Two Federal Judges Block Biden Student Loan Forgiveness

Your Pedo Messiah just got bitchslapped by the courts again for shitting in the Constitution, Simp
Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon.
Good one......................tell me of all the cheap ass stooges who don't want pay back their loans now see it.
Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon...
Just temporary injunctions until the cases are heard, Most of the people switching onto the SAVE plan have already been boarded before now and are unaffected other than the Johnny Come Lately's who needed yet another extension of time to consolidate. And it is mischaracterized to say they cannot forgive loan balances going forward. That applies to a small sliver of people under that weird ass small-balances formula they used that has never made sense to me since people with tiny balances are the least burdened by student loan debt. The IDR payment adjustment is still moving forward and that is where the big ticket discharges will happen. The Missouri ruling is here for those interested
Based on new law July 1st.
Based on new law July 1st.
It isn't a law; it is a rule, or more precisely a new set of rules. Its a hodgepodge but basically the only thing really stopped is they cannot discharge for now any more of the small balance borrowers under the SAVE program pending the outcome of the case. The already done ones are done and PSLF and the 20/25 year discharges under the 94 and 2007 laws will still happen as well as the One-Time IDR adjustments and the Defense to Repayment discharges. Borrowers who have not yet entered SAVE still can. They just will get the 10% payment instead of the 5% or weighted payment until the case is over. Those already on the 5% or weighted average payments under SAVE prior to the injunction will remain on their existing payment amount. There is also another program set to roll out in the fall which, if not stopped, will discharge most older loans that have not be discharged already. I think of it as the "We are tired of trying to make sense of all these old, inaccurate and sometimes missing records so we are just cancelling them all" program.

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