Bernie Sanders: 'We have a president who is a racist'

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
Yesterday at a rally Bernie Sanders accurately stated:

"But we must be honest and straight-forward and say that we have a president who is a racist," Sanders, who is thought to be a likely 2020 presidential contender, said. "A president who is a sexist. A president who is a homophobe. A president who is a xenophobe and a president who is a religious bigot. And it gives me no joy to tell you that. But that is the simple truth and we've got to confront that truth."
Bernie Sanders: 'We have a president who is a racist'
Yesterday at a rally Bernie Sanders accurately stated:

"But we must be honest and straight-forward and say that we have a president who is a racist," Sanders, who is thought to be a likely 2020 presidential contender, said. "A president who is a sexist. A president who is a homophobe. A president who is a xenophobe and a president who is a religious bigot. And it gives me no joy to tell you that. But that is the simple truth and we've got to confront that truth."
Bernie Sanders: 'We have a president who is a racist'

Yesterday at a rally Bernie Sanders accurately stated:

"But we must be honest and straight-forward and say that we have a president who is a racist," Sanders, who is thought to be a likely 2020 presidential contender, said. "A president who is a sexist. A president who is a homophobe. A president who is a xenophobe and a president who is a religious bigot. And it gives me no joy to tell you that. But that is the simple truth and we've got to confront that truth."
Bernie Sanders: 'We have a president who is a racist'
Someone should tell the Bernster that the racist term-limited out.
The funny thing is he wouldn’t go into the hood without ten armed guards. Wonder how many of his homes have black neighbors. Haha shit shows up any time you look in the socialist sewer.
Yesterday at a rally Bernie Sanders accurately stated:

"But we must be honest and straight-forward and say that we have a president who is a racist," Sanders, who is thought to be a likely 2020 presidential contender, said. "A president who is a sexist. A president who is a homophobe. A president who is a xenophobe and a president who is a religious bigot. And it gives me no joy to tell you that. But that is the simple truth and we've got to confront that truth."
Bernie Sanders: 'We have a president who is a racist'

A Rich WHITE Socialist calling Trump Racist and all that is too hilarious...

Next boys and girls the left will start screaming " The Fourth Reich Is Coming! "...
Crazy Old Uncle Bernie is wrong.

Trump sometimes says things that can, indeed, be spun as racist.

Trump sometimes does things that can, indeed, be spun as racist.

However... I seriously doubt that Trump is a racist at his core.

At his core Trump is a spoiled little rich kid, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and plagued with debilitating bone spurs.

At his core, Blacks, Hispanics and other minorities are always welcome in his Alternate Reality.

So long as they have Maid or Butler costumes, and keep the place clean, and don't spill the soup on their white gloves when serving dinner.

So long as they know and keep their place in the periphery, I seriously doubt that Trump gives a damn one way or another.

Except when he wants something, or for political advantage.
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Bernie boy constantly attacks the capitalist rich for their excess. Yet, he lives in a large mulit-million dollar mansion in a gated community, and also owns a beautiful summer house on a private beach.

Typical liberal duplicity .... :cool:
This is the same clown that said "When you're white ... you don't know what it's like to be poor."

The man's stupidity knows no bounds.

I'm losing what little respect I had for the man.

Oh well, not surprising. They must be sleaze to survive and stay in that town.

Yesterday at a rally Bernie Sanders accurately stated:

"But we must be honest and straight-forward and say that we have a president who is a racist," Sanders, who is thought to be a likely 2020 presidential contender, said. "A president who is a sexist. A president who is a homophobe. A president who is a xenophobe and a president who is a religious bigot. And it gives me no joy to tell you that. But that is the simple truth and we've got to confront that truth."
Bernie Sanders: 'We have a president who is a racist'

Those are his finer points

The biggest problem is we have a president who is emotionally and intelectually incapable of performing the job he was elected to do
Bernie boy constantly attacks the capitalist rich for their excess. Yet, he lives in a large mulit-million dollar mansion in a gated community, and also owns a beautiful summer house on a private beach.

Typical liberal duplicity .... :cool:

Bernie has very little wealth
Dear Bernie Sanders,

Why do you not live as you preach?

Simple, like Stalin you tell others how their way of thinking is wrong in life while enjoying the sins of life.

Is Trump someone I would vote for?

Nope, but I would not vote for your lunatic ass that stay with the same political party that looked down on you.

Sure you claim to be a independent but reality is you are just another fringe left nutter that tell everyone how they should live but never lead by example.

You see Bernie as you proclaim Trump is evil you still live in that fancy glass house of yours and yeah you still think this is the 1960's social revolution with pushing your so-called socialistic agenda but are you really any better than Trump or are you the same type of charlatan that tell someone how they should act while you ignore your own advice?

So Bernie until you live like the common voter you are nothing but a WHITE Socialist living a lie and preaching what you will never do.

So Bernie even though Trump is a piece of Trash in my eyes, well old man you are no better you worthless hypocrite!

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