Is this an "official duty"?

Hanging? It was Trump’s properties Epstein showed up to. LOL!
Honored guest? They look pretty cozy! Then there’s the times Trump went to Epstein’s place in NYC.


We don't know anything. Pure speculation on your part.

Again, MAGA can't really discern their imagination from knowledge. They've been conditioned to believe that anything they make up must be reality.

Thus, they 'know' the outcomes of rulings that have never happened. As they accept their imagination as a standard of evidence.

Which also explains why they are so frequently outraged by actual legal outcomes.
My disagreements with magaturds doesn't make me evil or a democrat. I've never even been a registered democrat. They are just as fucking annoying as you are. Get a logical argument beyond your feelz or fuck off.
Yes, you are promoting the evil lies of Democrats. You are who you hang around and support.
Actually, no they don't. The Supreme Court has never overturned ANY of Trumps felony convictions. Nor did they find that Trump couldn't be prosecuted for his other crimes.

What you're offering us is your imagination of future verdicts.....which don't actually exist.

All while ignoring the actual verdicts, which do.

Your feelings aren't a legal standard.
You don’t understand what happened with their ruling. Maybe it will eventually crack that liberal thick head.

We're getting the receipts, just a little late.

This is your candidate.

Are you ashamed yet?

I doubt it.

Basically the Supreme Court just confirmed what has always been the case, presidents enjoy a high level, but not complete, level of immunity. Nothing changed on presidential immunity this week compared to last week. The left would have you believe that the SC court gave total immunity to do whatever the hell you wanted. That wasn't the case last week and it is not the case this week either. The left wanted the status quo to change to the president has no immunity for anything.
You don’t understand what happened with their ruling. Maybe it will eventually crack that liberal thick head.

Actually, I think its you who doesn't understand. They've overturned none of Trump's felony convictions. If you believe otherwise, show me in the ruling.

You'll find you're quite mistaken. And are citing your imagination rather than the actual ruling.

Nor is there any plausible legal argument that Trump falsifying private business records was an official act of the presidency. Which is what Trump was convicted of.

The ruling instead sent the case back down to the district court to consider presidential immunity for official acts.
Basically the Supreme Court just confirmed what has always been the case, presidents enjoy a high level, but not complete, level of immunity. Nothing changed on presidential immunity this week compared to last week. The left would have you believe that the SC court gave total immunity to do whatever the hell you wanted. That wasn't the case last week and it is not the case this week either. The left wanted the status quo to change to the president has no immunity for anything.
Trump himself is the one that has argued that Presidents have total immunity.
Trump himself is the one that has argued that Presidents have total immunity.
When are you idiots going to ever learn that what Trump says means nothing? It has nothing to do with Trump. The Court ruled that immunity is the same now as it was last week and it doesn't have a damn thing to do with Trump. Before Trump had a high level immunity but not complete and after the ruling Trump has a high level of immunity but not complete. Nothing changed. It is the left who wanted the Supreme Court to change immunity, not Trump. All the court did was affirm what has always been. They didn't change anything.
When are you idiots going to ever learn that what Trump says means nothing? It has nothing to do with Trump. The Court ruled that immunity is the same now as it was last week and it doesn't have a damn thing to do with Trump. Before Trump had a high level immunity but not complete and after the ruling Trump has a high level of immunity but not complete. Nothing changed. It is the left who wanted the Supreme Court to change immunity, not Trump. All the court did was affirm what has always been. They didn't change anything.
Show us where Trump had ANY immunity before this ruling
The Supreme Court disagrees. We know on appeal he will be found innocent because the judge is a wicked judge. And Biden is a dictator going after his opponents to actually lock them up. He jokingly did that with Hillary when she was actually guilty of treasonist crimes.

TT isn't someone who is reachable

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