Biden created an out of control super-spreader event at his massively overcrowded border camps

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of kids packed into cages, Covid-positive mixing with everyone else. Then Biden puts them on buses and sends them all over the country. He's banned the media, human rights organizations, and our elected representatives from seeing, photographing, or talking about the crisis.

The military needs to get involved here - remove Biden immediately, liberate these concentration camps, and restore order and control at the border. We did it in Europe during WWII, we can do it again.

THOUSANDS of virus-infected illegals pouring into the country, Joe Biden is spreading them all over the country....and liberal media ponders aloud where this '4th wave' of COVID-19 - with different variants previously not seen here in the US - is coming from. Hmmmmm.........
What Biden is doing on our southern border is as dumb as anything this country has ever done. And this dope isn't only contaminating our border states but he's sending infected people all over this country. This is truly the actions of an imbecile and his party.
THOUSANDS of virus-infected illegals pouring into the country, Joe Biden is spreading them all over the country....and liberal media ponders aloud where this '4th wave' of COVID-19 - with different variants previously not seen here in the US - is coming from. Hmmmmm.........

It's a puzzle only the retarded DNC media can't solve.
If you listen closely you will hear China criticize the U.S handling of the virus, you will hear them talk about historic racism and trying to shift the attention to the U.S. Seemingly they are concerned with U.S news stories, however, they are oddly unconcerned on the issue of the U.S border which is in your national headlines.

I wonder why they aren't looking to dissuade such activities...
Notice the resident leftists are silent on this thread. There's no way to spin this or blame it on Republicans. That's all they know.
If you listen closely you will hear China criticize the U.S handling of the virus, you will hear them talk about historic racism and trying to shift the attention to the U.S. Seemingly they are concerned with U.S news stories, however, they are oddly unconcerned on the issue of the U.S border which is in your national headlines.

I wonder why they aren't looking to dissuade such activities...

It's not odd, Biden showed vulnerability and they pounced on it.
How did they ever get a fire certificate from the Fire Authority to pack kids into an imflammable plastic bubble inside an imflammable linen tent???
How did they ever get a fire certificate from the Fire Authority to pack kids into an imflammable plastic bubble inside an imflammable linen tent???

Don't give the mentally unstable leftists any ideas. If Nancy and Chucky can't find a way to blame it on Republicans that sticks they'll send an Antifa scumbag in wearing a maga hat and torch the kids.
Heard today that Veggie Joe’s No Border Policy resulted in 171,000 illegals coming into the US so far.

That means he is sending at least 20,000 Covid infested illegals throughout the country to kill Americans.

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