Poll: Do Trump Voters Worship Trump?

Trump Voters: Do you Worship Trump?

  • Yes, I have made him the head of my own faith

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, but I love him so much it might look like worship

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I read this accusation ALL THE TIME here. We worship Trump; it's a cult; etc. I know a ton of Trump voters and not a single one worships him.

So let's get some receipts. Since the liberals will skew the polls, your vote is public. Sorry, there are liberals here.

Keep in mind...

Projection, gaslighting and now, Fiction.
the fiction would be that "all conservative christians worship trump." clearly, as snopes rates your guestion "mixed," some do not.

worship? we report, you decide.

the fiction would be that "all conservative christians worship trump." clearly, as snopes rates your guestion "mixed," some do not.

worship? we report, you decide.

View attachment 962270
is trump a scientoligist? in his logan paul interview trump recalls meeting alien "pilots, looked like tom crujse only taller and perfect"

what comes next? the probe?

what a disappointment? the aliens send their "top gun" and "take me to your leader" leads to a meeting with trump?. i can imagine their report to the home planet.
I believe in trump but I don't worship him.

I support any president that is strong, smart, and dedicated. I support any president that believes in America and Americans. I support any president that wants American morals, values and standards. I support any president that wants America to be strong, free, independent, feared while being respected, prosperous and does what is in the best interest of the country and believes in what made us what we are today.

That could be trump or it could be anyone else. I care about a president that cares about america and does what's right for America.
The media has created Trump as the sum of all Democrat fears, and they have been conditioned to channel all the fears within them every time they see or hear his name.

Accusing others of being in some sort of cult is mere projection and helps assuage their fears.
No! We're not in a cult! Our precious leader says so, and we all agree!


The Capitol of the US is named after a president.

Are you gaslighting all the time or has TDS rendered you really that stupid?

Choose one
No! We're not in a cult! Our precious leader says so, and we all agree!


Mac you realize this was on GOP congressman and they didn't actually name it that, right?

Were Obama voters in a cult because some chicks fainted when they saw him?

Were Obama voters in a cult because someone painted him with a halo and teachers taught their students a praise song about him?

Let me know if "collective guilt" is your new bag
I read this accusation ALL THE TIME here. We worship Trump; it's a cult; etc. I know a ton of Trump voters and not a single one worships him.

So let's get some receipts. Since the liberals will skew the polls, your vote is public. Sorry, there are liberals here.

The one common denominator for all cults, the members do not realize they are in a cult
that might just be because, objectively, that is not even on our radar.

i kind of like biden, and wish i could read the history books in 2124, but i disagree on many policy points,

biden is clearly NOT teddy roosevelt or jfk, but he has been an effective unifying leader of our diverse movements. maybe for the first time since JFK.
"unifying": - $5 a gallon gas
  • food prices through the roof
  • 10,000,000 illegals a allowed in including ChiCom spies and terrorists who will blow up Americans
  • taking millions in foreign bribes
  • giving billions to Iran and Hamas
-stabbing Israel in the back

Sure did "unify" you America-haters
I read this accusation ALL THE TIME here. We worship Trump; it's a cult; etc. I know a ton of Trump voters and not a single one worships him.

So let's get some receipts. Since the liberals will skew the polls, your vote is public. Sorry, there are liberals here.

Bump, because so far, the only two people who worship Trump are liberals odanny and Mr Natural
I read this accusation ALL THE TIME here. We worship Trump; it's a cult; etc. I know a ton of Trump voters and not a single one worships him.

So let's get some receipts. Since the liberals will skew the polls, your vote is public. Sorry, there are liberals here.
TRump and associates aka the entire Fascist RINO party are of dictatorship mentality bordering on communism.

Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

Due to his insurrection activity Trump is an illegal candidate according to rules set forth by the democratic and republican parties. He is a nat'l security risk, he is a risk to the USA economy, he has committed perjury, he tried to cover his payment to a woman for sex using campaign money and he still has not returned all of the documents he stole from the USA.

Trump should never never have been approved as a presidential candidate if for no other reasons than his many investments abroad and activity with Russian mob who saved him from bankruptcy. Now with indictments under his belt.

A sitting president of the United States is granted immunity for Official Acts taken as President. It is under legal dispute whether they also enjoy immunity from criminal liability or prosecution. Neither civil nor criminal immunity is explicitly granted in the Constitution or any federal statute.

Time to terminate the Supreme Court in the interest of LAW ENFORCEMENT, the American quality of life, in the interest of our economy and job market and the American dream.
"unifying": - $5 a gallon gas
  • food prices through the roof
  • 10,000,000 illegals a allowed in including ChiCom spies and terrorists who will blow up Americans
  • taking millions in foreign bribes
  • giving billions to Iran and Hamas
-stabbing Israel in the back

Sure did "unify" you America-haters
No hard evidence simply muttering .........
I would not say that I worship Trump. I do not own any red hats and never have. I don't own any Trump T-shirts, nor Trump coins, or Trumpy bears.

I have never purchased any books about Trump. I don't buy nor read political books except for the Holy Bible. I'm just a voter.

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