Biden Israel Policy - Biden admin employees to strike this week.


Sheep Dipped Boy Scout
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2014
President Delldude would send them packing.

Hundreds of Biden administration employees and federal staffers from more than two dozen agencies are set to walk off the job next week in protest of the White House's handling of the Middle East crisis.
An anonymous internal cabal calling itself 'Feds United for Peace' have organized the strike for Tuesday, marking 100 days of Israel's siege on Gaza, according to AI Monitor.
The move is reportedly fueled by growing resentment inside the administration over Biden's unwavering support for Israel's military bombardment of Palestine, which has killed upwards of 23,000 people, mostly civilians.

The walk out is a drastic departure from how top federal employees have shown their disapproval toward White House policy in the past, which was typically reserved to media leaks or public resignations over policy.

But the organizers, who have remained anonymous, say they are intent on changing direction from within, and they expect 'easily hundreds' of staffers to join their efforts on Tuesday.

They say they have commitments from people inside 22 federal agencies for the strike, including from the Executive Office of the President, the National Security Agency, Homeland Security, Defense Department, and the FDA.

President Delldude would send them packing.

Hundreds of Biden administration employees and federal staffers from more than two dozen agencies are set to walk off the job next week in protest of the White House's handling of the Middle East crisis.
An anonymous internal cabal calling itself 'Feds United for Peace' have organized the strike for Tuesday, marking 100 days of Israel's siege on Gaza, according to AI Monitor.
The move is reportedly fueled by growing resentment inside the administration over Biden's unwavering support for Israel's military bombardment of Palestine, which has killed upwards of 23,000 people, mostly civilians.

The walk out is a drastic departure from how top federal employees have shown their disapproval toward White House policy in the past, which was typically reserved to media leaks or public resignations over policy.

But the organizers, who have remained anonymous, say they are intent on changing direction from within, and they expect 'easily hundreds' of staffers to join their efforts on Tuesday.

They say they have commitments from people inside 22 federal agencies for the strike, including from the Executive Office of the President, the National Security Agency, Homeland Security, Defense Department, and the FDA.

The government is overwhelmingly staffed with Leftists, and leftists side with the barbarians who initiated this war by sawimg off the heads of Jewish babies, cutting genitalia off women, burning children alive, baking one in an oven, and cutting another out of the womb and decapitating it while the mother writhed in agony. The majority of Palestinians think this was justified and support the terrorists.

This is who today’s Democrats side with. I say let them walk off their overpaid jobs and replace them with decent people.
The government is overwhelmingly staffed with Leftists
I never realized this until Obama.....James O'Keefe did some UC episodes and it came out that, as you said, a majority of the clerical, staffing, etc were all leftist Democrat Socialists.

That is one reason why Trump had all kinds of issues getting things done through channels. They drug their feet, slowing Him down with requests and so on.
These people may have their hearts in the right place, impossible to know or not. They are undoubtably naive about why Israel has been forced to take the approach they have.

There are extremists on both sides for certain but the barbaric nature of terrorists cannot be usurped through regular weapons.
President Delldude would send them packing.

Hundreds of Biden administration employees and federal staffers from more than two dozen agencies are set to walk off the job next week in protest of the White House's handling of the Middle East crisis.
An anonymous internal cabal calling itself 'Feds United for Peace' have organized the strike for Tuesday, marking 100 days of Israel's siege on Gaza, according to AI Monitor.
The move is reportedly fueled by growing resentment inside the administration over Biden's unwavering support for Israel's military bombardment of Palestine, which has killed upwards of 23,000 people, mostly civilians.

The walk out is a drastic departure from how top federal employees have shown their disapproval toward White House policy in the past, which was typically reserved to media leaks or public resignations over policy.

But the organizers, who have remained anonymous, say they are intent on changing direction from within, and they expect 'easily hundreds' of staffers to join their efforts on Tuesday.

They say they have commitments from people inside 22 federal agencies for the strike, including from the Executive Office of the President, the National Security Agency, Homeland Security, Defense Department, and the FDA.

Good for them :thup:
Good for them :thup:
National security risk.

Bet they're violating their contract....would be a wildcat.

Reagan showed a group how that works.

What do you think Trump would do??

National security risk.

Bet they're violating their contract....would be a wildcat.

Reagan showed a group how that works.

What do you think Trump would do??

View attachment 887880
I don't fault them not wanting to work for a war criminal. Trump would probably berate and demonize these people publicly like he does with most current and former employees.
President Delldude would send them packing.

Hundreds of Biden administration employees and federal staffers from more than two dozen agencies are set to walk off the job next week in protest of the White House's handling of the Middle East crisis.
An anonymous internal cabal calling itself 'Feds United for Peace' have organized the strike for Tuesday, marking 100 days of Israel's siege on Gaza, according to AI Monitor.
The move is reportedly fueled by growing resentment inside the administration over Biden's unwavering support for Israel's military bombardment of Palestine, which has killed upwards of 23,000 people, mostly civilians.

The walk out is a drastic departure from how top federal employees have shown their disapproval toward White House policy in the past, which was typically reserved to media leaks or public resignations over policy.

But the organizers, who have remained anonymous, say they are intent on changing direction from within, and they expect 'easily hundreds' of staffers to join their efforts on Tuesday.

They say they have commitments from people inside 22 federal agencies for the strike, including from the Executive Office of the President, the National Security Agency, Homeland Security, Defense Department, and the FDA.

Let’s see if Biden has the cojones to go PATCO on the strikers. They are public servants, they have no right to attempt to sway public policy.​

I don't fault them not wanting to work for a war criminal. Trump would probably berate and demonize these people publicly like he does with most current and former employees.
Then let them quit outright, not have an illegal wildcat strike.
I don't fault them not wanting to work for a war criminal. Trump would probably berate and demonize these people publicly like he does with most current and former employees.
You can cite, in their contract, where it specifically says they can do thtis as a union authorized action?
President Delldude would send them packing.

Hundreds of Biden administration employees and federal staffers from more than two dozen agencies are set to walk off the job next week in protest of the White House's handling of the Middle East crisis.
An anonymous internal cabal calling itself 'Feds United for Peace' have organized the strike for Tuesday, marking 100 days of Israel's siege on Gaza, according to AI Monitor.
The move is reportedly fueled by growing resentment inside the administration over Biden's unwavering support for Israel's military bombardment of Palestine, which has killed upwards of 23,000 people, mostly civilians.

The walk out is a drastic departure from how top federal employees have shown their disapproval toward White House policy in the past, which was typically reserved to media leaks or public resignations over policy.

But the organizers, who have remained anonymous, say they are intent on changing direction from within, and they expect 'easily hundreds' of staffers to join their efforts on Tuesday.

They say they have commitments from people inside 22 federal agencies for the strike, including from the Executive Office of the President, the National Security Agency, Homeland Security, Defense Department, and the FDA.

Not to worry, they can always be replaced. I heard Sam Brinton is looking for a job.


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