Biden: My Party Supports Israel

President Biden said that there has been "no shift" in his commitment to Israel and that the Democratic Party still supports the Jewish state, despite heated and sometimes vitriolic criticism of Israel over the past ten days by progressives.

Biden was asked in a news conference Friday with South Korean President Moon Jae-In what his "message to Democrats who want you to be more confrontational with Israel."

"My party still supports Israel," Biden said. "Until the region says unequivocally they acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state, there will be no peace."

He again called for a two-state solution in the region. "There is no shift in my commitment to the security of Israel. Period. No shift, not at all. But I'll tell you what there is a shift in. The shift is that, we still need a two-state solution. It is the only answer. The only answer."

It isn't often I agree with something Biden says or does, but I do 100% agree with him on this.
this is a parody right???
No. Spell it out, what are you trying to say?
Hint: Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib......Muslim. They are part of what is better known as "The Squad" on Capitol Hill and carry a lot of influence in the left and they harbor an intense hatred of Israel and will always side with Hamas. The core of the problem is the Quran and Islam in general. Muhammad's latter teachings of hatred and murder of "infidels" are believed to supersede his earlier teachings of peace. It's also preached that should "infidels" gain back territory that was taken from them in war, they the infidels are to be considered "occupiers." Hence the constant claim that Israelis are occupiers." As the left gets more and more Muslims in Congress, the attitude towards Israel, will continue to shift more against the little nation.
Another highly negative situation occurring, but entirely separate, is the growth of Marxism in our political sphere. Young people aren't being given the facts about Marxist nations and just how tyrannical they are. So, we've got a growing number of young people, who are being taught to hate our own nation and as our nation typically sides with Israel, they will hate Israel too.
Democrats have made a conscious effort to stop courting the American Jewish vote in favor of the growing demographic of the American Muslim vote.

The problem is, American Muslims, as of yet, don't vote as consistently as Jews. Nor, are they are generous with their political donations.

So, while in this state of transition, it doesn't pay to openly antagonize the American Jewish voter any more than is necessary. At least not for another generation or so.
Democrats have made a conscious effort to stop courting the American Jewish vote in favor of the growing demographic of the American Muslim vote.

The problem is, American Muslims, as of yet, don't vote as consistently as Jews. Nor, are they are generous with their political donations.

So, while in this state of transition, it doesn't pay to openly antagonize the American Jewish voter any more than is necessary. At least not for another generation or so.

If it was just Muslims they wouldn't care

We are the most diverse nation on the planet and the Israelis are running an apartheid scheme in a settler colonial state just like ours. A former Anglo colony

Delusion to think only Muslims care about his issue. It's no different than apartheid South Africa.
I just think Biden is trying to stop the anti-Israel, anti-semitic hate that some in his party are openly displaying. I think he's basically telling the people in his party to cut the crap and STFU. Probably for political reasons, he thinks that hating on Israel is a losing argument with the voters, and I think he's right. This time. When Hamas and Hezbollah fire hundreds of rockets indiscriminately into Israel, not caring where they land, well to me that is indefensible and I think Biden knows it. Israel has a right to self-defense and to fight back, which is what they did, and Biden knows that too.

I really don't know what Obama's problem was with Israel, but it's clear he had a major hard-on against them. Whatever decisions Obama made regarding Israel or anything else is not on Biden; frankly I doubt his opinion mattered much to anybody then.
you seem to be ascribing a significant amount of 'thinking' to Biden that in My opinion, isn't going on. The people around him may think that and have told him to what to say, but Ole Joe doesn't do much thinking these days.
President Biden said that there has been "no shift" in his commitment to Israel and that the Democratic Party still supports the Jewish state, despite heated and sometimes vitriolic criticism of Israel over the past ten days by progressives.

Biden was asked in a news conference Friday with South Korean President Moon Jae-In what his "message to Democrats who want you to be more confrontational with Israel."

"My party still supports Israel," Biden said. "Until the region says unequivocally they acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state, there will be no peace."

He again called for a two-state solution in the region. "There is no shift in my commitment to the security of Israel. Period. No shift, not at all. But I'll tell you what there is a shift in. The shift is that, we still need a two-state solution. It is the only answer. The only answer."

It isn't often I agree with something Biden says or does, but I do 100% agree with him on this. And I am having a hard time understanding why the Far Left Progressives have a problem with Israel. The Jews support and vote for the democratic party by a wide margin, so why are they pissing on their own constituents?
It’s more than far left progressives having problems with Israel. Anyone capable of seeing their treatment of the Palistians, has a problem. Mass murdering women and children is a problem. No?
President Biden said that there has been "no shift" in his commitment to Israel and that the Democratic Party still supports the Jewish state, despite heated and sometimes vitriolic criticism of Israel over the past ten days by progressives.

Biden was asked in a news conference Friday with South Korean President Moon Jae-In what his "message to Democrats who want you to be more confrontational with Israel."

"My party still supports Israel," Biden said. "Until the region says unequivocally they acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state, there will be no peace."

He again called for a two-state solution in the region. "There is no shift in my commitment to the security of Israel. Period. No shift, not at all. But I'll tell you what there is a shift in. The shift is that, we still need a two-state solution. It is the only answer. The only answer."

It isn't often I agree with something Biden says or does, but I do 100% agree with him on this. And I am having a hard time understanding why the Far Left Progressives have a problem with Israel. The Jews support and vote for the democratic party by a wide margin, so why are they pissing on their own constituents?

Your problem is that you do not understand the nature of the democratic party.

I posted about the nature of the democratic party....I think it was deleted or moved to the basement...I will search for it.

The D Party has transformed into the R Party. They now make a nice single party for the ultra rich, MIC, and big corporations.
President Biden said that there has been "no shift" in his commitment to Israel and that the Democratic Party still supports the Jewish state, despite heated and sometimes vitriolic criticism of Israel over the past ten days by progressives.

Biden was asked in a news conference Friday with South Korean President Moon Jae-In what his "message to Democrats who want you to be more confrontational with Israel."

"My party still supports Israel," Biden said. "Until the region says unequivocally they acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state, there will be no peace."

He again called for a two-state solution in the region. "There is no shift in my commitment to the security of Israel. Period. No shift, not at all. But I'll tell you what there is a shift in. The shift is that, we still need a two-state solution. It is the only answer. The only answer."

It isn't often I agree with something Biden says or does, but I do 100% agree with him on this. And I am having a hard time understanding why the Far Left Progressives have a problem with Israel. The Jews support and vote for the democratic party by a wide margin, so why are they pissing on their own constituents?

Your problem is that you do not understand the nature of the democratic party.

I posted about the nature of the democratic party....I think it was deleted or moved to the basement...I will search for it.

The D Party has transformed into the R Party. They now make a nice single party for the ultra rich, MIC, and big corporations.
No they haven't.
President Biden said that there has been "no shift" in his commitment to Israel and that the Democratic Party still supports the Jewish state, despite heated and sometimes vitriolic criticism of Israel over the past ten days by progressives.

Biden was asked in a news conference Friday with South Korean President Moon Jae-In what his "message to Democrats who want you to be more confrontational with Israel."

"My party still supports Israel," Biden said. "Until the region says unequivocally they acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state, there will be no peace."

He again called for a two-state solution in the region. "There is no shift in my commitment to the security of Israel. Period. No shift, not at all. But I'll tell you what there is a shift in. The shift is that, we still need a two-state solution. It is the only answer. The only answer."

It isn't often I agree with something Biden says or does, but I do 100% agree with him on this. And I am having a hard time understanding why the Far Left Progressives have a problem with Israel. The Jews support and vote for the democratic party by a wide margin, so why are they pissing on their own constituents?

Your problem is that you do not understand the nature of the democratic party.

I posted about the nature of the democratic party....I think it was deleted or moved to the basement...I will search for it.

The D Party has transformed into the R Party. They now make a nice single party for the ultra rich, MIC, and big corporations.
No they haven't.
Yes they have. Biden is just like Trump. O was just like W.
President Biden said that there has been "no shift" in his commitment to Israel and that the Democratic Party still supports the Jewish state, despite heated and sometimes vitriolic criticism of Israel over the past ten days by progressives.

Biden was asked in a news conference Friday with South Korean President Moon Jae-In what his "message to Democrats who want you to be more confrontational with Israel."

"My party still supports Israel," Biden said. "Until the region says unequivocally they acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state, there will be no peace."

He again called for a two-state solution in the region. "There is no shift in my commitment to the security of Israel. Period. No shift, not at all. But I'll tell you what there is a shift in. The shift is that, we still need a two-state solution. It is the only answer. The only answer."

It isn't often I agree with something Biden says or does, but I do 100% agree with him on this. And I am having a hard time understanding why the Far Left Progressives have a problem with Israel. The Jews support and vote for the democratic party by a wide margin, so why are they pissing on their own constituents?

And I am having a hard time understanding why the Far Left Progressives have a problem with Israel.

Because many in Israel put their faith in the Lord, not in Big Government
Democrats have made a conscious effort to stop courting the American Jewish vote in favor of the growing demographic of the American Muslim vote.

The problem is, American Muslims, as of yet, don't vote as consistently as Jews. Nor, are they are generous with their political donations.

So, while in this state of transition, it doesn't pay to openly antagonize the American Jewish voter any more than is necessary. At least not for another generation or so.
Progs throw away people after their usefulness is maxed out. The people involved need to move on also. And many do not although those who do can be skewered for it.
It isn't often I agree with something Biden says or does, but I do 100% agree with him on this. And I am having a hard time understanding why the Far Left Progressives have a problem with Israel.
Because Israel is a racist, apartheid state instigating terror across the Middle East. Why else would Biden and all the other corporate, centrist Democrats ignore Israel's illegal nuclear weapons while condemning Iran's (and Iraq's) nonexistent nuclear arms?

"The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 was amended by the Symington Amendment (Section 669 of the FAA) in 1976.

"It banned U.S. economic, and military assistance, and export credits to countries that deliver or receive, acquire or transfer nuclear enrichment technology when they do not comply with IAEA regulations and inspections."

Symington Amendment - Wikipedia
President Biden said that there has been "no shift" in his commitment to Israel and that the Democratic Party still supports the Jewish state, despite heated and sometimes vitriolic criticism of Israel over the past ten days by progressives.

Biden was asked in a news conference Friday with South Korean President Moon Jae-In what his "message to Democrats who want you to be more confrontational with Israel."

"My party still supports Israel," Biden said. "Until the region says unequivocally they acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state, there will be no peace."

He again called for a two-state solution in the region. "There is no shift in my commitment to the security of Israel. Period. No shift, not at all. But I'll tell you what there is a shift in. The shift is that, we still need a two-state solution. It is the only answer. The only answer."

It isn't often I agree with something Biden says or does, but I do 100% agree with him on this. And I am having a hard time understanding why the Far Left Progressives have a problem with Israel. The Jews support and vote for the democratic party by a wide margin, so why are they pissing on their own constituents?

Your problem is that you do not understand the nature of the democratic party.

I posted about the nature of the democratic party....I think it was deleted or moved to the basement...I will search for it.

The D Party has transformed into the R Party. They now make a nice single party for the ultra rich, MIC, and big corporations.
No they haven't.
Yes they have. Biden is just like Trump. O was just like W.
Um, no. Biden is a recluse. Trump goes for the gusto!
President Biden said that there has been "no shift" in his commitment to Israel and that the Democratic Party still supports the Jewish state, despite heated and sometimes vitriolic criticism of Israel over the past ten days by progressives.

Biden was asked in a news conference Friday with South Korean President Moon Jae-In what his "message to Democrats who want you to be more confrontational with Israel."

"My party still supports Israel," Biden said. "Until the region says unequivocally they acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state, there will be no peace."

He again called for a two-state solution in the region. "There is no shift in my commitment to the security of Israel. Period. No shift, not at all. But I'll tell you what there is a shift in. The shift is that, we still need a two-state solution. It is the only answer. The only answer."

It isn't often I agree with something Biden says or does, but I do 100% agree with him on this.
this is a parody right???
No. Spell it out, what are you trying to say?
Hint: Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib......Muslim. They are part of what is better known as "The Squad" on Capitol Hill and carry a lot of influence in the left and they harbor an intense hatred of Israel and will always side with Hamas. The core of the problem is the Quran and Islam in general. Muhammad's latter teachings of hatred and murder of "infidels" are believed to supersede his earlier teachings of peace. It's also preached that should "infidels" gain back territory that was taken from them in war, they the infidels are to be considered "occupiers." Hence the constant claim that Israelis are occupiers." As the left gets more and more Muslims in Congress, the attitude towards Israel, will continue to shift more against the little nation.
Another highly negative situation occurring, but entirely separate, is the growth of Marxism in our political sphere. Young people aren't being given the facts about Marxist nations and just how tyrannical they are. So, we've got a growing number of young people, who are being taught to hate our own nation and as our nation typically sides with Israel, they will hate Israel too.

The Quran is clear "there can never be compulsion over religion", "Judaism and Christianity are valid Abrahamic religions and a way to heaven", and "it is a sin to murder and you must only kill if in defense".
Islam does not at all allow for hated of Judaism or Christianity, which it calls "Brothers of the Book", meaning they all share the same Old Testament.

Israel is just murder and theft.
Jews never legally owned the land.
They were illegal invader around 1000 BC when they initially invaded, and they only ruled a few hundred years.
They were constantly defeated and expelled.
After the Roman Diaspora Decree, there essentially were no significant Jewish population in Palestine until the late 1930s immigration.
Just look at the census data.
Does not matter if the Ottoman Empire or British.
You will find less than 5% Jews in Palestine until the late 1930s.
And you will never see more than 30%, even now.
President Biden said that there has been "no shift" in his commitment to Israel and that the Democratic Party still supports the Jewish state, despite heated and sometimes vitriolic criticism of Israel over the past ten days by progressives.

Biden was asked in a news conference Friday with South Korean President Moon Jae-In what his "message to Democrats who want you to be more confrontational with Israel."

"My party still supports Israel," Biden said. "Until the region says unequivocally they acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state, there will be no peace."

He again called for a two-state solution in the region. "There is no shift in my commitment to the security of Israel. Period. No shift, not at all. But I'll tell you what there is a shift in. The shift is that, we still need a two-state solution. It is the only answer. The only answer."

It isn't often I agree with something Biden says or does, but I do 100% agree with him on this. And I am having a hard time understanding why the Far Left Progressives have a problem with Israel. The Jews support and vote for the democratic party by a wide margin, so why are they pissing on their own constituents?

And I am having a hard time understanding why the Far Left Progressives have a problem with Israel.

Because many in Israel put their faith in the Lord, not in Big Government

That is why Israelis do not believe in law and instead murder and steal?
President Biden said that there has been "no shift" in his commitment to Israel and that the Democratic Party still supports the Jewish state, despite heated and sometimes vitriolic criticism of Israel over the past ten days by progressives.

Biden was asked in a news conference Friday with South Korean President Moon Jae-In what his "message to Democrats who want you to be more confrontational with Israel."

"My party still supports Israel," Biden said. "Until the region says unequivocally they acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state, there will be no peace."

He again called for a two-state solution in the region. "There is no shift in my commitment to the security of Israel. Period. No shift, not at all. But I'll tell you what there is a shift in. The shift is that, we still need a two-state solution. It is the only answer. The only answer."

It isn't often I agree with something Biden says or does, but I do 100% agree with him on this. And I am having a hard time understanding why the Far Left Progressives have a problem with Israel. The Jews support and vote for the democratic party by a wide margin, so why are they pissing on their own constituents?
It’s more than far left progressives having problems with Israel. Anyone capable of seeing their treatment of the Palistians, has a problem. Mass murdering women and children is a problem. No?

Nonsense you have bought the muslim kool aid. Read some actual history.
A) Biden assumes office (illegally of course, but that's another matter).
B) Joe Depends cancels Trump's sanctions on Iran and wants to reconstitute the dangerous Obama Iran
nuclear deal.
C) Iran is propping Hamas up and always has.
D) So while Joe talks about backing Israel his actions say something very different.

Don't listen to Stumblin' Mumblin" Joe. Watch what he does. He's a duplicitous turd!

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