Bi-Partisan Support passes House Upton Bill.


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
Democrats are rebelling against Obama.

Some of them don't like Obama's attempt to change the laws by bypassing them any more than the Republicans do.
[ame=]Admiral Ackbar - "It's A Trap!" - YouTube[/ame]
It gives them some kind of ability to say to their constituents they tried to help them. Of course if they had opposed this piece of shit legislation to begin with--or even asked some questions about it--they wouldn't be in this fix.
I have zero sympathy with the Dems. They were doubtless told by Pelosi et al that this great giveaway would assure re-elections for the foreseeable future. Wasn't it just 4 weeks ago the Dems were talking about how the GOP was finished and washed up?
It could be a trap and a step either way springs the trap. I think he's caught. Stick a fork in him Mildred. I think he's done.
I think it is just window dressing.

Yeah you can bet it's dead on arrival in Harry Reid's senate. Democrats in the senate are not going to vote for this. It would basically collapse the structure of what they voted for back in 2009.-They may get the 16 democrat senators who are running for reelection in 2014 to vote for it ha.ha. just for the typical "dog and pony show" so they can fool their constituents--but remember these same 16 senators voted against a bill in 2010 that would enabled people to keep their insurance.

Maybe it will be "they voted against it before they voted for it":--LOL
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Now we can see if both sides are will to work together on ensuring that all Americans have accessible and affordable quality health care.
Now we can see if both sides are will to work together on ensuring that all Americans have accessible and affordable quality health care.

So now we get another worthless law introduced that delays the original worthless law but allows the original worthless law at a later date. I've seen smarter carnival attendants.
Now--since the approved house bill is going to be dead on arrival in the senate--REPUBLICANS in the house should vote for Senate bill to allow Americans to keep their insurance and bounce this ball right back into Obama's lap--and you can be certain he will veto it.

If they don't they will be blamed--for not passing senate's version of the "keep your insurance policies"--and they will ruin their chances for kicking these bums out of office in 2014.
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