Be Forewarned: Millions of Mail ballots will go out

all ballots should have a serial number on them that is assigned to a legitimate voter
once that ballot has been casted, it should be unusable again

That would be illegal as we have secret ballots and as far as I can remember every state has laws maintaining the secret ballot.

Now the security evelopes used to mail the ballot package and the security envelope in which the ballot is returned...

..... ..... ..... ..... Drum role please...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ALREADY ARE QR/BAR CODED TO THE INDIVIDUAL.

Just FYI.

Just because racial madcow isn’t telling you these facts, does not mean it’s false. Hope that helps you Saul.

RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

Yes, that's why I ridicule MAGA and their weird bizarre conspiracy theories. It's utterly retarded.
****As far as I can tell, nothing has changed? But an increase in Illegal names onto State voter rolls. Who will get these Ballots at the bogus address or USPS return piles? Without SIG review (Fulton county or phony ARIZ setup) they can simply be filled out (Biden only) and dumped into unmonitored drop boxes. Who will stop it? Who would allow audit after the fact? Phony R are crowing now, but Ballots are going out and they will be silent AFTER, just like 2020.

The courts won’t intervene – no standing, remember? Republican RINOs in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Texas will just go along – nothing to see here.
The data we see, in the swing states, supports that if the election were held today, Trump would lose Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Colorado, New Hampshire.
Overnight, at the snap of a finger, lofty polls change, to where they need to be for the steal. Trump will be down in the key swings by 2% to 7% – just the margin needed for our Leftist pals to put those illegal alien ballots to work.

Those NGOs are bringing people into the country, registering them at soup kitchens, empty buildings, strip malls and scores of ballot collection locations.

Last week we published one, of thousands of emails, witnessing hundreds of non-persons at a food bank. Those people are gone – their mail-in ballots are 91 days away!

The number now exceeds 500,000 each in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Georgia. The number exceeds 400,000 each in Arizona, Nevada. We will shortly know the number for Colorado and Virginia – expect it to be on the high side.

When are you going to learn not to trust the horseshit fake news you read in
NOTHING you read from this source can be trusted. Nothing!
Now, if Biden (or Harris) does pull off a win in November you can either latch onto some other whacky, bat-shit-crazy conspiracy theory that he got "cheated" once again OR you can admit the obvious......the GOP learned absolutely nothing in 2020 the first time in this matchup and repeated the same mistake again running the same weak candidate.
Leftist marxist arguments are: uh-uh. Dats not true! GP is lying.

Lol! Never any facts to disprove, just “I don’t like it, it must be false”. Get off me you board maggots. Useless forkers barely have intellectual skill capable to debate a banana slug.
Lets do basic math shall we? The claim was 150mil legal votes were cast in 2020 (an improbable Massive increase over 2016, not matched to legit voter population growth btw).

Trump support was nearly 65% where fraud was “lessened’. But just across State lines Trump support would drop to 45%? That don’t the pass basic smell test but I digress.

Let’s set Trump support at conservative 55% nationwide was equal to 75 million legitimate votes. Thats a given.

Therefore 75e+06/0.55 =136million max true legal voters.
Leaving 136e+06x0.45= or 61million votes maximum for the Corpse.

Where did the 20 million other votes come from? Can’t create all of them electronically because if any audit the paper would not match up.

But it is much worse than just a look at popular vote totals. It came down to only five big counties late night NOV03 pulling out emergency stacks of bogus ballots to suddenly add in (or recount stacks in other machines as seen in ATL) and win the last few states needed for the Corpse to be appointed. Obiden operatives watching results and calling in to count room helpers. In the same building in Green Bay given login privileges.

They didn’t need all the 21 million in those five counties, just enough to turn the tide. Perhaps 4 million?
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Many States have a Voter roll. They will send out a Ballot to every name (unsolicited in many cases) as soon as the rules permit. If its to a vacant lot? A Gas station? A shelter? No one will check as the name got on a legal Voter roll. Even w/o proof of Citizenship at registration (not required to vote in federal elections).
Voter rolls need to be audited as close as possible to when voting begins, that way the fraudulent registrations

will be purged before the election. People need to push this this year, because Americans deserve secure elections.
Voter rolls need to be audited as close as possible to when voting begins, that way the fraudulent registrations

will be purged before the election. People need to push this this year, because Americans deserve secure elections.

There shouldn't be voter registration.

Who are we registering with? The government.

Who already knows if you are a qualified voter? The government.

The only action should be notification of address to determine precinct where voting occurs. Then when voting verify ID to confirm you are the qualified voter.

Voter rolls need to be audited as close as possible to when voting begins, that way the fraudulent registrations

will be purged before the election. People need to push this this year, because Americans deserve secure elections.

I think the filthy courts have ordered no names can be removed within 90 days of elections?
That is early AUG, coming up in 2 weeks. Yet RINO State workers graze about doing nothing?

In AZ they only work 6 mos. Then go on break July01? Its a recurring nightmare. Then they begin to beller out windows loud around their own reelection times?
all ballots should have a serial number on them that is assigned to a legitimate voter
once that ballot has been casted, it should be unusable again
The problem is, due to illegals being given voter registration cards when they sign up for social services, they actually appear as legitimate voters, so they would never be caught.

We need a citizenship verification procedure for every state.
There shouldn't be voter registration.

Who are we registering with? The government.

Who already knows if you are a qualified voter? The government.

The only action should be notification of address to determine precinct where voting occurs. Then when voting verify ID to confirm you are the qualified voter.

That would require voter ID, which the left is against.
Under a 2013 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, the state must permit voters who registered without citizenship proof to cast ballots in federal elections, so Arizona has maintained separate rolls of so-called federal-only voters.

Why don’t these numbers gst published? How many voters are FEDERAL only in AZ? Many states let them vote in all elections. AZ denies state voting to them. Why no outrage from those elected for Americans not Mexico.or Chile? I once spent time fighting LW search engines to try and find out how many illegal names voted. The illegals themselves don’t want to vote and get caught lying, but the Ballots in their name are used for votes.
Look, I don’t have any answers. If State workers right there seeing what is going on can’t stop it? What can we do? Riot? If the Courts make ridiculous rulings and no Politicians file suit to get it changed? Another riot?

A simple thing was monitoring drop boxes, one person, one vote. Courts ruled you gotta stay a mile away or some BS? But you must allow drop boxes in the ghetto open 24 hours un-lit? No cameras? No one allowed to watch it? Riot#3.

The problem in America is insane Leftist unelected Judges making law.
Just watch first 30 second. This is how bad things are. A tranny look alike takes the stage……
When are you going to learn not to trust the horseshit fake news you read in
NOTHING you read from this source can be trusted. Nothing!
They'll tell you Gateway Pundit and Alex Jones and the rest are all every bit as accurate and comprehensive as the regular press.

That's what they're told, that's what they believe.

On every V.B.M. (Vote By Mail) envelope is either a bar code or a qr-code. The name, age, address, place of bith, date of birth and political affiation). The information in bacode/qr-code is specific to one person. That person being voter to whom the ballot was sent. To make claim Election Fraud, you would need supporting evidence of such fraud. In order to do that, you would require two identical bar codes/qr-codes with that specific voters informaton and that ain't gonna happen. And to date, the only Election Fraud that has been reported is being committed ReNaziKlan Assholes.

There was no wide spread Election Fraud/Voter Fraud in the 2020 Election, no matter how long and how hard you bloviate about it.

On every V.B.M. (Vote By Mail) envelope is either a bar code or a qr-code. The name, age, address, place of bith, date of birth and political affiation). The information in bacode/qr-code is specific to one person. That person being voter to whom the ballot was sent. To make claim Election Fraud, you would need supporting evidence of such fraud. In order to do that, you would require two identical bar codes/qr-codes with that specific voters informaton and that ain't gonna happen. And to date, the only Election Fraud that has been reported is being committed ReNaziKlan Assholes.

There was no wide spread Election Fraud/Voter Fraud in the 2020 Election, no matter how long and how hard you bloviate about it.
Well bless your heart

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