Biden is basically silent and weak on China's threats against the Speaker of the House !

It will be pretty interesting whether Pelosi backs down or not.

I am guessing she will never show up in Taiwan.

People: are we all remembering that Taiwan stands EXACTLY in the same relation to China as Cuba does to us? I well remember being extremely afraid and upset the night we were about to go into WWIII because of Cuba, so I am not interested in going to war over someone else's Cuba!!

Choose your battles. This is not it.

Not unless we want war with China.
hows that different than sending weapons to Russia ? after all Russia has far more nukes than China ? China has around 200 and Russia has over 60000 ..
China basically threatened to shoot down the Speakers plane if she dares to visit Taiwan ! and what does the POTUS have to say if he thinks Pelosi should visit Taiwan ? the military thinks its not a good idea ! wow ! where is our Commander in Chief ? what do the Chicoms have on Biden ?
Calm down Sling Blade. Biden got temporarily side tracked killing the number #2 man from Al Qaeda.
China basically threatened to shoot down the Speakers plane if she dares to visit Taiwan ! and what does the POTUS have to say if he thinks Pelosi should visit Taiwan ? the military thinks its not a good idea ! wow ! where is our Commander in Chief ? what do the Chicoms have on Biden ?
Nancy Pelousy is China
hows that different than sending weapons to Russia ? after all Russia has far more nukes than China ? China has around 200 and Russia has over 60000 ..
We aren't sending weapons to Russia!! Russia has enough without us: aren't we on the side of Ukraine??
Calm down Sling Blade. Biden got temporarily side tracked killing the number #2 man from Al Qaeda.
dont worry tinker bell im calm... unlike the emotional effeminate left emotions dont get in the way of logical thinking .
Sometimes the best thing you can do is keep your mouth shut.
Lots of YELLING not enough thinking.
China basically threatened to shoot down the Speakers plane if she dares to visit Taiwan ! and what does the POTUS have to say if he thinks Pelosi should visit Taiwan ? the military thinks its not a good idea ! wow ! where is our Commander in Chief ? what do the Chicoms have on Biden ?
Biden is weak on just about everything. Except killing babies. He is very adamant that we should kill children as a birth control method.

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