Best path forward in the Middle East?


Sep 12, 2012
So this is my first post on the forum, and I am hoping I will find some intellectuals rather than a bunch of trolls. I am one of those few Americans who doesn't really buy into either party line, and really spends some time looking at all sides of an argument before forming an opinion. And even then, that opinion is actively and openly challenged each time I revisit it.

All that being said, this morning's events really got me wondering what the best path forward in the middle east (in general) is for the U.S. I think I tend slightly towards "isolationism" in terms of removing ourselves from the equation whenever possible, but obviously the ripple effects of that are dramatic and painful. I definitely don't shy away from military action when needed, but am far from convinced that is the best solution for the majority of cases.

At any rate, I am curious to hear other people's well formed opinions. There is no need to post some uneducated flame or troll post. I will be more than happy to give you a free negative rating just for the asking.

To me the question is : "How will the United States manage future relations with countries who are more radical in terms of religious crossover into government?"
As of this morning I was thinking more along the lines of a massive retaliation against Islamists in Libya. Pick a shrine adored by the Islamists and vaporize it
As of this morning I was thinking more along the lines of a massive retaliation against Islamists in Libya. Pick a shrine adored by the Islamists and vaporize it
Which puts you in the same category as the Taliban when they blew up the buddhist stone idols in Afghanistan. :cool:
As of this morning I was thinking more along the lines of a massive retaliation against Islamists in Libya.

Do you mean "retaliation" against the very same Islamists US brought to power in Libya and is now supporting in Syria?!


They are doing what US wanted them to do in the first place: destroying the countries and spreading chaos.
Quote: Originally Posted by Sunni Man
Quote: Originally Posted by CrusaderFrank
As of this morning I was thinking more along the lines of a massive retaliation against Islamists in Libya. Pick a shrine adored by the Islamists and vaporize it
Which puts you in the same category as the Taliban when they blew up the buddhist stone idols in Afghanistan.
Yeah, maybe "Shrine" was a poor choice.

I do not think "shrine" was a poor choice I do believe that the only way to put a halt to the wholesale defilement of the holy places of "kaffirin" in which muslims have engaged for 1400 years and -----in which they still engage vigorously -----is simple PAYBACK. In order to understand my point, you have to understand that the islamic defilement of the shrines of "others" is based on a kind of "magical thinking" that by so doing they are DESTROYING the other religion and culture ------ie it is a "VICTORY FOR ISLAM" Of course that is a primitive idea but it is -----accepted amongst the people of the ummah as "holy" Sunni OFTEN justifies "response" when muslims so engage -----he is being hypocritical in stating "you would be like the taliban" The taliban are loved and HONORED among sunni muslims world wide for what they do.

I support PAYBACK when it comes to "holy places" and things

The destruction of the Buddhist statuary SHOULD HAVE BEEN ANSWERED with a comparable destruction -----a destruction of a very important and ancient islamic shrine Every church and hindu or buddhist temple or synagogue that does down in the name of islam-------should be matched by the destruction of a comparable islamic shrine-----not for "SPITE" but to end the islamic custom of defilement of the holy places of others

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