Biden admin has given $2.35 BILLION to Taliban since 2021 surrender


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015


Why are we giving them a dime? All the military hardware we left behind was not enough? We are giving them money to rebuild?

This is ridiculous.

Biden admin has given $2.35 BILLION to Taliban since 2021 surrender​


Maybe that was payment owed to them for giving us that smooth pullout. 😠

Why isn't the HOUSE involved in this or does Joe just give our money away freely without ANY congressional oversight?


Why are we giving them a dime? All the military hardware we left behind was not enough? We are giving them money to rebuild?

This is ridiculous.
Not to worry, we are giving it to the Taliban to give to their population who needs it. The Taliban don't get to keep any.

It is so easy to be a Prog. Every dime of opulence to others from the taxpayer.

Biden Admin Top Source of Aid in Afghanistan

But Taliban Take Credit

9 Au 2023 ~~ By Frances Martel

The office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), a federal watchdog agency, revealed in a report published Tuesday that America “remains the largest donor” to Afghanistan nearly two years after the Taliban’s conquest of the country – and the Taliban is taking credit for much of that aid.
SIGAR was established to monitor American taxpayer spending in Afghanistan during the 20-year war, which was supposed to end in May 2021 but continued into August of that year after leftist President Joe Biden chose to violate an agreement to leave the country made by predecessor Donald Trump. That decision prompted the Taliban, the jihadist terror organization that ruled the country prior to America’s 2001 invasion, to launch a national assault on the fragile U.S.-backed government. Then-President Ashraf Ghani responded to the attacks by fleeing the country and leaving it in Taliban hands. The Taliban have remained the uncontested authority in the country since August 15, 2021.
Despite extracting troops from the country following the Taliban’s victory in 2021, Biden has maintained America’s status as the “largest donor to the Afghan people, having appropriated more than $2.35 billion since the Taliban takeover in August 2021,” according to the SIGAR report, dated July 30 but published on Tuesday. The report covers the timeframe between April 1 and June 30 of this year.

In the immediate aftermath of the Taliban’s conquest of Afghanistan in 2021, the United States, U.N., and international financial organizations such as the World Bank froze Afghan state assets and refused to recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government of the country.
Anonymous reports in American newspapers claimed the U.S. Treasury Department had given a “green light” before August was over to some humanitarian organizations to continue working on the ground in Afghanistan. The World Bank announced in March 2022 that it had approved the transfer of $1 billion in aid to “Afghanistan,” landing in the hands of the Taliban.
Afghanistan’s population is one of the world’s most destitute. Estimates from this month suggest that as many as 30 million people are in “dire” need of food, medical, and other humanitarian aid in the country. The Taliban’s propaganda arms, most prominently the Bakhtar News Agency, leverage the crisis by flooding Afghans with reports of the Taliban’s alleged successes in distributing aid.
Bakhtar’s pages are full of articles with announcements from Da Afghanistan Bank, the nation’s central bank, and Taliban leaders of millions of dollars arriving in Kabul meant for humanitarian aid. Local Taliban officials host photo opportunities with impoverished civilians distributing basic items such as oil, flour, and legumes. The WFP features heavily in these reports; the United States is never mentioned as a pivotal donor.

Adding insult to injury. Biden sends aid to Taliban terrorists and asks them to distribute it to their victims.
Not only is Joe Biden a Clear and Present Danger to America`s National Security he is also giving Aid and Comfort To The Enemy.
This is reprehensible. What was the last 22 years for? The Taliban controls Afghanistan and we’re still giving them aid?
If ANY American enlists in Joe Biden’s woke military, biological he/she is crazy. We lost thousands of soldiers fighting these terrorists, along with trillions of dollars, and now WE continue to give them money, while ignoring those who gave their lives.
The Gold Star parents covered said it well yesterday.
That's Joe, Giving Billions to Ukraine, other countries and the illegal immigrants live better than the American homeless sleeping on sidewalks and wiping feces on the back of their hand.


Why are we giving them a dime? All the military hardware we left behind was not enough? We are giving them money to rebuild?

This is ridiculous.

Did you read the article from Free Beacon?

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