Biden says, get ready for food shortages

Welcome to the world storages...

This is the world your dembot voted for

This is CRAZY! We are the frickin United States of America, and the breadbasket of the world! I can believe certain things that are produced over seas could become in short supply, but people go hungry?!?!?!?!

If that happens in any shape or form, Biden needs to be removed instantly, and any Leftist who argues should volunteer to go hungry. Hell, we over produce so much, our farmers have a hard time keeping their prices up to profitable levels. As the planting season is coming up, all Biden would have to do if he was worried is sign an EO suspending crop rotation for 1 year.

It just shows you that every time Biden or Cameltoe open their mouths, they try and float trial balloons to see what the public will put up with! Forget Trump. If you Leftists think this guy has a clue, you are not only off the reservation, you are off the planet.

You had better get someone to run in 24 besides him, because all of what he says is going to come back and bite all of you in the butt, starting in November.
This is CRAZY! We are the frickin United States of America, and the breadbasket of the world! I can believe certain things that are produced over seas could become in short supply, but people go hungry?!?!?!?!

If that happens in any shape or form, Biden needs to be removed instantly, and any Leftist who argues should volunteer to go hungry. Hell, we over produce so much, our farmers have a hard time keeping their prices up to profitable levels. As the planting season is coming up, all Biden would have to do if he was worried is sign an EO suspending crop rotation for 1 year.

It just shows you that every time Biden or Cameltoe open their mouths, they try and float trial balloons to see what the public will put up with! Forget Trump. If you Leftists think this guy has a clue, you are not only off the reservation, you are off the planet.

You had better get someone to run in 24 besides him, because all of what he says is going to come back and bite all of you in the butt, starting in November.
I'm thinking farmers in the US will go hungry first.


There's your geriatric in chief. Telling all of you. See the most of important thing the comrades need is a scapegoat. PUTIN

Been telling you to get ready for the starvation strategy for years and here it is.

Good luck and God bless you.

The POS has no plan EVER. He knew about onincrom (and that it was weak), he didn’t get the rapid test out! He knew about Russia invasion into Ukraine for months… yet he didn’t act… didn’t prepare for oil spikes, didn’t arm Ukraine, did prepare the sanctions and were reactionary.
He did prepare for the gas spikes (that he caused - they were going up well before the war), yet just said they would spike. Did prepare for hyper-inflation. Just pushed more spending.

He is the most incompetent President in US history
The POS has no plan EVER. He knew about onincrom (and that it was weak), he didn’t get the rapid test out! He knew about Russia invasion into Ukraine for months… yet he didn’t act… didn’t prepare for oil spikes, didn’t arm Ukraine, did prepare the sanctions and were reactionary.
He did prepare for the gas spikes (that he caused - they were going up well before the war), yet just said they would spike. Did prepare for hyper-inflation. Just pushed more spending.

He is the most incompetent President in US history
He just does what he is told to do. He says what he is told to say, except when he messes up. He is a puppet or muppet of the new world order. Absolutely nothing more and all of his voters are 🐒 🙈 🙊 🐒 🙈 🙊 🐒 🙈 🙊 🐒 monkeys.
This is how you control people, you scare them. If you scare people enough they will do anything you want to make it go away.

If you're broke, hungry, lose your home and someone says "here you can live in this shitty apartment and I'll give you a little bit of food" you'd be so grateful you wouldn't even question it.

Or if everything gets so bad and the government said "we will fix all your problems by regulating and controlling everything including your money and what you own" a lot of people would go along with it.

If you make something bad enough people will do what their told to make it easier. Get them used to shitty lives and they will be happier for it to be a tiny bit less shitty.

It isn't even half way through this presidency and look at how much they fucked up, imagine what will happen before it's over. I have no doubt their goal is to make it so they won't ever not be in charge.
The intended result of so many US sanctions have been to starve and inconvenience the populace of targeted countries into rebellion and regime change. The population here may only be slightly inconvenienced, but it will be a taste of our own medicine, just about in time for the November election.
He just does what he is told to do. He says what he is told to say, except when he messes up. He is a puppet or muppet of the new world order. Absolutely nothing more and all of his voters are 🐒 🙈 🙊 🐒 🙈 🙊 🐒 🙈 🙊 🐒 monkeys.

Honestly, if Democrats were smart, they would petition their government to REPLACE Harriss with a moderate like Mansion, Kane, or blue state governor who is reasonably successful, then have the cabinet remove Biden once this is done.

They must consider------->this is no longer about replacing Biden with Trump, this is about replacing Biden with a Democrat who has a clue.
Now your talk'in!

Move into a small apartment and buy a bicycle to get to work.
No one has ever asked America to lower their standards.......................Carter did but did it gently and nice

I long for Mr Peanut....More than a Reeses Cup

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