Here is a fact about Oil production that disproves totally the Republican accusations about Biden being against "Fossil Fuels"

I presented the data, statistics, and facts, and you try to con everybody here, with Biden's pre-election posturing, which is meaningless.

What matters is the data, statistics, and facts when he wasn't thinking about the inflation he caused and the oil production of those 2 years.

The last thing any Democrat ought to want to talk about is oil production and inflation.

US oil companies are heroes.. considering the built in difficulties they are brilliant and they never ask for your advice.
I will support her efforts from here on in. So far, the Democrats have shown competence and ability to make the right decisions when needed. I am with them until that changes, especially since Trump has not shown that ability
If given the power dems would ruin America

If elected Harris will do a lot of damage
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Lies, misinformation, and the unfair degrading of Biden and the Democrats is what Trump and all his minions do constantly.

Data, statistics and facts do not exist for Trumpers. It is simply, "one huge con job"!
You are a wicked douchebag.

Potato was the one who promised to end the carbon fuel industry.

Your OP actually underscores yet another promise he failed to honor.
Trump DID show that ability and the data, statistics & facts that you prize so highly, show that crystal clear.

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The Biden admin has been a train wreck.

Inflation everywhere but Biden brought it down. He is great!!!

US oil production increased by 88% to nearly 10 million bpd during the Obama administration. Current production is record breaking 13 million bpd..

We have never been oil independent and we still import from Canada, Mexico and sometimes Venezuela...

US oil production increased by 88% to nearly 10 million bpd during the Obama administration.

What are your 3 favorite Obama policies that helped increase US production?

We have never been oil independent and we still import from Canada, Mexico and sometimes Venezuela...

How much do we import a day? How much do we export a day?


Thrilled to have you on record as confessing that Potato was and is a promise maker and promise breaker.

I am on record that I did not say that. Biden has done his best. Has he failed on a couple of occasions, "yes" but not because he lied about promises. We are all human and we all fail on occasions and more often than not, due to things not under our control.

Trump has no excuses. He lied, he failed when there was no reason to fail (was incompetent) and he is a proven con man that is there to use and take advantage of other for his own benefit. Biden has not had "his own benefit in mind at any time".

I am not going to say anymore. If there is one thing I know for a fact is that no truths, facts, or statistics are ever able to get into the minds of Trumpers. Talking to them is like talking to a brick wall (and you certainly are included in that group).

End of conversation between us

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