The Mainstream Media Admits That We Are Facing "The Worst Food Crisis In Modern History"

Media is currently employed to create fear and panic and compliance. They and Dems are addicted to the results of Covid hoaxing.
All the major elements to contrive a crisis.
Our mainstream media's function in today's society is much like the job of fireman in Farenheit 541.

They aren't here to inform people. Their job is to prevent people from being informed.
Media is currently employed to create fear and panic and compliance. They and Dems are addicted to the results of Covid hoaxing.
All the major elements to contrive a crisis.
This is includes Fox, right?

Fear is their middle name....

They have to keep old white folks scared long enough to keep selling them reverse mortgages, gold coins and dick pills...
Media is currently employed to create fear and panic and compliance. They and Dems are addicted to the results of Covid hoaxing.
All the major elements to contrive a crisis.

Along with the of the right wing media and the GOP and the DNC.

They all use fear to bring about obedience.

The lack of self-awareness you posses in whining about the other side while ignoring your side going the same damn thing is legendary.
Along with the of the right wing media and the GOP and the DNC.

They all use fear to bring about obedience.

The lack of self-awareness you posses in whining about the other side while ignoring your side going the same damn thing is legendary.
There is little to no conservative fear mongering media seeking lockdowns and other crippling circumstances
What is”legendary” is your attempts to create your feelings as the facts.
There is little to no conservative fear mongering media seeking lockdowns and other crippling circumstances

Well first off there is no conservative media in this country.

But you are correct, the rightwing media does not fear monger about the same things the leftwing media does.

They do it just as much, just use different things to monger over
There is little to no conservative fear mongering media seeking lockdowns and other crippling circumstances
What is”legendary” is your attempts to create your feelings as the facts.
I knew the fix was in the day they announced they were closing down small businesses. I drove past a municipal bus absolutely packed with people and thought to myself "if this is a real public emergency, why aren't they shutting down the very MOST dangerous vectors for spreading the disease while shutting down those that are of a much lower risk and then making sure more people were funneled into fewer options for purchasing goods, thus INCREASING the likelihood of spread?".

Of course, then again, I am rational so ask questions and think logically. The sheeple just do as they are told and place trust in the people controlling them.
Well first off there is no conservative media in this country.

But you are correct, the rightwing media does not fear monger about the same things the leftwing media does.

They do it just as much, just use different things to monger over
contradict yourself much? first you say that there is no right wing media, then you spout about what they are doing . might try reading your posts before hitting the post button
contradict yourself much? first you say that there is no right wing media, then you spout about what they are doing . might try reading your posts before hitting the post button

No, I said there is no Conservative media. And that is a fact.

Conservative and right wing are not one in the same thing.
No, I said there is no Conservative media. And that is a fact.

Conservative and right wing are not one in the same thing.
actually in today's parlance they are the same thing. we are not in the 1800s. We need to use today's definitions.
So when MSM Mockingbirds said:

DT & Putin stole the election from HRC & he was an actual fascist,
Clot shots were both safe & effective & rona was killing record numbers,
Dementia dude in a dirty diaper in his Delaware basement won an election with record votes despite only winning 470 counties nationwide & losing 18/19 bellwether counties,
Mail-in ballots are secure but audits aren't
Hunters laptop was Russian disinfo
Unarmed protestors walking through Congress was an "insurrection"

This was all real news but them reporting on record famines in poor countries is fake news... got it!

Please share some more of your deep thoughts with us

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Trump won the states where nobody wants to live and he won most of the old confederate states where someone completing the 10th grade is considered to be a highly educated person.
Trump won the states where nobody wants to live and he won most of the old confederate states where someone completing the 10th grade is considered to be a highly educated person.
biased bullshit. Trump won the 2020 election, Biden was installed by a coup of the US government. A successful coup from which we may never recover.
actually in today's parlance they are the same thing. we are not in the 1800s. We need to use today's definitions.

No, they are not and never will be. The fact that some people conflate the two terms is not relevant
Once again, the "conspiracy theories" are being validated as the truth leaks out & even Mockingbird MSM starts to admit it.

I said back in early 2020 that lockdowns, along with everything else they did, was a horrible idea that would have major repercussions for the world down the road.
I was call a conspiracy theorist, an idiot, anti-science, a hater who wanted to kill granny/kids & selfish for seeing & stating the obvious disaster this would all cause.
Now, people in the poorest countries are facing devastating famines & even the developed world will eventually feel this pain as the food supply crises snowballs.

The economy is not a gas generator or car that can be stopped, parked & then restarted at any time without causing huge problems, especially when it was obvious were were dealing with an airborne flu-like virus.
The talking heads the progbots listen to may not have known this because the masters pulling their strings only let them enough info to play their part of gaslighting their scared & ignorant minions.

Now, the powers behind the curtain are attacking, choking, regulating & restricting our capacities to produce/deliver more food.
This is all planned.

I don't give DT a pass in this either- the man has very poor discernment & was always listening/trusting the wrong people.
He is culpable in this unfolding catastrophe because he could've stopped it early.
Before you deny this, remember he still claims credit for getting billions of sheeple to take the clot shots.
He actually believes it saved millions of lives.

In fact, things have already gotten so bad that even CNN is admitting that we are facing “the worst food crisis in modern history”

According to Reuters, the entire continent is now dealing with the worst food crisis that Africa “has ever seen”…

Do you remember all those years when Sally Struthers was begging us to feed the starving children in Africa?

Well, the truth is that conditions are now far worse than when she was making those commercials.

At one hospital in Somalia, grieving mothers are regularly bringing in very young children that have literally starved to death

so do something about global warming for crying out loud... And Africa is not the world. But Many thanks to the GOP for never allowing our foreign aid to include any birth control or anything like it. Great job!
Once again, the "conspiracy theories" are being validated as the truth leaks out & even Mockingbird MSM starts to admit it.

I said back in early 2020 that lockdowns, along with everything else they did, was a horrible idea that would have major repercussions for the world down the road.
I was call a conspiracy theorist, an idiot, anti-science, a hater who wanted to kill granny/kids & selfish for seeing & stating the obvious disaster this would all cause.
Now, people in the poorest countries are facing devastating famines & even the developed world will eventually feel this pain as the food supply crises snowballs.

The economy is not a gas generator or car that can be stopped, parked & then restarted at any time without causing huge problems, especially when it was obvious were were dealing with an airborne flu-like virus.
The talking heads the progbots listen to may not have known this because the masters pulling their strings only let them enough info to play their part of gaslighting their scared & ignorant minions.

Now, the powers behind the curtain are attacking, choking, regulating & restricting our capacities to produce/deliver more food.
This is all planned.

I don't give DT a pass in this either- the man has very poor discernment & was always listening/trusting the wrong people.
He is culpable in this unfolding catastrophe because he could've stopped it early.
Before you deny this, remember he still claims credit for getting billions of sheeple to take the clot shots.
He actually believes it saved millions of lives.

In fact, things have already gotten so bad that even CNN is admitting that we are facing “the worst food crisis in modern history”

According to Reuters, the entire continent is now dealing with the worst food crisis that Africa “has ever seen”…

Do you remember all those years when Sally Struthers was begging us to feed the starving children in Africa?

Well, the truth is that conditions are now far worse than when she was making those commercials.

At one hospital in Somalia, grieving mothers are regularly bringing in very young children that have literally starved to death

Do you remember how the Dems wanted to hang him for NOT supporting the vaccine? They're the ones who wanted to hang everyone who was against it, holding them responsible for the deaths. At the time nobody knew the shots were that ineffective so it was hard argue the point. They had DT almost by the balls in that.

I only got the shot because I needed to travel out of the country and it was simply out of the question otherwise. I was one of the last ones in my place of work and kept saying no until travel required it.
Do you remember how the Dems wanted to hang him for NOT supporting the vaccine? They're the ones who wanted to hang everyone who was against it, holding them responsible for the deaths. At the time nobody knew the shots were that ineffective so it was hard argue the point. They had DT almost by the balls in that.

I only got the shot because I needed to travel out of the country and it was simply out of the question otherwise. I was one of the last ones in my place of work and kept saying no until travel required it.
No I don't remember that. I do remember Dems saying if DT supported it, they would be suspicious or even decline to take it because he was so adamant about his success with it.
Then they tried to claim credit for it themselves but Trump fought back with the fact they were developed & rolled out under his leadership.

DT has been supporting these clot shots from the beginning, even now as most of his supporters have turned against them hard.
He claimed credit for saving millions & still hasn't said anything negative because someone convinced him it's his biggest legacy.

He has shown poor judgement on whom to trust in DC & "experts" he listened too.
That's a fact
Obviously some people do have very adverse reactions to the vaccine. But I work in a public place with several hundred employees, and we have many regular clientele who stop and talk to us about their personal lives sometimes. Absolutely nobody in the past 3 years has come to me and told me ANYTHING of the kind. Not their cousin's friends friend's chiropractor talking about someone they knew either, let alone a first-hand account.

Ok, do you remember when Biden was running against Trump and he was constantly saying how we were going to "get the vaccines out to everyone and beat this thing together'? That was their sales pitch not trumps. Trump went along with that because he knew he would look like a total maverick and the odd man out if he didn't go along with what sounded like common sense at the time. Trump knew that he would have no chance at reelection if he didn't go along with it.

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