Biden Gets To Claim Victory After Supply Chain Crisis Quietly Evaporates

In October, the accelerating U.S. economy ran up against corporate supply chain problems as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic shredded "just-in-time" manufacturing pipelines. Closed factories, shortages of components, and shortages of labor have been features of the pandemic since the beginning—the most famous example in the United States probably being a run on toilet paper in the first months of the pandemic as offices closed. Paper manufacturers were caught flatfooted with warehouses of "office-quality" stuff that nobody who loved their family would dare buy.

The new supply chain problems were more intricate, with a lack of individual electronic components shuttering car manufacturing lines, a lack of spice-sized glass bottles, and similar headaches, but the biggest problem wasn't that the products couldn't be made. It was that Americans began to buy so much that American ports couldn't handle the massive surge of traffic.

Republicans and the political press were outright giddy at the prospect of being able to hammer the not-Trump president over pandemic-caused chaos, but you'll notice that something happened between then and now. Or specifically, something didn'thappen between then and now: The predicted crisis of bare store shelves and wailing giftless children didn't happen. The fears, as the New York Times just put it, "turned out to be wrong."

Oh well righties. Maybe after the holidays you can trump another disaster to hurt America with. Can’t let a good disaster go to waste know. Now head out and do some shopping. Plenty to go around.
based on my experience over the last few days trying to get supplies for my building project there has been no evaporation of supply chain problems,,
In October, the accelerating U.S. economy ran up against corporate supply chain problems as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic shredded "just-in-time" manufacturing pipelines. Closed factories, shortages of components, and shortages of labor have been features of the pandemic since the beginning—the most famous example in the United States probably being a run on toilet paper in the first months of the pandemic as offices closed. Paper manufacturers were caught flatfooted with warehouses of "office-quality" stuff that nobody who loved their family would dare buy.

The new supply chain problems were more intricate, with a lack of individual electronic components shuttering car manufacturing lines, a lack of spice-sized glass bottles, and similar headaches, but the biggest problem wasn't that the products couldn't be made. It was that Americans began to buy so much that American ports couldn't handle the massive surge of traffic.

Republicans and the political press were outright giddy at the prospect of being able to hammer the not-Trump president over pandemic-caused chaos, but you'll notice that something happened between then and now. Or specifically, something didn'thappen between then and now: The predicted crisis of bare store shelves and wailing giftless children didn't happen. The fears, as the New York Times just put it, "turned out to be wrong."

Oh well righties. Maybe after the holidays you can trump another disaster to hurt America with. Can’t let a good disaster go to waste know. Now head out and do some shopping. Plenty to go around.
I guess my lying eyes are telling me different. :eusa_whistle:
In October, the accelerating U.S. economy ran up against corporate supply chain problems as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic shredded "just-in-time" manufacturing pipelines. Closed factories, shortages of components, and shortages of labor have been features of the pandemic since the beginning—the most famous example in the United States probably being a run on toilet paper in the first months of the pandemic as offices closed. Paper manufacturers were caught flatfooted with warehouses of "office-quality" stuff that nobody who loved their family would dare buy.

The new supply chain problems were more intricate, with a lack of individual electronic components shuttering car manufacturing lines, a lack of spice-sized glass bottles, and similar headaches, but the biggest problem wasn't that the products couldn't be made. It was that Americans began to buy so much that American ports couldn't handle the massive surge of traffic.

Republicans and the political press were outright giddy at the prospect of being able to hammer the not-Trump president over pandemic-caused chaos, but you'll notice that something happened between then and now. Or specifically, something didn'thappen between then and now: The predicted crisis of bare store shelves and wailing giftless children didn't happen. The fears, as the New York Times just put it, "turned out to be wrong."

Oh well righties. Maybe after the holidays you can trump another disaster to hurt America with. Can’t let a good disaster go to waste know. Now head out and do some shopping. Plenty to go around.
Wow, are you ever wrong. More and more stuff we can't get at the grocery store. Your post is nuts.
If conservatives want to blame President Biden for issues he has no control over, then he gets credit for positive outcomes he has no control over.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.
Oh brother.....the exact opposite of your idiot idealogy when President Trump was in office. Poopeypants has a great deal of control over the cluster pelosi going on now Dimmer and you know it.
If conservatives want to blame President Biden for issues he has no control over, then he gets credit for positive outcomes he has no control over.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.
Maybe conservatives learned more from the democrats during the last five years than you planned on. Democrats blamed everything on Trump from the rain coming down to the sun shining. Run along you hypocritical POS.
Maybe conservatives learned more from the democrats during the last five years than you planned on. Democrats blamed everything on Trump from the rain coming down to the sun shining. Run along you hypocritical POS.
The Texas refinery fire could result in an increase in gas prices – watch the reprehensible right blame Biden.

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