Biden lied at debate on US turning down Tests from WHO

This is no lie.

Didn’t happen. Total fucking lie.

Joe Biden absolutely lied.
There was a test kit available at the WHO in February. The United States failed to request them from the WHO, and decided to develop our own. And then our homemade test kits were bungled.

Trump should have taken the initiative and acquired the test kits which already existed.

Trump: "I don't take any responsibility at all." Three hours later, he's taking credit for a thousand point dead cat bounce in the stock market.

We STILL have not rolled out enough test kits.

“Anybody that wants a test can get a test.” <--- Lie of the Decade.
Sheesh. Another day another lie for political advantage. These people need to be dealt with.

helicopter 5.jpg
Maybe the media will start chanting "Biden lied people died' now?
The Gwinnet Daily Post

WHO and CDC never discussed providing international test kits to the US, global health agency says

By Arman Azad

Mar 18, 2020


As the United States struggled to launch testing for the novel coronavirus using kits developed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization shipped hundreds of thousands of tests to countries around the world.

No discussions occurred between WHO and the CDC about providing tests to the United States, WHO spokesperson Tarik Jasarevic told CNN on Tuesday, and WHO did not offer coronavirus tests to the CDC.

The United States, Jasarevic confirmed, doesn't ordinarily rely on WHO for tests because the US typically has the capacity to manufacture its own diagnostics.


emphasis mine


This is why I don't take shallow Snopes seriously.
Didn’t happen. Total fucking lie.

Joe Biden absolutely lied.
why dont you save yourself some trouble and quote the source.
“No discussions occurred between WHO and CDC about WHO providing COVID-19 tests to the United States,” said WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris. “This is consistent with experience since the United States does not ordinarily rely on WHO for reagents or diagnostic tests because of sufficient domestic capacity.”

But the federal government performance on test kits has been poor. The airforce just
flew in test kits from Italy, for example.

The important question to answer: why the CDC opted to try develop their own PCR test based on a different set of genetic markers to the WHO, and why, when it became clear their selection of markers could create false positives, they opted to develop yet more tests, instead of just going to the WHO and using their test protocol like basically every other country.
Didn’t happen. Total fucking lie.

Joe Biden absolutely lied.

Well, proving that a broken clock really is right twice a day, you righties get this one...sorta.
Now, only 19,999 more lies for Biden to tell until he catches up to Trump. :)

Did US 'Refuse' COVID-19 Testing Kits from the World Health Organization?

Absolutely reckless to lie about a pandemic for political points.

Disgusting. Joe should step down from the race and put his head in a fence.
It is really appalling that anyone would lie about our COVID-19 response for political reasons. Just sickening.
Sheesh. Another day another lie for political advantage. These people need to be dealt with.

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Sooooo, where was your outrage toward Trump and his supporters prior to March 13th, 2020?..cause that's the day Trump was finally forced to stop campaigning and start to fake being President.

Im a Trump supporter. Why would I be outraged at trump over a Biden lie?
Didn’t happen. Total fucking lie.

Joe Biden absolutely lied.
why dont you save yourself some trouble and quote the source.
“No discussions occurred between WHO and CDC about WHO providing COVID-19 tests to the United States,” said WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris. “This is consistent with experience since the United States does not ordinarily rely on WHO for reagents or diagnostic tests because of sufficient domestic capacity.”

But the federal government performance on test kits has been poor. The airforce just
flew in test kits from Italy, for example.

The important question to answer: why the CDC opted to try develop their own PCR test based on a different set of genetic markers to the WHO, and why, when it became clear their selection of markers could create false positives, they opted to develop yet more tests, instead of just going to the WHO and using their test protocol like basically every other country.

He lied. Period. He lied to make political points,
If Quid Pro Joe O'Biden Bama's lips are moving he is either lying or babbling incoherent drvel.

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