Biden impeachment starts in about a year

Impeaching Biden is a great idea....except for the fact that Biden's replacement would be...
Simple solution---remove both at the same time (assuming one or both of them isn't arkansided to allow hilliary to become VP so she can do another arkanside for the president position. Double impeachment.
Democrats proved Impeachment to be a waste of time and money. Impeachment doesn’t even carry the same stigma it once did as it is simply a retaliatory tactic from the party not in power. That said, it would be petty and bullshit for the Republicans to sink to the level of Democrats. Focus on dominating the Hill. Schumer, Pelosi, and the rest of the Democrats on the Hill need to go back into the minority.
perjury about his personal life :rolleyes:
Some years ago, around the time of his impeachment I read that Republicans were not happy about Watergate. And that politicians were far worse than that event. The sad thing about that era is the politicians put us on the way to be cynical and jaded about them with the flaws of the more spoiled Baby Boomers much worse than previous generations not helping.
By impeaching President Trump twice.

The first impeachment was especially egregious.
If it was "especially egregious" why did Senate Republicans agree that the substance of the charges against Trump was true?

They agreed that in fact Trump did illicitly hold up aid to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political opponent....but they felt that his removal should be descided by the voters. Voters for their part did just that when they removed him in 2020 election.

The only thing "especially egregious" here rightwingers doing this 🙈🙉🙊 as a response to clear as day abuse of office.
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I have no doubts the repubs will be as pathetic as the dems.
Gawd i love our duopoly :rolleyes:
Unfortunately the high road is also the road to destruction at this point.....the GOP is going to have to fight with the new rules given to the game or they will simply be vanquish.. I don't like it either but I understand it.
Democrats proved Impeachment to be a waste of time and money. Impeachment doesn’t even carry the same stigma it once did as it is simply a retaliatory tactic from the party not in power
Didn’t Republicans already prove that in the 90s?
The Fabulous green Nancy's Legacy is impeachment of every president in the future

Or camela

the important thing to remember is that impeachment is a tool of political Retribution.

Pelosi will be gone stolen elections have consequence...

Oh yeah and my fabulous Vermont senator Pat Leahy was the worst chief justice ever

thank God he's gone going try to get them to talk to the other two assholes.

Vermont delegation of 3 are older than the country itself... Geez Louise
I hope not. This divisive bullshit needs to end.
So you should be blaming Republicans for putting us on this path, no?
Who gives a shit? If you want to, go ahead. I think the truth of the root of the problem is throughout history Impeachment has simply a revenge tactic or weapon to hurt the other party. I’m holding Republicans accountable to not engage in a wasted procedure that accomplishes nothing.
Who gives a shit? If you want to, go ahead. I think the truth of the root of the problem is throughout history Impeachment has simply a revenge tactic or weapon to hurt the other party. I’m holding Republicans accountable to not engage in a wasted procedure that accomplishes nothing.
Apparently you give a shit because you were trying to pin this on Democrats just a little while ago.
You don't forget all the hunter stuff but didn't Joe Biden say he was going to withhold billions of dollars if the Russians didn't stop an investigation...

I guess that not happen not sure

Maybe collusion could be reason or something..

Why were pelosis son and bidens doing in ukraine at the same time..

But the hot story is pelosi and john tester conspiring to destroy ronnie jackson..

Foia email request pending. Mums the word . .. heh
Simply wrong.

How ignorant are you?

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