Bernie Sanders Communist Utopia


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
December 29, 2014
Bernie Sanders's 12-Point Socialist Plan for America
By Pedro Gonzales
Bernie Sanders's 12-Point Socialist Plan for America

Every committed revolutionary needs a plan. Karl Marx had one, and so did Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong. Add to that group socialist senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont, who is considering running for president (as a Democrat) and has already announced a 12-point plan at the Huffington Post.
Read more: Articles Bernie Sanders s 12-Point Socialist Plan for America
Workers of the World Unite Sandinistas !!!!!!!
Looks more like a formal listing of the whining he's been doing for many years. I dont see any actual plans there. Just platitudes and soundbites.
All 12 points exactly what the country needs. It'll take a miracle, but I hope to one day see Sanders' policies enacted.
Sanders has been flirting with a run for the Presidency for several months. He knows he hasn't a snowball's chance in hell. His real aim is probably to force the Democratic conversation more to the left during the primaries.

While I strongly disagree with just about every one of his 12 points, I have to give him credit for at least providing a fairly precise outline of what his goals are. I wish more politicians had the balls to say exactly what it is they would do right up front, rather than stick their finger in the wind each day and change their rhetoric accordingly like most of these pussies do.
Ah the Well Poisoning crew, on the job already. Bringing in a fresh can of Argumentum ad Stalinum, ad Zedongum, ad Marxum ad nauseum.

Are you actually proposing that having a plan makes one Stalin et al?

How come your OP talks about socialism yet your title says "communist"?
Do you not know the difference?
Shouldn't you y'know, try to find out before embarrassing yourself on the internets?
Sanders has been flirting with a run for the Presidency for several months. He knows he hasn't a snowball's chance in hell. His real aim is probably to force the Democratic conversation more to the left during the primaries.

While I strongly disagree with just about every one of his 12 points, I have to give him credit for at least providing a fairly precise outline of what his goals are. I wish more politicians had the balls to say exactly what it is they would do right up front, rather than stick their finger in the wind each day and change their rhetoric accordingly like most of these pussies do.

That's what I like about him -- whatever his content, it's not bullshit. Nudging the conversation from the bullshit to the real is worthy on its own. Tends to bring the questions that need to be brought into the light out of the proverbial woodwork.
Dearest pogo

The minute differences between socialists, marxists and full fledged progressive communists in this country are too minimal to bother making a distinction.
Even theyre too dumb to realize the differences.
No matter leftist SCUM all....... :)
Dearest pogo

The minute differences between socialists, marxists and full fledged progressive communists in this country are too minimal to bother making a distinction.
Even theyre too dumb to realize the differences.
No matter leftist SCUM all....... :)

So that would be a "no". Too bad.
Dearest pogo

The minute differences between socialists, marxists and full fledged progressive communists in this country are too minimal to bother making a distinction.
Even theyre too dumb to realize the differences.
No matter leftist SCUM all....... :)

There are vast, vast differences in social democracy (which is what Sanders believes in) and a Marxist state
Dearest pogo

The minute differences between socialists, marxists and full fledged progressive communists in this country are too minimal to bother making a distinction.
Even theyre too dumb to realize the differences.
No matter leftist SCUM all....... :)

There are vast, vast differences in social democracy (which is what Sanders believes in) and a Marxist state

Vast differences that sail over the OP's head.

That's not his job as Well Poisoner anyway. His job is to let us know that anyone who has a plan is Hitler Karl Stalin Zedong.

The objective being trying to get everybody to go :lalala: because actually hearing the message would be way too risky.
Comical....the same "new" and "groundbreaking" ideas can found over on the amercan communist party usa website....
Kumbaya Comrades
Comical....the same "new" and "groundbreaking" ideas can found over on the amercan communist party usa website....
Kumbaya Comrades
Common sense is "new" and "groundbreaking"? Well, in America that's certainly true.

Hitler liked dogs and children devoid of L&R says, therefore I hate them. Damn commie.
-- QED.

Where does either article say "new" or "groundbreaking" anyway?

Let us know when you're ready to dissect any of the concepts actually IN the text, rather than sitting on the side flinging ad hom poo like a six-year-old.
From the actual article (as opposed to comic book fantasies):

>> The long-term deterioration of the middle class, accelerated by the Wall Street crash of 2008, has not been pretty. Today, we have more wealth and income inequality than any major country on earth. We have one of the highest childhood poverty rates and we are the only country in the industrialized world which does not guarantee health care for all. We once led the world in terms of the percentage of our people who graduated college, but we are now in 12th place. Our infrastructure, once the envy of the world, is collapsing.

Real unemployment today is not 5.8 percent, it is 11.5 percent if we include those who have given up looking for work or who are working part time when they want to work full time. Youth unemployment is 18.6 percent and African-American youth unemployment is 32.6 percent.

Today, millions of Americans are working longer hours for lower wages. In inflation-adjusted dollars, the median male worker earned $783 less last year than he made 41 years ago. The median woman worker made $1,337 less last year than she earned in 2007. Since 1999, the median middle-class family has seen its income go down by almost $5,000 after adjusting for inflation, now earning less than it did 25 years ago.

Premise true or untrue?
Guranteed free housing, education, nutrition, healthcare and civil servant jobs for all !!!
But only if its equal !!!!!!!!!!! Lol
Nothing communist about it, just intelligence, as opposed to the bs talking points against it. This is Reagan's way of figuring UE we have, our economy is the result of Reaganist pander to the megarich policy (see sig), there are no permanent infrastructure jobs from the stimulus (only $200 billion for such) because Pubs refuse to invest in America since. Keep it up, TPers lol.

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