Biden FINALLY considering Trump-style shutdown of the border: Joe could use 'nuclear option' executive order by end of April to slash number of asylum

That's a fact. Just like the Muslims are replacing black people in Michigan and renovating slums that up until a few years ago, were only inhabited by black folks.

I guess all those black folks will have to move back down south.
Fuck that.....The Yankees freed them.....Maybe send them to America's Hat? ;)

"Joe could use 'nuclear option' executive order?"​

And it would dragged into the courts. There was a way around it, very un-Trump-like: The border bill Trump nuked, telling us to blame him. That bill would have given the President the power of law behind any closing.

But for people like you, keeping the border crisis alive is more important than helping solve anything.
Joe is considering action because polls indicate illegal entrants are a major political problem for him.

Its not a question of right/wrong, what's good for the nation, legality, nothing to do with law or conscience.

Its about what's good for Joe and his Democratic political base.

So, yes, Biden has encouraged, facilitated and promoted illegal entrants into the U.S. for 3 years. Now it may hurt him, so its got to stop.
Simple question. Too tough for ya, Simp?

"Joe could use 'nuclear option' executive order?"​

And it would dragged into the courts. There was a way around it, very un-Trump-like: The border bill Trump nuked, telling us to blame him. That bill would have given the President the power of law behind any closing.

But for people like you, keeping the border crisis alive is more important than helping solve anything.
Unlike you, I actually know that the border is out of control as is the flood of illegals and gotaways into this country. You either live in a Liberal bubble or you are another foreigner just getting his jollies on USMB. It's one of the two.
The border is out of control and Mr. Trump demanded it be kept that way through the election season. He even said that when a bill to deal with it gets trashed "Blame me."
Joe is considering action because polls indicate illegal entrants are a major political problem for him.

Its not a question of right/wrong, what's good for the nation, legality, nothing to do with law or conscience.

Its about what's good for Joe and his Democratic political base.

So, yes, Biden has encouraged, facilitated and promoted illegal entrants into the U.S. for 3 years. Now it may hurt him, so its got to stop.

Biden's goose is cooked on the border. He will be blamed no matter what he does at this point, the Dem puke isn't going to weasel out of the disaster he created.
So Pedo Joe is gonna admit he has been lying to America for years about not being able to do anything in his own.
More like, he has just now noticing he is losing in the polls, and is going to lose the election and has been asking WHY?!

Finally, I imagine, his chief of staff, and Mayorkas, told him, the massive influx of illegals is pissing folks off, both on the left and the right.

I really, don't think he has had a clue on this.

I mean. . . how many press conference and questions has he been taking from real reporters and real people?

They can't believe their luck.


. . . or did they pay handsomely for that policy?

So let me get this straight. Biden opens the border on day 1 and creates an invasion, then a few months
before the next presidential election, he is considering closing the border to garner votes?
Am I getting this right?

You know something.....brainless voters like IM2 will still vote for Biden.
incredible. :rolleyes-41:

"Joe could use 'nuclear option' executive order?"​

And it would dragged into the courts. There was a way around it, very un-Trump-like: The border bill Trump nuked, telling us to blame him. That bill would have given the President the power of law behind any closing.

But for people like you, keeping the border crisis alive is more important than helping solve anything.
Poor chump... Trump didn't have a vote.

Biden is looking for a solution to a problem he created. So he can get credit for solving it.

The "border bill" was an immigration bill. It legalized the illegal entry of an average of 4,999 people a day, and provided money and people to process them more quickly into the U.S.

Nothing about the bill would have slowed the influx of illegals. And nothing - in over three years - has caused Biden to show any inclination to slow the entry except polling which indicates it could be the issue which causes him to lose reelection.

If you can't understand anything else, just recognize we are dealing with a professional politician. Election / reelection is the most important thing in his life. Old, tired, and decrepit though it is.
Poor chump... Trump didn't have a vote.

Biden is looking for a solution to a problem he created. So he can get credit for solving it.

The "border bill" was an immigration bill. It legalized the illegal entry of an average of 4,999 people a day, and provided money and people to process them more quickly into the U.S.

Nothing about the bill would have slowed the influx of illegals. And nothing - in over three years - has caused Biden to show any inclination to slow the entry except polling which indicates it could be the issue which causes him to lose reelection.

If you can't understand anything else, just recognize we are dealing with a professional politician. Election / reelection is the most important thing in his life. Old, tired, and decrepit though it is.
What a crock of shit

but continue

You knew between now and the election, he would suddenly announce he's figured out a way he can use executive action to "fix the border".

Of course nothing will be said from his administration or from his MSM, that he's the one who invited and created this catastrophe in the first place.
So let me get this straight. Biden opens the border on day 1 and creates an invasion, then a few months
before the next presidential election, he is considering closing the border to garner votes?
Am I getting this right?

You know something.....brainless voters like IM2 will still vote for Biden.
incredible. :rolleyes-41:


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