Should public schools be mandated to teach the Bible?

Should public schools be mandated to teach the Bible?

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  • No

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Its kind of the core of the problem, in my opinion. Jesus was a fairly chill dude who spoke of love as the greatest commandment.

How do you go for enslaving millions, raping, murdering, mutilating, systematic torture, wars in his name...and still be a 'good Christian'.

Why fold in the fucking Torah, that's how! Because Yahweh killed on a whim, ordered the slaughter of entire peoples down to their animals and babies in their cribs. He slaughtered first borns, he directly helped in wars of conquest by knocking down walls, and gave rules for slavery..

.....and justified all the slaughter and vile tyranny a 'good Christian' would ever want to inflict.
good christians have been doing it for 2000 years and counting---
in SPADES whilst invoking (depending on the sect) "MARY, JOSEPH AND JESUS"-----historically speaking, Jesus beat out his
daddy, in SPADES
One thing about all this that I do not get, is why do these people want the public schools to do what is their job?

Are they not teaching their children about the bible?
" these people" in reference to religion, do more harm
than good-----but putting bible studies in the hands of
public school teachers would be MUCH WORSE
Haven't you heard about the 'war on Christmas'?
I have heard the phrase but have not noticed a
public battle against it except a minor kerfuffle
in the local muslim enclave of my city. Are you
suggesting that christmas tree displays in grammar
school kindergartens constitute the "christian value
I have heard the phrase but have not noticed a
public battle against it except a minor kerfuffle
in the local muslim enclave of my city. Are you
suggesting that christmas tree displays in grammar
school kindergartens constitute the "christian value

One of the core pillars of MAGAism is being a victim. Thus, someone ELSE not saying Merry Christmas must be a 'war on Christmas'.
One of the core pillars of MAGAism is being a victim. Thus, someone ELSE not saying Merry Christmas must be a 'war on Christmas'.
I don't understand your post. How do you conclude that "MAGAISM" (whatevah that is) stands on a pillar of "being
a victim" "Victim" of what. Maga people feel attacked if
not hailed with a 'MERRY CHRISTMAS'? so much for a few
I don't understand your post. How do you conclude that "MAGAISM" (whatevah that is) stands on a pillar of "being
a victim" "Victim" of what. Maga people feel attacked if
not hailed with a 'MERRY CHRISTMAS'? so much for a few

'Stolen elections', 'lawfare', 'corrupt judges', 'bias juries', 'being cancelled', 'fake news', 'prosecutors that hate Trump', the list is endless. If you're MAGA, somebody is fucking you.

Which apparently includes the imaginary 'war on christmas'.

Trump himself went so far down the victim rabbit hole that he insisted that the temperature of the court room was intentionally set low so he'd be uncomfortable.

MAGA is a political philsophy that really should come with an 8-ball gag.
'Stolen elections', 'lawfare', 'corrupt judges', 'bias juries', 'being cancelled', 'fake news', 'prosecutors that hate Trump', the list is endless. If you're MAGA, somebody is fucking you.

Which apparently includes the imaginary 'war on christmas'.

Trump himself went so far down the victim rabbit hole that he insisted that the temperature of the court room was intentionally set low so he'd be uncomfortable.

MAGA is a political philsophy that really should come with an 8-ball gag.
oh that----ain't nuthin' new. Feeling fucked by the court system
or BEING FUCKED thereby is nothing new. In fact---right now it
is (truly) RAMPANT. I have not noticed a war on christmas but
I have noticed lots of "selective" prosecution and
non-prosecution in the court system. RAMPANT. Even the cops are hamstrung by populist demands
oh that----ain't nuthin' new. Feeling fucked by the court system
or BEING FUCKED thereby is nothing new. In fact---right now it
is (truly) RAMPANT. I have not noticed a war on christmas but
I have noticed lots of "selective" prosecution and
non-prosecution in the court system. RAMPANT. Even the cops are hamstrung by populist demands

Thank you for demonstrating my point elegantly. If you're MAGA, somebody is fucking you. As victimhood is a core tenet of the political movement.
Thank you for demonstrating my point elegantly. If you're MAGA, somebody is fucking you. As victimhood is a core tenet of the political movement.
I did not come close to demonstrating your 'point' I made
note of a reality. As to the "enabling act of 1933" it was a
case of a SOCIOPATH finding an advantage and OPPORTUNITY
in what started out as justifiable "martial law". Finding
do (in DSM 5 ---sociopath has morphed into "antisocial
personality disorder")
gee I missed that one. Parts of Ezekiel (a Babylonian exile guy)
cannot be read in the synagogue as a public reading according
to some Mishnah guys----SHEEEESH living in Babylon must have
been quite a MUSHROOM TRIP
Furthermore, Christianity has played possibly the largest role in shaping the western civilized world. From our moral foundation the way we set up our criminal justice system for example, things like mercy and forgiveness or charity.

Obviously the Eastern world was largely affected and influenced by religions like Islam and Hinduism along with Buddhism. It so happens that the western world has largely been shaped by Christianity.

Its interesting that the number one destination for all immigrants and refugees of the world if they could choose…. is the Christian majority USA. Again the United States is not a theocracy. … also perhaps the greatest middle-class to ever exist in world history occurred in the post World War II era in the United States…. And in the 1940s and 1950s Christianity was even more influential in our society compared to you today.

You know they can take their children to Sunday school.
I did not come close to demonstrating your 'point' I made
note of a reality. As to the "enabling act of 1933" it was a
case of a SOCIOPATH finding an advantage and OPPORTUNITY
in what started out as justifiable "martial law". Finding
do (in DSM 5 ---sociopath has morphed into "antisocial
personality disorder")

You demonstrated the MAGA sense of victimhood. And how they have to perceive themselves as victims.

Thank you.
You demonstrated the MAGA sense of victimhood. And how they have to perceive themselves as victims.

Thank you.
no I noted a fact of USA life that touches on all groups
of people, INCREASINGLY. Have you ever been in USA courts?
Have you ever dealt with victims of "personal injury"? or
persons who claim "personal injury"
no I noted a fact of USA life that touches on all groups
of people, INCREASINGLY. Have you ever been in USA courts?
Have you ever dealt with victims of "personal injury"? or
persons who claim "personal injury"

You offered us your perception of your own victimhood, validating my every claim about how MAGA is a political philosophy that holds being a victim as a core tenet.

Which was exactly my point.

All we're discussing now is why I'm right.
You offered us your perception of your own victimhood, validating my every claim about how MAGA is a political philosophy that holds being a victim as a core tenet.

Which was exactly my point.

All we're discussing now is why I'm right.
OH!!! you have decided that I AM MAGA----nope.
Your argument just fell apart. In the course of
my long life (I am a victim of age) I have advocated ---
in a sense----for persons who do feel VICTIMIZED ----but
not politically and not based on anything related to

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