Good News Delayed...Federal Judge (Temporarily) Blocks Biden Plan to Limit Credit Card Late Fees

How will it "cause more damage than it fixes" if you get charged $8 for a late payment instead of your getting charged $38 for the same late payment?

The company will cancel the cards and demand payment in full, if they can't make enough to make it worth while. They will also deny credit to people with marginal finances in the future.

A negative impact on the lender...I see.

The "lenders" made $8B in overdraft fees last year according to one source I read.

Of course they didn't say how much the banks lost due to defaults. Damn you commies are gullible.

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Wait a damn minute, aren't you commies constantly spewing crap on how great the economy is. People are able to pay their bills in a great economy. That said, folks agreed to the terms to have the credit card in the first place. The feds have no authority to interfere in private contracts. If the consumer doesn't like the terms, they can pay off the card and close the account and find a product that suits them better. BTW, banks look like total armatures compared to the IRS.

Of course they didn't say how much the banks lost due to defaults. Damn you commies are gullible.

The company will cancel the cards and demand payment in full, if they can't make enough to make it worth while. They will also deny credit to people with marginal finances in the future.

Actually it was his companies that went belly up, not him personally. Of course you being a retard, you have no clue between cooperate and personal finances.

Nope, that's exactly why the feds have no authority in the matter.

You would be for this program (as would any consumer with 2 working brain cells) if it were proposed by anyone other than Joe Biden.

Last week, you were singing the praises of being shafted by airlines who could just give you a FFC instead of cash. Today you're happy paying exorbitant late fees. The head of one bank even called his yacht "Overdraft".

Given that red states have, by far, the most poverty and predatory lending practices to go along with it; even a single cell organism would say this is a good deal for red state voters.
I can't believe the House didn't bring this up. I'm stunned I tell you!!!!
House Democrats are too busy supporting terrorists on college campuses or otherwise appeasing anti-semites. You folks should probably address that.
You would be for this program (as would any consumer with 2 working brain cells) if it were proposed by anyone other than Joe Biden.

Last week, you were singing the praises of being shafted by airlines who could just give you a FFC instead of cash. Today you're happy paying exorbitant late fees. The head of one bank even called his yacht "Overdraft".

Given that red states have, by far, the most poverty and predatory lending practices to go along with it; even a single cell organism would say this is a good deal for red state voters.

How about you prove your second sentence, hell how about you prove the whole damn thing and then try addressing what I actually said. And a note to the fucking clueless, I haven't been in an airport or flown since a few years before the TSA took over airports. If I go on a trip, I drive. I don't give a rip what the airlines do.

House Democrats are too busy supporting terrorists on college campuses or otherwise appeasing anti-semites. You folks should probably address that.
Oh? I'm sure HAMAS appreciated the 2 months where the GOP lead house did nothing to support Israel.
How about you prove your second sentence, hell how about you prove the whole damn thing and then try addressing what I actually said. And a note to the fucking clueless, I haven't been in an airport or flown since a few years before the TSA took over airports. If I go on a trip, I drive. I don't give a rip what the airlines do.

Oh, I'm sorry....

Biden change the rules to make airlines refund you in cash if there is significant delays, cancelled flights, or scheduling changes. In the past, all they had to do was give you a credit for future flight (and they didn't have to even do that in every case). So you could get don't have to just take whatever the airlines felt like giving you. It empowers passengers.

What do you think of the plan?

Now...of course...your answer will be that you either "don't care" or you hate it even though there are zero reasons to think it's better to get an FFC than cash. So I'm sure your answer will be "don't care".
Not paying a reasonable late fee for paying late is a reward.

They won't have to worry about paying late fees under these new regulations Sleepy Joe is imposing unilaterally.

They'll end up having their credit revoked. If a lender can't make money on an account sufficiently to justify the risk, he isn't going to continue to extend credit.
Oh, I'm sorry....

Biden change the rules to make airlines refund you in cash if there is significant delays, cancelled flights, or scheduling changes. In the past, all they had to do was give you a credit for future flight (and they didn't have to even do that in every case). So you could get don't have to just take whatever the airlines felt like giving you. It empowers passengers.

What do you think of the plan?

Now...of course...your answer will be that you either "don't care" or you hate it even though there are zero reasons to think it's better to get an FFC than cash. So I'm sure your answer will be "don't care".

Once again you're being nonresponsive. You said this?

"Last week, you were singing the praises of being shafted by airlines who could just give you a FFC instead of cash. Today you're happy paying exorbitant late fees. The head of one bank even called his yacht "Overdraft"."

1. You claimed I did something very specific: "Last week, you were singing the praises of being shafted by airlines who could just give you a FFC instead of cash." I asked you to prove that claim. You deflected.

2. You claimed: "Today you're happy paying exorbitant late fees." First prove I pay late fees, second prove I'd be happy about it.

3. You also said: "The head of one bank even called his yacht "Overdraft" Question, are you commies so freaking ignorant to not know, the term "Overdraft", is related to checking accounts, not credit cards? ROFLMAO..

What libs don't realize about this kind of thing is that regulations change people's behaviors in more ways than just the regulation. If the banks are being denied the right to charge an appropriate fee for late payments, they will just do something else to alleviate the problem of people not paying as they should.

And those ways may be worse for the deadbeats.

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