anyone think that it is a coincidence?

I am here to tell you PK, the politicians had their hands in this mess, period!
You should not confuse La La Land (LA) with Bezerkeley. Northern and southern Californians have their differences; those URBAN northerners are more liberal.

As i already stated, i agree those asshole violent protesters/rioters should have been arrested & prosecuted. The police claim they were greatly outnumbered & were not able to make arrests.
Not a conspiracy, in my book. The police were unprepared & displayed incompetence.
about 150 of these thugs belong in prison. It's no wonder these riots continue to escalate since the police do nothing to stop them.
I agree that about 150 of those violent protestors in Berkeley should have been arrested. Few, if any, were likely students at the university. It was a travesty that UC and Berkeley police were not better prepared.

From what i heard, the liberal students wanted to protest peacefully, and respected the freedom of speech. It was those organized extremist non-student assholes from Oakland & other cities, in addition to Berkeley, that came prepared for destruction to prevent free speech.
Next time, the UC police AND Berkeley city police better be prepared. I suggest allowing only UCB students into their auditorium to hear Milo's bigoted speech.
It could be that they actually wanted the violence to draw attention. I heard on the radio the police were told to stand down just like they were in Baltimore during their riot.
The police (both UC & city) probably did stand down; they did not do much other than observe the chaos. They say they were overwhelmed, and focused on safety of innocent people, not property.
NO EXCUSE! They should have been better prepared.
Of course, it's the fault of the police and not the rioters.
If the police have their hands tied, then it doesn't matter if there are ten of them or five hundred.
If there were sufficient police, and/or a good strategy for control of the masses, then the police would not have had their hands tied.
We may see Round 2; i understand Milo will be invited back for another chance to speak to the students.
IMO, we need a law against the public wearing of masks.

Wear a mask, get your ass arrested immediately.

That group? It needs to be targeted.

Get one of them, committing some destruction and give him a choice. Pay for the damage, or roll over on his comrades.

Get one of them who attacks someone. Face him with some SERIOUS jail time or roll over.

Then arrest them all under Rico, if not something even harsher.
Obvious that the Berkeley Cops were told to stand down.
Just another sign of corrupt cops that can be bought.
about 150 of these thugs belong in prison. It's no wonder these riots continue to escalate since the police do nothing to stop them.
I agree that about 150 of those violent protestors in Berkeley should have been arrested. Few, if any, were likely students at the university. It was a travesty that UC and Berkeley police were not better prepared.

From what i heard, the liberal students wanted to protest peacefully, and respected the freedom of speech. It was those organized extremist non-student assholes from Oakland & other cities, in addition to Berkeley, that came prepared for destruction to prevent free speech.
Next time, the UC police AND Berkeley city police better be prepared. I suggest allowing only UCB students into their auditorium to hear Milo's bigoted speech.
It could be that they actually wanted the violence to draw attention. I heard on the radio the police were told to stand down just like they were in Baltimore during their riot.
The police (both UC & city) probably did stand down; they did not do much other than observe the chaos. They say they were overwhelmed, and focused on safety of innocent people, not property.
NO EXCUSE! They should have been better prepared.
Of course, it's the fault of the police and not the rioters.
If the police have their hands tied, then it doesn't matter if there are ten of them or five hundred.
If there were sufficient police, and/or a good strategy for control of the masses, then the police would not have had their hands tied.
We may see Round 2; i understand Milo will be invited back for another chance to speak to the students.

THe nation will be watching. I hope Trump holds the mayor accountable for his actions.
Obvious that the Berkeley Cops were told to stand down.
Just another sign of corrupt cops that can be bought.

It's not the cops. It the politicians who give the orders.

Who are not corrupt so much as on the side of the barbarians.
Obvious that the Berkeley Cops were told to stand down.
Just another sign of corrupt cops that can be bought.

It's not the cops. It the politicians who give the orders.

Who are not corrupt so much as on the side of the barbarians.
Politicians gave the order but it was the police that followed it.
The police should know right from wrong and if they don't they are in the wrong profession
IMO, we need a law against the public wearing of masks.
Wear a mask, get your ass arrested immediately.
That group? It needs to be targeted.
I definitely agree those wearing masks should be targeted for potential crime.
However, a law against wearing one in public is way too extreme; i am a libertarian. Full liberty until you lose it by being uncivil.

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