Bernie Sanders says Harris is LYING about her agenda.

It's bad when an avowed Communist tells you that a fellow Democrat is a Communist that's lying to you!!!


next thing u know, Sanders will be doing the VanDrew-RFK-Tulsi switcheroo


I guess RFK is Independent, though. Sanders is technically not a dimrat
She admitted she's lying. She says she is NOW for border security and is for fracking and then in the next breath says "her values have not changed". So she just told us she is lying to try and win Arizona and Pennsylvania.
The best part of all this switcheroo B.S. Is that Dizzy Lizzy
Cheney bought right into it.Like almost the entire garbage can
full of crap.Because Pappy Cheney is too feeble and brain numb
to make the case daughter Liz did on ABC.
They have this huge bug up their ass over all things
Trump.Probably because Trump is not a power mad Pol
out to profit one nickle.Like the gal of this Guy Trump.
He's gonna attempt to clean up dodge no matter what.
That means clearing out those like the Cheney's and
Bushies who feel they Own some constituency.What eventually
happens to most Pols when they overstay their time in power.
Because Power does and can corrupt.So why not use Donald Trump
as an outsider still as an easy punching bag.
Because one on one Donald Trump is gazillion times the
better american than some old fogey like Dick and his
puppy dog daughter.
The best part of all this switcheroo B.S. Is that Dizzy Lizzy
Cheney bought right into it.Like almost the entire garbage can
full of crap.Because Pappy Cheney is too feeble and brain numb
to make the case daughter Liz did on ABC.
They have this huge bug up their ass over all things
Trump.Probably because Trump is not a power mad Pol
out to profit one nickle.Like the gal of this Guy Trump.
He's gonna attempt to clean up dodge no matter what.
That means clearing out those like the Cheney's and
Bushies who feel they Own some constituency.What eventually
happens to most Pols when they overstay their time in power.
Because Power does and can corrupt.So why not use Donald Trump
as an outsider still as an easy punching bag.
Because one on one Donald Trump is gazillion times the
better american than some old fogey like Dick and his
puppy dog daughter.
I like the highlighted part

Well, at least Bush said he is not endorsing a candidate. Too late for evidence-destroying Lynn Cheney to pay attention and follow suit. It's just unbelievable how people just... lie. Her whole J6 thing was a lie from beginning to end.. and she was never held accountable for destroying evidence.

It's a great life if you're a dim
It's bad when an avowed Communist tells you that a fellow Democrat is a Communist that's lying to you!!!

All this will do is really rile up her base of purple hairs. I can already see Harpy Eagle getting all giddy.
I like the highlighted part

Well, at least Bush said he is not endorsing a candidate. Too late for evidence-destroying Lynn Cheney to pay attention and follow suit. It's just unbelievable how people just... lie. Her whole J6 thing was a lie from beginning to end.. and she was never held accountable for destroying evidence.

It's a great life if you're a dim
Good luck for any Cheney to go out in public anywhere.
They are now Hated by a huge portion of the public.
I doubt they even have a place in their Beloved Wyoming
to dine at or stay for a week.They are Bullies of the first order.
They found their vehicle.In the form of a real estate mogul
and hugely popular TV series star - The Apprentice - who indubitably
has The Most Name recognition on the planet.
That's what bugs them Cheneys.I doubt Donald Trump will lose
15 seconds of sleep at night over what them Cheney's think
of him.He's got the biggest support group in America.
And he proves it virtually each week ... Like clockwork.
No matter the state or weather or whose playing on
Thursday night football.
It's bad when an avowed Communist tells you that a fellow Democrat is a Communist that's lying to you!!!

When a candidate has to drop her real agenda and lie about her policies to help her win, then it is a fair bet her policies are NOT what people in America want, and so puts the kibosh to the Left's entire argument that this country is "leaning" left, or that this is the popular view, or that conservatism is old news a thing of the past!

Therefore, how the hell did Biden honestly get 81 million votes?!

If Biden and Harris were doing such great things and were what America resoundingly wanted, they would be parading these polices on billboards, not mumbling them in dark, secret corners.

PUT ANOTHER WAY: the democrat party has been staging a slow, secret coup, and are NOT representing America's interests.

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