Biden Admin Considering Awarding $450,000 Per Person To Illegals Who Were Separated At Border Under Trump

President Biden denied on Wednesday that his administration was considering paying migrant families separated at the border during the Trump administration up to $450,000 per person, contradicting reports from the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

Biden Denies ‘Garbage’ Reports of $450,000 Payments to Illegal Immigrants | National Review

President Biden “may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department,” the ACLU charged Wednesday, after he labeled as “garbage” a news report that his administration is considering $450,000 per person payouts to families separated after illegally crossing the US-Mexico border.

ACLU suggests Biden out to lunch over $450K migrant separation payouts - NY Press News
President Biden denied on Wednesday that his administration was considering paying migrant families separated at the border during the Trump administration up to $450,000 per person, contradicting reports from the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

Biden Denies ‘Garbage’ Reports of $450,000 Payments to Illegal Immigrants | National Review

President Biden “may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department,” the ACLU charged Wednesday, after he labeled as “garbage” a news report that his administration is considering $450,000 per person payouts to families separated after illegally crossing the US-Mexico border.

ACLU suggests Biden out to lunch over $450K migrant separation payouts - NY Press News

The illegal immigrants sued under our laws for crimes trump committed against them.

They won.

Blame the lawyers. Blame the system.
The illegal immigrants sued under our laws for crimes trump committed against them.

They won.

Blame the lawyers. Blame the system.

So you're saying that a President doesn't even know what his own Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are doing?

Or is it that Biden's own Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services acting as independent branches of the government?

Which would it be? And where is Congress on all this? I seem to remember that spending generally has to be approved by Congress.
So you're saying that a President doesn't even know what his own Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are doing?

Or is it that Biden's own Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services acting independently without any actions from him?

Which would it be?

What can the president do?

The immigrants got American lawyers and sued in American courts and won.

Joe can't do anything about that.
He never heard of such a thing and would be against it.

So, where did it come from.

It was probably thrown out in a brainstorming session by someone in one of those agencies and the rightwingers took it and ran with it saying Biden had already approved it
So you're saying that a President doesn't even know what his own Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are doing?

Or is it that Biden's own Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services acting independently without any actions from him?

Which would it be?

You think that the POTUS knows every single thing every Department in the executive branch talks about and discusses on a daily basis?

It’s been in the news for a week, and tens of millions of average Americans have heard about it. Yet the President of the United States Biden is clueless.

So, since it was in the news that means it really happened? Is that your stance now?
No. Biden acted like he never even heard about it. He was completely gobsmacked.

Every major media outlet in the world is parroting the WSJ and New York Times report that immigrants are in negotiation with the Biden administration for a $450,000 payment for something Trump did.

And Biden calls it "garbage." :laughing0301:

This has to be the worst administration I've ever seen, as far as mixed signals and one department not knowing what the others are doing. I swear, it's like a monkey fucking a football or something.

At least with Trump, he came right up front and told people what he was doing.
That's what daily briefings are for.

You're kidding, right? Biden couldn't stay awake long enough for a daily briefing. And having to change his shitty Depends every 15 minutes would be a real problem.


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