This PhD did a scientific analysis of all bullet audio signatures from the Trump assassination footage CONCLUSION: Raw Audio evidence proves ...

Do you even own a rifle? :dunno:

My 9 year old daughter would easily make that shot on her first try.
9 years old 130 yards with an AR? :eek:

I was shooting a Daisy cock gun at 9 years old.

Well, a break-barrel pellet rifle too.
Do you even own a rifle? :dunno:

My 9 year old daughter would easily make that shot on her first try.

Care to start the Civil War you and yours keep threatening to find out? I don't say I do nor do not own a rifle. How about asking if I can use a firearm. I am 20+ year Military Retiree. What do you think if I am?

You want proof? Go for it, coward MAGAt Traitor.
Do you even own a rifle? :dunno:

My 9 year old daughter would easily make that shot on her first try.

Makes me wonder about your parentally skills and do we need to call social services they can evaluate your home. You just failed the test of a responsible gun owner. And the parental skills. You did pass the gunnutter and liar test though with flying colors.
You just earned to be ignored.

Mirrors exactly what I think of the majority of posters here .
But I just love a chat site for mainly old people who are colectively not very bright and invariably just repeat what is fed to them.
Same type of reaction happened for 9/11 and thereafter every False Flag , most recently with Ukraine and Israel .

My favourites were the LA shooter and the Skripals over here in merry England .


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