Biden Campaign Lie #3,659: Tax Cuts for the Rich Edition


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Yeah, couple this with the fact that Biden supporters are just dumb enough to believe that repealing the Trump tax cuts is not the same as a tax hike. They will claim in didn’t raise taxes on anyone making over 400k, despite the fact that they will be paying more taxes. On top of that, they claimned the Trump tax cuts only helped the rich, but oddly enough, repealing them would affect everyone. How does that work exactly?

We need a new term to describe the level of ignorance by Democrats.
The oligarchs contribute more "dark money" to democrats than to Republicans.
Democrats want to buy elections, Putin's Bitch could also be called "Helicopter Joe".
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Closely held businesses are not the Apples and Amazons of the world. There are some large private companies but for the most part, corporations would be paying their fair share under PRESIDENT Biden.

Thread fail.
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Closely held businesses are not the Apples and Amazons of the world. There are some large private companies but for the most part, corporations would be paying their fair share under PRESIDENT Biden.

Thread fail.
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Closely held businesses are not the Apples and Amazons of the world. There are some large private companies but for the most part, corporations would be paying their fair share under PRESIDENT Biden.

Thread fail.
View attachment 495423
He's making corporations pay their fair share.

Jokes on you. Silly boy.
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Closely held businesses are not the Apples and Amazons of the world. There are some large private companies but for the most part, corporations would be paying their fair share under PRESIDENT Biden.

Thread fail.
View attachment 495423
He's making corporations pay their fair share.

Jokes on you. Silly boy.
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Closely held businesses are not the Apples and Amazons of the world. There are some large private companies but for the most part, corporations would be paying their fair share under PRESIDENT Biden.

Thread fail.
View attachment 495423
He's making corporations pay their fair share.

Jokes on you. Silly boy.
View attachment 495427
I like that He's making corporations pay their fair share....

Apparently you do too.
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Reminds me of how liberals howled about “Bush Tax Cuts” for years and years. Then when the Hussein got in power with a super majority of Congress, he extended them again! How stupid are lefties that keep falling for this shit?
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Closely held businesses are not the Apples and Amazons of the world. There are some large private companies but for the most part, corporations would be paying their fair share under PRESIDENT Biden.

Thread fail.
View attachment 495423
He's making corporations pay their fair share.
Except that they won’t , they’ll just go back to expatriating their profits like they were doing before the last corporate tax cut.

However Biden has proposed a “minimum Global Corporate Tax Rate”, which is a VERY steep hill to climb since it would require all major economies to come on board but still it’s a worthy idea that should be explored.

BTW “fair share” is a really BAD phrase since it’s completely subjective and thus has ABSOLUTELY no meaning, it’s just an empty slogan that signals that the person using it doesn’t understand what they’re talking about.
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Closely held businesses are not the Apples and Amazons of the world. There are some large private companies but for the most part, corporations would be paying their fair share under PRESIDENT Biden.

Thread fail.
View attachment 495423
He's making corporations pay their fair share.
Except that they won’t , they’ll just go back to expatriating their profits like they were doing before the last corporate tax cut.

However Biden has proposed a “minimum Global Corporate Tax Rate”, which is a VERY steep hill to climb since it would require all major economies to come on board but still it’s a worthy idea that should be explored.

BTW “fair share” is a really BAD phrase since it’s completely subjective and thus has ABSOLUTELY no meaning, it’s just an empty slogan that signals that the person using it doesn’t understand what they’re talking about.

All they did with the tax cuts was stockpile the cash and give their already mega-rich executives bonuses.

Why do you think the stock market did so well? Really. What do you think wealthy people do with more income? They invest it...and the market rises. As you guys happily say whenever a democrat is in office...."the stock market isn't he economy". You're right about that--it's not the economy when Republicans are in the Oval either LOL.
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Closely held businesses are not the Apples and Amazons of the world. There are some large private companies but for the most part, corporations would be paying their fair share under PRESIDENT Biden.

Thread fail.
View attachment 495423
He's making corporations pay their fair share.
Except that they won’t , they’ll just go back to expatriating their profits like they were doing before the last corporate tax cut.

However Biden has proposed a “minimum Global Corporate Tax Rate”, which is a VERY steep hill to climb since it would require all major economies to come on board but still it’s a worthy idea that should be explored.

BTW “fair share” is a really BAD phrase since it’s completely subjective and thus has ABSOLUTELY no meaning, it’s just an empty slogan that signals that the person using it doesn’t understand what they’re talking about.

All they did with the tax cuts was stockpile the cash and give their already mega-rich executives bonuses.

Why do you think the stock market did so well? Really. What do you think wealthy people do with more income? They invest it...and the market rises. As you guys happily say whenever a democrat is in office...."the stock market isn't he economy". You're right about that--it's not the economy when Republicans are in the Oval either LOL.
You missed the point entirely which was, raising corporate taxes while doing NOTHING about profit expatriation WON’T CHANGE THAT. All it will do is cause corporations to move profits off shore, resulting in investment flowing overseas and thus INCREASING FOREIGN INVESTMENT MARKETS WHILE HURTING DOMESTIC ONES, is that what you want?

The leader of your own party understands this which is why he’s at least proposed doing something about it, how come you don’t?

BTW I’m NOT a Republican, so I don’t know why you need to resort to the “you guys” bullshit in place of formulating an actual counter argument based on reason and evidence.
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Closely held businesses are not the Apples and Amazons of the world. There are some large private companies but for the most part, corporations would be paying their fair share under PRESIDENT Biden.

Thread fail.
View attachment 495423
He's making corporations pay their fair share.
Except that they won’t , they’ll just go back to expatriating their profits like they were doing before the last corporate tax cut.

However Biden has proposed a “minimum Global Corporate Tax Rate”, which is a VERY steep hill to climb since it would require all major economies to come on board but still it’s a worthy idea that should be explored.

BTW “fair share” is a really BAD phrase since it’s completely subjective and thus has ABSOLUTELY no meaning, it’s just an empty slogan that signals that the person using it doesn’t understand what they’re talking about.

All they did with the tax cuts was stockpile the cash and give their already mega-rich executives bonuses.

Why do you think the stock market did so well? Really. What do you think wealthy people do with more income? They invest it...and the market rises. As you guys happily say whenever a democrat is in office...."the stock market isn't he economy". You're right about that--it's not the economy when Republicans are in the Oval either LOL.
You missed the point entirely which was, raising corporate taxes while doing NOTHING about profit expatriation WON’T CHANGE THAT. All it will do is cause corporations to move profits off shore, resulting in investment flowing overseas and thus INCREASING FOREIGN INVESTMENT MARKETS WHILE HURTING DOMESTIC ONES, is that what you want?

The leader of your own party understands this which is why he’s at least proposed doing something about it, how come you don’t?
Not all of the money can or will be moved...but you're right a lot of it will be. There won't be foreign investment that was going to come here...otherwise it would have already came here.

The Tax cuts you and I and our kids are paying for simply went into the pockets of the corporate executives. It didn't go into any massive production facilities.
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Closely held businesses are not the Apples and Amazons of the world. There are some large private companies but for the most part, corporations would be paying their fair share under PRESIDENT Biden.

Thread fail.
View attachment 495423
He's making corporations pay their fair share.

Jokes on you. Silly boy.
As long as we do not pay more and the country does not weaken with more and more foreign products. It does not matter. To watch your cities nuked will be a victory when it comes. You can almost taste the flavor.
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Closely held businesses are not the Apples and Amazons of the world. There are some large private companies but for the most part, corporations would be paying their fair share under PRESIDENT Biden.

Thread fail.
View attachment 495423
He's making corporations pay their fair share.
Except that they won’t , they’ll just go back to expatriating their profits like they were doing before the last corporate tax cut.

However Biden has proposed a “minimum Global Corporate Tax Rate”, which is a VERY steep hill to climb since it would require all major economies to come on board but still it’s a worthy idea that should be explored.

BTW “fair share” is a really BAD phrase since it’s completely subjective and thus has ABSOLUTELY no meaning, it’s just an empty slogan that signals that the person using it doesn’t understand what they’re talking about.

All they did with the tax cuts was stockpile the cash and give their already mega-rich executives bonuses.

Why do you think the stock market did so well? Really. What do you think wealthy people do with more income? They invest it...and the market rises. As you guys happily say whenever a democrat is in office...."the stock market isn't he economy". You're right about that--it's not the economy when Republicans are in the Oval either LOL.
You missed the point entirely which was, raising corporate taxes while doing NOTHING about profit expatriation WON’T CHANGE THAT. All it will do is cause corporations to move profits off shore, resulting in investment flowing overseas and thus INCREASING FOREIGN INVESTMENT MARKETS WHILE HURTING DOMESTIC ONES, is that what you want?

The leader of your own party understands this which is why he’s at least proposed doing something about it, how come you don’t?
Not all of the money can or will be moved...but you're right a lot of it will be. There won't be foreign investment that was going to come here...otherwise it would have already came here.

The Tax cuts you and I and our kids are paying for simply went into the pockets of the corporate executives. It didn't go into any massive production facilities.
I’m not talking about “foreign investment coming here”, although that will be impacted negatively too, I’m talking about domestically generated cash moving into foreign markets instead of being left in American ones. Why do you think Ireland is so resistant to upping their corporate tax rate? It’s because their low corporte rates (12.5%) attracts investment in their domestic economy, which is exactly why Biden wants to impose a GLOBAL MINIMUM, he’s acutely aware of the fact that raising rates here will result in investment outflows and thus negatively impact corporate tax revenues over time.

It’s not like just turning on a switch and magically your tax revenues increase without a host of negative consequences ensuing, adjusting corporate tax rates ISN’T a silver bullet, you should have learned that after the “Trump Tax Cuts” unilaterally lowered them without taking into consideration all the potential negative consequences.
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Closely held businesses are not the Apples and Amazons of the world. There are some large private companies but for the most part, corporations would be paying their fair share under PRESIDENT Biden.

Thread fail.
View attachment 495423
He's making corporations pay their fair share.
Except that they won’t , they’ll just go back to expatriating their profits like they were doing before the last corporate tax cut.

However Biden has proposed a “minimum Global Corporate Tax Rate”, which is a VERY steep hill to climb since it would require all major economies to come on board but still it’s a worthy idea that should be explored.

BTW “fair share” is a really BAD phrase since it’s completely subjective and thus has ABSOLUTELY no meaning, it’s just an empty slogan that signals that the person using it doesn’t understand what they’re talking about.

All they did with the tax cuts was stockpile the cash and give their already mega-rich executives bonuses.

Why do you think the stock market did so well? Really. What do you think wealthy people do with more income? They invest it...and the market rises. As you guys happily say whenever a democrat is in office...."the stock market isn't he economy". You're right about that--it's not the economy when Republicans are in the Oval either LOL.
You missed the point entirely which was, raising corporate taxes while doing NOTHING about profit expatriation WON’T CHANGE THAT. All it will do is cause corporations to move profits off shore, resulting in investment flowing overseas and thus INCREASING FOREIGN INVESTMENT MARKETS WHILE HURTING DOMESTIC ONES, is that what you want?

The leader of your own party understands this which is why he’s at least proposed doing something about it, how come you don’t?
Not all of the money can or will be moved...but you're right a lot of it will be. There won't be foreign investment that was going to come here...otherwise it would have already came here.

The Tax cuts you and I and our kids are paying for simply went into the pockets of the corporate executives. It didn't go into any massive production facilities.
I’m not talking about “foreign investment coming here”, although that will be impacted negatively too, I’m talking about domestically generated cash moving into foreign markets instead of being left in American ones. Why do you think Ireland is so resistant to upping their corporate tax rate? It’s because their low corporte rates (12.5%) attracts investment in their domestic economy, which is exactly why Biden wants to impose a GLOBAL MINIMUM, he’s acutely aware of the fact that raising rates here will result in investment outflows and thus negatively impact corporate tax revenues over time.

It’s not like just turning on a switch and magically your tax revenues increase without a host of negative consequences ensuing, adjusting corporate tax rates ISN’T a silver bullet, you should have learned that after the “Trump Tax Cuts” unilaterally lowered them without taking into consideration all the potential negative consequences.
Yep. Ireland went from economic squalor to economic superpower in just a few years by simply lowering its taxes.
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Fascist stalinists like biden know that if you tell a lie often enough the stupid believe it.
WASHINGTON—Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction under President Biden’s tax plan, leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting—for now—from a provision that Republicans created in 2017 over Democratic opposition.

Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.

Biden loves those evil tax cuts for the rich!

Closely held businesses are not the Apples and Amazons of the world. There are some large private companies but for the most part, corporations would be paying their fair share under PRESIDENT Biden.

Thread fail.
View attachment 495423
He's making corporations pay their fair share.
Except that they won’t , they’ll just go back to expatriating their profits like they were doing before the last corporate tax cut.

However Biden has proposed a “minimum Global Corporate Tax Rate”, which is a VERY steep hill to climb since it would require all major economies to come on board but still it’s a worthy idea that should be explored.

BTW “fair share” is a really BAD phrase since it’s completely subjective and thus has ABSOLUTELY no meaning, it’s just an empty slogan that signals that the person using it doesn’t understand what they’re talking about.

All they did with the tax cuts was stockpile the cash and give their already mega-rich executives bonuses.

Why do you think the stock market did so well? Really. What do you think wealthy people do with more income? They invest it...and the market rises. As you guys happily say whenever a democrat is in office...."the stock market isn't he economy". You're right about that--it's not the economy when Republicans are in the Oval either LOL.

All they did with the tax cuts was stockpile the cash and give their already mega-rich executives bonuses.

And then the mega-rich executives paid 37% on their bonus.....DURR.

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