Biden pulls troops out of Afghanistan…has 3 times the troops that were there on Jan 20.

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Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
The biggest thing I liked about Trump is he kept his campaign promises but when it came to the lives and security of Americans and the nation he remained flexible and open minded...he gathered opinions and then made his decision...Joe is not only always wrong but he is stubborn and thin skinned...and that is going to cause him to make an even bigger mistake than this before his 4 stolen years are over....
Rats are jumping off the BidenTanic. Intel and military is leaking how they advised against his plan and he ignored it.

Or those intel and military brass are lying and he did follow what they told him just to cover their own incompetent asses. Who knows. But Biden was too stupid to know what he did sign off on would be a complete failure, whether it was their plan or not.
Or those intel and military brass are lying and he did follow what they told him just to cover their own incompetent asses. Who knows. But Biden was too stupid to know what he did sign off on would be a complete failure, whether it was their plan or not.

They told him it was autographs for young girls and after he finished he could sniff KamalaToe's hair.
Only Joe Biden could screw something up this bad. When Trump left he had about 2500 troops keeping the entire country under control. Biden has had to send in 7000 just to hold an airport.

one thing Joe does well……..fuck things up.

Yeah but his heart is in the right place so.....
the Administration's response to our allies and everyone else that aided us in Afghanistan.....

more Joe Dufus screw up

The Taliban has reportedly seized US military biometrics equipment that could expose Afghans who helped coalition forces – since they contain identifying data like iris scans and fingerprints as well as biographical information.

An unidentified Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) official told The Intercept that the Islamist group confiscated the Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment (HIIDE) devices during its offensive push last week. The report was backed up by three former US military personnel.

They told the news outlet that the portable devices could be used to access sensitive information from large, centralized military databases, but noted that it was still unclear how much of the biometric database collected on the Afghan population has been compromised.

According to a US Army Corps of Engineers presentation, HIIDE devices use the data collected to create a “portfolio” that can then be imported into Biometrics Automated Toolset (BAT) identification-processing software as a “digital dossier.” This can be scanned against official watch lists for threats.

Besides tracking insurgents, the Pentagon was also reportedly keen to use the devices to gather unique data on 80% of the Afghan population to check for terrorist and criminal activity. Unnamed sources said biometric details of locals who helped the US were also collected and used in identification cards.

“We processed thousands of locals a day, had to ID, sweep for suicide vests, weapons, intel gathering, etc. ... [HIIDE] was used as a biometric ID tool to help ID locals working for the coalition,” an American military contractor told the outlet.

In addition to scanning biometric information from Afghans assisting US military forces, data from locals who were helping with diplomatic efforts was reportedly collected as well.

The International Rescue Committee estimates that over 300,000 Afghan civilians were involved with the American mission over the past two decades.

An unidentified US Army Special Operations source told The Intercept that the Taliban “does not have the gear to use the data” but warned that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence spy agency had the additional equipment required to process the data from HIIDE devices.

Neither the US Defense Intelligence Agency nor the Office of the Secretary of Defense has commented on the issue as of writing.

“I don’t think anyone ever thought about data privacy or what to do in the event the [HIIDE] system fell into the wrong hands,” Welton Chang, chief technology officer for Human Rights First (HRF) and a former Army intelligence officer, told the outlet.

Only Joe Biden could screw something up this bad. When Trump left he had about 2500 troops keeping the entire country under control. Biden has had to send in 7000 just to hold an airport.

one thing Joe does well……..fuck things up.

2,500 troops had the country under control..LOL!!
Nostra Here is the pattern of failure we are seeing over and over. Underestimate the problem, create a disaster, then over-react. We saw it at the Capitol after January 6th when the Democrats fucked up the Security and then they turned Washington into East Berlin. Defund the Police! has turned Democrat controlled cities into warzones. They are now spending 10s of millions to try and bring police back. In Afghanistan we are having the biggest troop surge since Obama TWO WEEKS after we withdraw troops.
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