Biden is on TV lying and Blaming Republicans For Everything

Biden touts partisan $2T stimulus plan; Dems shun GOP support

Biden touts partisan $2T stimulus plan; Dems shun GOP support

Biden is claiming his and Democrats' plan of destroying minority small businesses, putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work and adding $1.9 Trillion is the only thing preventing our recovery not coming until 2025, which the CBO said would happen by this summer without one dime being spent!

He calls putting Americans out of work, destroying American energy independence, making China and Russia stronger, allowing Terachers unions hold our kids hostage, and burrying the nation in another $2 Trillion in debt for a 'Short-Term' Fix 'The Great American Recovery'...

He also claimed he and Barry inherrited a bad economy from Bush when it was his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congress (to include the budget, spending, & the economy) in the 2 years before Barry took over and fr the 1st 2 years Barry was in office.

The SOB said he wanted to create / resgtorejobs - he could do thateaily by restoring the joibs he just destroyed with a stroke of his pen in the midst of a pandemic and economy devastated by Democrat lockdowns.

...and of course,after he stops talking, he runs from questions like a scalded bitch....

Holy Crap!

He took no questions after giving a gloomy update on the US economy and poor job performance. I suppose he didn't want to get asked about shutting the Keystone Pipeline and "temporarily pause" new oil and gas drilling on federal lands.
He has been in office 2 weeks. He inherits a huge mess left by trump. You raggedy right wingers are talking out your asses when you consider that trumps mishandling of the virus ended millions of jobs.
Trumo didn’t shut anything down, Stupid.
Biden touts partisan $2T stimulus plan; Dems shun GOP support

Biden touts partisan $2T stimulus plan; Dems shun GOP support

Biden is claiming his and Democrats' plan of destroying minority small businesses, putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work and adding $1.9 Trillion is the only thing preventing our recovery not coming until 2025, which the CBO said would happen by this summer without one dime being spent!

He calls putting Americans out of work, destroying American energy independence, making China and Russia stronger, allowing Terachers unions hold our kids hostage, and burrying the nation in another $2 Trillion in debt for a 'Short-Term' Fix 'The Great American Recovery'...

He also claimed he and Barry inherrited a bad economy from Bush when it was his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congress (to include the budget, spending, & the economy) in the 2 years before Barry took over and fr the 1st 2 years Barry was in office.

The SOB said he wanted to create / resgtorejobs - he could do thateaily by restoring the joibs he just destroyed with a stroke of his pen in the midst of a pandemic and economy devastated by Democrat lockdowns.

...and of course,after he stops talking, he runs from questions like a scalded bitch....

Holy Crap!

He took no questions after giving a gloomy update on the US economy and poor job performance. I suppose he didn't want to get asked about shutting the Keystone Pipeline and "temporarily pause" new oil and gas drilling on federal lands.
He has been in office 2 weeks. He inherits a huge mess left by trump. You raggedy right wingers are talking out your asses when you consider that trumps mishandling of the virus ended millions of jobs.
2 weeks and he has racked up $2 Trillion in debt. At that pace he will add over $100 TRILLION to our debt.
Biden touts partisan $2T stimulus plan; Dems shun GOP support

Biden touts partisan $2T stimulus plan; Dems shun GOP support

Biden is claiming his and Democrats' plan of destroying minority small businesses, putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work and adding $1.9 Trillion is the only thing preventing our recovery not coming until 2025, which the CBO said would happen by this summer without one dime being spent!

He calls putting Americans out of work, destroying American energy independence, making China and Russia stronger, allowing Terachers unions hold our kids hostage, and burrying the nation in another $2 Trillion in debt for a 'Short-Term' Fix 'The Great American Recovery'...

He also claimed he and Barry inherrited a bad economy from Bush when it was his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congress (to include the budget, spending, & the economy) in the 2 years before Barry took over and fr the 1st 2 years Barry was in office.

The SOB said he wanted to create / resgtorejobs - he could do thateaily by restoring the joibs he just destroyed with a stroke of his pen in the midst of a pandemic and economy devastated by Democrat lockdowns.

...and of course,after he stops talking, he runs from questions like a scalded bitch....

Holy Crap!

He took no questions after giving a gloomy update on the US economy and poor job performance. I suppose he didn't want to get asked about shutting the Keystone Pipeline and "temporarily pause" new oil and gas drilling on federal lands.
He has been in office 2 weeks. He inherits a huge mess left by trump. You raggedy right wingers are talking out your asses when you consider that trumps mishandling of the virus ended millions of jobs.
Trumo didn’t shut anything down, Stupid.
All blue state governors.
I'm watching Under Siege with Steven Seagal, Tommy Lee Jones and Gary Busey instead...

...If I'm going to watch fiction, I at least want it to be entertaining...

2 weeks and he has racked up $2 Trillion in debt. At that pace he will add over $100 TRILLION to our debt.

It is hilarious yet sad that Biden tells a 'reporter' that people making $350,000 shouldn't get a check when in fact they didn't get one the first two times. The useless 'reporter' doesn't correct Joe. The MSM is nothing but propaganda for Democrats.
Biden touts partisan $2T stimulus plan; Dems shun GOP support

Biden touts partisan $2T stimulus plan; Dems shun GOP support

Biden is claiming his and Democrats' plan of destroying minority small businesses, putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work and adding $1.9 Trillion is the only thing preventing our recovery not coming until 2025, which the CBO said would happen by this summer without one dime being spent!

He calls putting Americans out of work, destroying American energy independence, making China and Russia stronger, allowing Terachers unions hold our kids hostage, and burrying the nation in another $2 Trillion in debt for a 'Short-Term' Fix 'The Great American Recovery'...

He also claimed he and Barry inherrited a bad economy from Bush when it was his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congress (to include the budget, spending, & the economy) in the 2 years before Barry took over and fr the 1st 2 years Barry was in office.

The SOB said he wanted to create / resgtorejobs - he could do thateaily by restoring the joibs he just destroyed with a stroke of his pen in the midst of a pandemic and economy devastated by Democrat lockdowns.

...and of course,after he stops talking, he runs from questions like a scalded bitch....

Holy Crap!

His plan was $1.9T....the GOP's plan was $600B. They were $1.3T apart. I think it was safe to say that there was too much ground to make up.

Of course what isn't being said by democrats is the obvious.

There is a lot of overlap between what Biden and the GOP offered. Biden wants unemployment support to go until December, the GOP wants it to go until the end of June. Split the difference and go until September. Direct payments to individuals is similar...the GOP wants it to be need-based. I roll my eyes at anything that is need based because it's based on months-old (if not longer) tax data. Your situation may have changed months ago and that income profile may be a fraction of what it once was. But still...there is overlap.

Here are some more details from CNN--keep in mind; this is where there is some agreement. Biden wants to do a lot more than the GOP but this is where they agree sort of.:

Mental health services
Both plans would increase funding for mental health services by the same amount.

Child care
Both plans call for spending billions on child care.

School reopening
Biden, who has made reopening in-person programs a top priority, is offering far more money to pay for upgrades that teachers and districts say are needed to return safely.

Small businesses
Both plans would funnel about $50 billion into small business assistance but through different programs.

Nutrition assistance
The two plans are similar when it comes to extending food stamp benefits. Biden's package does not put a price tag on this provision, but the Republicans say their plan would cost $12 billion.

Coronavirus vaccines, testing and tracing
Both plans would provide $160 billion to fight the virus.

Biden should break the $600B (or smaller portion) off from his $1.9T. Negotiate on it and pass some freaking aid.

Then...whatdoyouknow....there is a day after the bill being signed into law to where the Dems can "ram through" the other parts if need be. Then you can always say...where we agreed, we executed...where we didn't, I did what I thought was right.

But the whole "$1.9T or bust" stance Biden is taking is dumb in my opinion. While it's true the axe has been sharpened by winning the House in 2018 and winning the oval and senate in 2020....why do you have to swing it? There is a lot of votes to be earned and support to be garnered by highlighting where there is some agreements instead of this stance the White House is taking.

Its just disappointing.
I'm watching Under Siege with Steven Seagal, Tommy Lee Jones and Gary Busey instead...

...If I'm going to watch fiction, I at least want it to be entertaining...

Good movie if you manage your expectations....Gary Busey was good in that.
Biden touts partisan $2T stimulus plan; Dems shun GOP support

Biden touts partisan $2T stimulus plan; Dems shun GOP support

Biden is claiming his and Democrats' plan of destroying minority small businesses, putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work and adding $1.9 Trillion is the only thing preventing our recovery not coming until 2025, which the CBO said would happen by this summer without one dime being spent!

He calls putting Americans out of work, destroying American energy independence, making China and Russia stronger, allowing Terachers unions hold our kids hostage, and burrying the nation in another $2 Trillion in debt for a 'Short-Term' Fix 'The Great American Recovery'...

He also claimed he and Barry inherrited a bad economy from Bush when it was his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congress (to include the budget, spending, & the economy) in the 2 years before Barry took over and fr the 1st 2 years Barry was in office.

The SOB said he wanted to create / resgtorejobs - he could do thateaily by restoring the joibs he just destroyed with a stroke of his pen in the midst of a pandemic and economy devastated by Democrat lockdowns.

...and of course,after he stops talking, he runs from questions like a scalded bitch....

Holy Crap!

Poor Easy. All you've every had is lies, right from the day you joined this board. Now that your hero Trump has been deposed, and your hero Putin, is about to be taken out as well, who will you have left to worship?

Biden is doing a really good job, his approval ratings are through the roof, the country is starting to wake from the Trumpian hangover and assess where you're at.

The stimulus package will be passed by St. Patrick's Day, and vaccines are being approved and produced. Not nearly enough vaccine is being produced, but every day, things are getting better.
2 weeks and he has racked up $2 Trillion in debt. At that pace he will add over $100 TRILLION to our debt.

Biden is ripping off taxpayers to bail out hundreds of billions in Dem state debt that has nothing to do with Covid. The other 49 states are being forced to pay off California's debt and fund their public employee union pensions and retirement healthcare. I guess it doesn't matter if red states balance their budgets, they have to pay for California's over spending.
Biden touts partisan $2T stimulus plan; Dems shun GOP support

Biden touts partisan $2T stimulus plan; Dems shun GOP support

Biden is claiming his and Democrats' plan of destroying minority small businesses, putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work and adding $1.9 Trillion is the only thing preventing our recovery not coming until 2025, which the CBO said would happen by this summer without one dime being spent!

He calls putting Americans out of work, destroying American energy independence, making China and Russia stronger, allowing Terachers unions hold our kids hostage, and burrying the nation in another $2 Trillion in debt for a 'Short-Term' Fix 'The Great American Recovery'...

He also claimed he and Barry inherrited a bad economy from Bush when it was his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congress (to include the budget, spending, & the economy) in the 2 years before Barry took over and fr the 1st 2 years Barry was in office.

The SOB said he wanted to create / resgtorejobs - he could do thateaily by restoring the joibs he just destroyed with a stroke of his pen in the midst of a pandemic and economy devastated by Democrat lockdowns.

...and of course,after he stops talking, he runs from questions like a scalded bitch....

Holy Crap!

Biden is a decomposing corpse living in a basement
LOL. And you are swallowing it, hook line and sinker. Senile Joe is setting up 100 sites across the entire US. 100. Here in California we alread have over a 1,000 facilities doing vaccinations.

No we don't.
Biden hasn't retired yet?
Guess President Harris will have to wait a little longer in the wings (but for how long?).
I give it months
America is surely a wonderful nation to have survived so many unqualified Presidents!
We've been losing freedoms continually my entire life.

A COUPLE good presidents only slowed us down and gave up peace during his time.

President Trump was one
Name one that resonates with you, please.
That he won bigger in 2020 than he did in 2016.
That he was re-elected president in 2020
Thanks. That's debatable. Since all the evidence has not really been adjudicated, the world may never know what the truth is. Most lawsuits were dismissed on technicalities like "lack of standing" or not being "timely."
Actually the bulk of lawsuits were dismissed because of lack of evidence. Or lawyers refusing to allege "voter fraud" in front of the judge.

You're confused because they spewed fraud, fraud, fraud, on the courthouse steps. But once they got inside, they refused to allege voter fraud.

Rudy Giuliani famously comes to mind, since they released the audio of his appearance outside, and then inside the federal court he filed suit in.
The bulk of the lawsuits were dismissed on technicalities (like quoted above). Republicans were not allowed to even present the evidence. Don't try to say that the evidence was refuted. It was not refuted!

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