Is there political gain to classify Hispanics as ‘white’? The Vegas thug Jesus Ayala is classed as white..the kid who killed the cyclist?

Racial heritage has nothing to do with crime.
Crime is usually the result of poverty and injustice, so is either deliberately caused of justified.
And we should also remember the ancient Egyptians likely were Black, and ancient Romans likely were very swarthy.
The blond and light skinned Germanic type was ignorant barbarian at one time.
Hmmm….that’s weird. I wonder why all white, all poor Appalachia is safe?
I wonder why poor white nations are safe?

The blond and light skinned Germanic type was ignorant barbarian at one time.
Hmmm…are you saying all we have to do is wait a few centuries and blacks will become what “blond and Germanic types” are today?
You are also an aggressive moron. Culture and race aren't the same thing. Black people from Africa, from America and from the country my parents are from, Jamaica all see themselves as Black all while recognizing cultural differences. I'm Black (and Asian) but I don't consider myself Black American culturally. Culturally I'm west Indian or afro caribbean.

That's is your wishful thinking chiseled to fit your political predilection....Of course culture and race are not the same thing just as skin color and race, skin color and culture are not the same thing. I have worked for years with Jamaicans who don't like being called black in any sense and were very vocal about it too.... They see themselves as JAMAICAN and unique despite the was made very clear to me early on with full and lengthy explanations. The Jamaicans who migrate here work like machines and are ashamed of themselves if they have only one job! Definitely no fit with CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN BLACK CULTURE.

Light skinned Hispanics in the dense demographic generally despise the White "Cholo" and would laugh in your face if you called them white...regardless of what some government official wants to call them. Unlike the Jamaicans they are very difficult to get close to and may even harbor some smoldering resentment....but one thing that will get them resentful in a hurry is if you mistake them for white. THIS IS REALITY NOT SOME FUCKED UP ANTHROPOLOGICAL GOVERNMENT FUNDED DATA CRAP.
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As it is generally understood, Spaniards are from Spain Hispanics are the mixed descendants of Spanish, French and indigenous people of South and Central America. They used to be called Mestizos.

But let us not forget that the native Americans walked over the Bearing Straits, and are essentially Chinese.

I think the real problem is that the wealthy urban cultures have an unfair bias against poor rural cultures.
When in reality the poor rural cultures are much more natural, honest, and nice.
Hmmm….that’s weird. I wonder why all white, all poor Appalachia is safe?
I wonder why poor white nations are safe?

Hmmm…are you saying all we have to do is wait a few centuries and blacks will become what “blond and Germanic types” are today?

That is simply not true.
Poor Appalachia is notorious for things like bootlegging, meth labs, etc.
The safest nations are Asian, followed by the Black nations.
Racial heritage has nothing to do with crime.
Crime is usually the result of poverty and injustice, so is either deliberately caused of justified.
And we should also remember the ancient Egyptians likely were Black, and ancient Romans likely were very swarthy.
The blond and light skinned Germanic type was ignorant barbarian at one time.
Quibble... While the post is generally true it ignores the past 50 years of ingrained demographic social sculpting associated with Ghetto life and the emergence of the fatherless family thanks to LBJ.
That is simply not true.
Poor Appalachia is notorious for things like bootlegging, meth labs, etc.
The safest nations are Asian, followed by the Black nations.
Black nations bear almost ZERO social resemblance to North American Black communities.
Is it politicians who push this lunacy and why do they do it?
Are they trying to hide hispanic criminality and the rest of their behavioral characteristics in with white averages?
Have you ever heard a Hispanic tell someone they’re “White”.
I’ve never understood this….I suppose I’m crazy for always thinking of white as a color associated with caucasians.
Does this dude look “WHITE” as classified in booking?

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doesn't fit the narrative!

Change the facts!

The lib's aversion to reality and truth is astounding
Thread is dumb.

I'm 100% concerned about the content of your character and zero percent concerned about the color of your skin.
Dumb are the people not able to understand what the thread is about.
Did you read the title and OP?
The premise isn’t really about skin color or content of ones character….It’s about our governments motivation.
Try again.
HIspanics are descendants of the Spaniards of Spain. Spain is in Europe.

Before White Supremacists changed CAUCASIAN to White, Hispanics were Caucasians, therefore they are now White, just like Indians from India, Arabs, Persians, et .

It looks like some people are confusing Hispanics with Indigenous people from Mexico and others in Central and South America.

Hispanics are Caucasians = White, one likes it, understands it, or not.
You're an idiot. Most Hispanics are mestizo, a mix of Indian and Spanish. As a teenager I went to Spain expecting people who looked Hispanic. To my surprise they were as white as any European.
Dumb are the people not able to understand what the thread is about.
Did you read the title and OP?
The premise isn’t really about skin color or content of ones character….It’s about our governments motivation.
Try again.
Is it politicians who push this lunacy and why do they do it?
Are they trying to hide hispanic criminality and the rest of their behavioral characteristics in with white averages?
Have you ever heard a Hispanic tell someone they’re “White”.
I’ve never understood this….I suppose I’m crazy for always thinking of white as a color associated with caucasians.
Does this dude look “WHITE” as classified in booking?

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thats’ the Obiden way. Tweak the stats so that IM2 can say Blacks & Browns+mixed+unknown do not commit 85% of all violent crime.
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Racial heritage has nothing to do with crime.
Crime is usually the result of poverty and injustice, so is either deliberately caused of justified.
And we should also remember the ancient Egyptians likely were Black, and ancient Romans likely were very swarthy.
The blond and light skinned Germanic type was ignorant barbarian at one time.
Wrong. Blacks make up around 14% of America's population but commit more than 50% of America's crimes. Sorry ... but that's “racial.”

That's is your wishful thinking chiseled to fit your political predilection....Of course culture and race are not the same thing just as skin color and race, skin color and culture are not the same thing. I have worked for years with Jamaicans who don't like being called black in any sense and were very vocal about it too.... They see themselves as JAMAICAN and unique despite the was made very clear to me early on with full and lengthy explanations. The Jamaicans who migrate here work like machines and are ashamed of themselves if they have only one job! Definitely no fit with CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN BLACK CULTURE.
Jamaican isn't a race you stupid fuck it's a nationality. Yes, whether you're ethnically Chinese, Indian or African (I'm all three) in Jamaica we all consider ourselves to just be Jamaican. That's culture and nationality you fucking idiot. Not race. Jamaicans aren't Black Americans and we are very prideful about people knowing where we're from. Jamaicans also wouldn't want to be confused with Trinidads or Bahamians either. (Where as Trinis wish they were us. 😉)
Light skinned Hispanics in the dense demographic generally despise the White "Cholo" and would laugh in your face if you called them white...regardless of what some government official wants to call them. Unlike the Jamaicans they are very difficult to get close to and may even harbor some smoldering resentment....but one thing that will get them resentful in a hurry is if you mistake them for white. THIS IS REALITY NOT SOME FUCKED UP ANTHROPOLOGICAL GOVERNMENT FUNDED DATA CRAP.
No one buys you're stupid fucking cosplay. If we want to know what Jamaicans think we ask a Jamaican and if we want to know what Hispanics think we'll ask Hispanics. Not some fucking clown white guy on the internet. That's why I included a poll of Hispanics themselves. A majority of whom identity as white. Stop doing make believe when the rest of us can read.
No one buys you're stupid fucking cosplay. If we want to know what Jamaicans think we ask a Jamaican and if we want to know what Hispanics think we'll ask Hispanics. Not some fucking clown white guy on the internet. That's why I included a poll of Hispanics themselves. A majority of whom identity as white. Stop doing make believe when the rest of us can read.
hahaha… Do you ever tell the truth about anything?
Apparently Hispanics themselves can’t decide how to ‘identify’….yet some gay Jamaican Asian in cyberspace says we should take his word for it…hahaha

“In the 2020 Census, the number of Latinos who selected “white” as their race dropped to 20% from 53% in 2010”
You're an idiot. Most Hispanics are mestizo, a mix of Indian and Spanish. As a teenager I went to Spain expecting people who looked Hispanic. To my surprise they were as white as any European.
You're an idiot. Or you can't read. I said that Hispanics are a mix of Spanish and Indian. Although, in Mexico there is a liberal dash of French. Or, did you forget Mexico was once French? Not know?

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