Biden: Clear 'Mandate' to Raise Taxes

Obama does not get to write the law. He cannot prevent the Bush tax cuts from expiring all on his own. If the Bush tax cuts expire its because Republicans in the House would prefer to stick it to everyone instead of allowing them to expire only on the wealthy. That's the plain truth. For Obama to sign into a law a bill that would keep them for everyone would be fiscally irresponsible.

Well thank heavens for that, OohPoo! We'd really be up the creek without a paddle if we were relying on Barack Obama to write a law. God, knows he hasn't even TRIED to do that since his second year in the Illinois State Senate when after two years of having every single piece of legislation he wrote not be passed, he gave up and went to Emile Jones for a little "help". Ever since he's had OTHERS write his legislation for him and he just signs his John Hancock on it when they're done. Gee, that must be why he and Joe Biden get along so well! Joe likes having other people do his work for him too.

As for what he could have done? I hate to remind all you progressives of the reality of the first part of his term but with super majorities in both the Senate and the House, Barry could have done pretty much whatever he WANTED to do. The reason that the Democrats didn't get rid of the Bush tax cuts was because some of their more intelligent members pointed out to them that it would damage the economy so much that none of them would get re-elected. That's the plain truth...not the fairy tale you folks have come up with to make this all a Republican bail out of "rich guys".

There was a super-majority for only 6 months, broken into two pieces.

Obama did not want to get rid of all the tax cuts.

BTW, when you're ready to stop acting like a child, let us know.

Only six months? long does it take to pass legislation getting rid of an existing bill? A couple of hours with super majorities? Your excuse is feeble at best. So explain to me why Obama didn't get rid of the tax cuts to the wealthy back then, OohPoo?

Or is that a "childish" question? :)
Well thank heavens for that, OohPoo! We'd really be up the creek without a paddle if we were relying on Barack Obama to write a law. God, knows he hasn't even TRIED to do that since his second year in the Illinois State Senate when after two years of having every single piece of legislation he wrote not be passed, he gave up and went to Emile Jones for a little "help". Ever since he's had OTHERS write his legislation for him and he just signs his John Hancock on it when they're done. Gee, that must be why he and Joe Biden get along so well! Joe likes having other people do his work for him too.

As for what he could have done? I hate to remind all you progressives of the reality of the first part of his term but with super majorities in both the Senate and the House, Barry could have done pretty much whatever he WANTED to do. The reason that the Democrats didn't get rid of the Bush tax cuts was because some of their more intelligent members pointed out to them that it would damage the economy so much that none of them would get re-elected. That's the plain truth...not the fairy tale you folks have come up with to make this all a Republican bail out of "rich guys".

There was a super-majority for only 6 months, broken into two pieces.

Obama did not want to get rid of all the tax cuts.

BTW, when you're ready to stop acting like a child, let us know.

Only six months? long does it take to pass legislation getting rid of an existing bill?

What are you even talking about? The Bush tax cuts were set to expire, there was not passing legislation to get rid of an existing bill.

A couple of hours with super majorities? Your excuse is feeble at best. So explain to me why Obama didn't get rid of the tax cuts to the wealthy back then, OohPoo?

Because health care was a more important issue. He used the super-majority to pass that and now you and the right are whining like children. You whine when he uses the super-majority you whine when he doesn't its whining all the time, isn't it?

Or is that a "childish" question? :)
Your questions are childish your attitude is.
Well thank heavens for that, OohPoo! We'd really be up the creek without a paddle if we were relying on Barack Obama to write a law. God, knows he hasn't even TRIED to do that since his second year in the Illinois State Senate when after two years of having every single piece of legislation he wrote not be passed, he gave up and went to Emile Jones for a little "help". Ever since he's had OTHERS write his legislation for him and he just signs his John Hancock on it when they're done. Gee, that must be why he and Joe Biden get along so well! Joe likes having other people do his work for him too.

As for what he could have done? I hate to remind all you progressives of the reality of the first part of his term but with super majorities in both the Senate and the House, Barry could have done pretty much whatever he WANTED to do. The reason that the Democrats didn't get rid of the Bush tax cuts was because some of their more intelligent members pointed out to them that it would damage the economy so much that none of them would get re-elected. That's the plain truth...not the fairy tale you folks have come up with to make this all a Republican bail out of "rich guys".

There was a super-majority for only 6 months, broken into two pieces.

Obama did not want to get rid of all the tax cuts.

BTW, when you're ready to stop acting like a child, let us know.

Only six months? long does it take to pass legislation getting rid of an existing bill? A couple of hours with super majorities? Your excuse is feeble at best. So explain to me why Obama didn't get rid of the tax cuts to the wealthy back then, OohPoo?

Or is that a "childish" question? :)

The same reason he didn't close Guant. because uh err uh yea BECAUSE OF GEORGE W BUSH DUH
Well thank heavens for that, OohPoo! We'd really be up the creek without a paddle if we were relying on Barack Obama to write a law. God, knows he hasn't even TRIED to do that since his second year in the Illinois State Senate when after two years of having every single piece of legislation he wrote not be passed, he gave up and went to Emile Jones for a little "help". Ever since he's had OTHERS write his legislation for him and he just signs his John Hancock on it when they're done. Gee, that must be why he and Joe Biden get along so well! Joe likes having other people do his work for him too.

As for what he could have done? I hate to remind all you progressives of the reality of the first part of his term but with super majorities in both the Senate and the House, Barry could have done pretty much whatever he WANTED to do. The reason that the Democrats didn't get rid of the Bush tax cuts was because some of their more intelligent members pointed out to them that it would damage the economy so much that none of them would get re-elected. That's the plain truth...not the fairy tale you folks have come up with to make this all a Republican bail out of "rich guys".

There was a super-majority for only 6 months, broken into two pieces.

Obama did not want to get rid of all the tax cuts.

BTW, when you're ready to stop acting like a child, let us know.

Only six months? long does it take to pass legislation getting rid of an existing bill? A couple of hours with super majorities? Your excuse is feeble at best. So explain to me why Obama didn't get rid of the tax cuts to the wealthy back then, OohPoo?

Or is that a "childish" question? :)

There was a super-majority for only 6 months, broken into two pieces.

Obama did not want to get rid of all the tax cuts.

BTW, when you're ready to stop acting like a child, let us know.

Only six months? long does it take to pass legislation getting rid of an existing bill? A couple of hours with super majorities? Your excuse is feeble at best. So explain to me why Obama didn't get rid of the tax cuts to the wealthy back then, OohPoo?

Or is that a "childish" question? :)

The same reason he didn't close Guant. because uh err uh yea BECAUSE OF GEORGE W BUSH DUH

How about I come drop a deuce on you kitchen floor and then whine about it when you don't clean it up fast enough.
Let Democraps fuck things up even more with higher taxes, then see how they get out of their hole.

The joke is they will only getting less than $100B in new tax revenue but will spend $1T more.....making a bigger mess.
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There was a super-majority for only 6 months, broken into two pieces.

Obama did not want to get rid of all the tax cuts.

BTW, when you're ready to stop acting like a child, let us know.

Only six months? long does it take to pass legislation getting rid of an existing bill?

What are you even talking about? The Bush tax cuts were set to expire, there was not passing legislation to get rid of an existing bill.

A couple of hours with super majorities? Your excuse is feeble at best. So explain to me why Obama didn't get rid of the tax cuts to the wealthy back then, OohPoo?

Because health care was a more important issue. He used the super-majority to pass that and now you and the right are whining like children. You whine when he uses the super-majority you whine when he doesn't its whining all the time, isn't it?

Or is that a "childish" question? :)
Your questions are childish your attitude is.

Just as the Bush tax cuts were quite easily extended...they could have also quite easily been gotten rid of. Yet Obama chose not to. Why is that?

Nice to know that health care was more important than the economy and the millions of people who were out of work, OohPoo!

Once again your response has been feeble. I'm off to work now...try and come up with some better excuses for why Barack Obama didn't get rid of the Bush tax're embarrassing yourself with these!
ACA is a dead deal for us. We need to court women, hispanics, leave the gays alone, tell the libers and extremists to STFU or goawayno. We have plenty of room to cover. We can win in 2016 and take the Senate back if you nutsos let the losing past go.
ACA is a dead deal for us. We need to court women, hispanics, leave the gays alone, tell the libers and extremists to STFU or goawayno. We have plenty of room to cover. We can win in 2016 and take the Senate back if you nutsos let the losing past go.

You must be so happy, Jake.
Only six months? long does it take to pass legislation getting rid of an existing bill?

What are you even talking about? The Bush tax cuts were set to expire, there was not passing legislation to get rid of an existing bill.

Because health care was a more important issue. He used the super-majority to pass that and now you and the right are whining like children. You whine when he uses the super-majority you whine when he doesn't its whining all the time, isn't it?

Or is that a "childish" question? :)
Your questions are childish your attitude is.

Just as the Bush tax cuts were quite easily extended...they could have also quite easily been gotten rid of. Yet Obama chose not to. Why is that?

I just told you. Health care was more important.

Nice to know that health care was more important than the economy and the millions of people who were out of work, OohPoo!

Where did I say that? Now you're just making shit up.

Once again your response has been feeble. I'm off to work now...try and come up with some better excuses for why Barack Obama didn't get rid of the Bush tax're embarrassing yourself with these!
The primary and sole reason is Congress did not send him a bill getting rid of those cuts. I'd like you to show me where in the Constitution it says the President gets to write the law anyway he sees fit so long as he has a super-majority in Congress.

Or perhaps you're just confusing the Democratic party with the Republican party. The Republicans all vote in lock-step like mindless drones, the Democrats actually think for themselves and as a result - don't usually all vote exactly the same.
It isn't too ludicrous an idea to expect the Head of the Party (president) to guide his party's hand in drafting legislation.

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