Biden looks like an amateur and Kamala looks like a professional grandstander.

I can tell Kamala is an America hating, National anthem kneeling ingrate when she's in private. And Biden is the closest thing to Tommy Smother's act that ever came down the pike.
Tulsi Gabbard was good but she didn't get hardly any time. I liked her foreign policy. Domestic?? Phooey.

I'd like to see her get more time in the next debate. The rest of them were bat shit crazy.
The only known racist is the orange and his party.
You're a liar and an idiot

Is Biden running on Obama's policies and Obamacare? I'm going to guess that's a giant no.

QUOTE: I listened to these guys last night, these people on the debate stage, and when I say that I’ve heard it all before, I literally mean I’ve heard it all before.

I have been hearing it my entire life. I’ve been listening to the portrayal of America as a death camp, as a swamp, as a land of sheer destitution and disappointment and hopelessness. I have had to listen to how everybody in America is a victim of America to one degree or another. I mean, for 60 years, folks. And let’s cut that in half, just the last 30 years doing this on this program.

Now, if you happen to be in your twenties, if you’re in your late teens, twenties, early thirties watching this, this may be all new to you and it may even appeal to you, and you may be going, “Yeah, yeah, man. I hate those corporations. Yeah, man. I hate the rich. Yeah, man. Tax everybody. Yeah, man, the planet’s being destroyed.”

But if you’re as old as I am, I mean, it’s really a benefit to having all of these years of life and experience because you are able to see that the Democrat Party is stuck. The Democrat Party has not innovated, modernized, or changed. The Democrat Party still cannot look out across America and see things to smile about or to be happy about. And it’s been this way my entire life.

i havent seen the full debate yet, but how many of the female women there got their hair sniffed?

Did Team Obama, at least, do that investigation? Vice presidents are normally vetted within an inch of their lives before being selected. Presumably O and his team knew all about Biden’s view of busing, the crime bill, and so on and determined that they were collectively not so problematic that they should look elsewhere for a running mate. But the media was free to render a different verdict, as it’s now in the process of doing, and to challenge Obama aggressively on it. They didn’t. And it’s no mystery why.

I think the most charitable explanation for this oversight is simple laziness. They didn’t give Biden the kid-gloves treatment in 2008 because they were in the tank and determined not to make trouble for a historic Democratic nominee, one might say. They gave him the kid-gloves treatment because they don’t do much investigating themselves, even of their own archives. Even this year, it may be the case that most of the media reports about Biden’s history with busing have been spoon-fed to them by rival campaigns like Sanders’s or Harris’s. The reason Uncle Joe didn’t get dinged for this a decade ago might be as simple as the RNC’s oppo team having either dropped the ball or concluded that there was little to be gained by feeding the press stories about Biden’s opposition to busing. But again: If you prefer this theory, you’re stuck believing that the press is uninterested in doing the basics of its own job, even when there are potentially high-stakes consequences in a national election.
Kamala Harris is a fraud. Harris, attacking Joe Biden for having collaborated with segregationist Democrats in the Senate to oppose school busing, claimed that she was bused as a kid, in Berkeley, and it did her a world of good. Or something like that.

Given the demography and geography of Berkeley at the time–she was 10 years old in 1974–it seems highly unlikely that Harris, the daughter of two PhDs, one from India and one from Jamaica, was bused into a white school so she could escape the ghetto and mix with the children of educated parents.

But that isn’t what strikes me most forcibly about this story. A Democratic presidential contender lied about her background for political gain? The horror! Or, rather, take a number. At least Harris hasn’t claimed to be a member of an Indian tribe.

What I think is most remarkable about this story is that the Democrats are now nostalgic for busing! Joe Biden is a villain because he opposed it decades ago, while Harris is a heroine…or a martyr…or something, because she participated in it.

About Kamala Harris and Busing
Democrats are the party of open borders, unlimited taxpayer-funded medical care for illegal immigrants, outlawing health insurance, busing little children hither and yon to achieve statistical equality in hundreds of thousands of school rooms, and more!

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