Biden, Senators Agree to Roughly $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan

From the OP link:

Absent from the bipartisan deal are broad swaths of Mr. Biden’s original $2.3 trillion infrastructure package, which included hundreds of billions in funding for home care, housing, and workforce development, and his $1.8 trillion plan on childcare and education. It also doesn’t include the White House’s plan to raise taxes on corporations and high-income Americans to finance the cost of the spending.

The main sticking points seem to have been eliminated. Let’s see how this plays out in the voting.
According to the bill I read only 5% of the bill is for actual infrastructure. One has to wonder what they reached an agreement on?? Sharing the pork???
How did you read this bill given that there is no bill yet? it’s just a framework for a bi-partisan compromise agreement and as far as I know no details other then a guesstimate of the price tag have been released yet.
According to the bill I read only 5% of the bill is for actual infrastructure. One has to wonder what they reached an agreement on?? Sharing the pork???
How did you read this bill given that there is no bill yet? it’s just a framework for a bi-partisan compromise agreement and as far as I know no details other then a guesstimate of the price tag have been released yet.
That's what I read. 5% of that bill is for infrastructure. The rest is pure d. pork.
According to the bill I read only 5% of the bill is for actual infrastructure. One has to wonder what they reached an agreement on?? Sharing the pork???
How did you read this bill given that there is no bill yet? it’s just a framework for a bi-partisan compromise agreement and as far as I know no details other then a guesstimate of the price tag have , been released yet.
That's what I read. 5% of that bill is for infrastructure. The rest is pure d. pork.
When you say “pork” I assume you’re referring to earmarks, correct?
According to the bill I read only 5% of the bill is for actual infrastructure. One has to wonder what they reached an agreement on?? Sharing the pork???
How did you read this bill given that there is no bill yet? it’s just a framework for a bi-partisan compromise agreement and as far as I know no details other then a guesstimate of the price tag have , been released yet.
That's what I read. 5% of that bill is for infrastructure. The rest is pure d. pork.
When you say “pork” I assume you’re referring to earmarks, correct?
Yup. There was a list of what's in that bill right here on this board. Most of it was pork with only 5% for actual infrastructure repair.
According to the bill I read only 5% of the bill is for actual infrastructure. One has to wonder what they reached an agreement on?? Sharing the pork???
How did you read this bill given that there is no bill yet? it’s just a framework for a bi-partisan compromise agreement and as far as I know no details other then a guesstimate of the price tag have , been released yet.
That's what I read. 5% of that bill is for infrastructure. The rest is pure d. pork.
When you say “pork” I assume you’re referring to earmarks, correct?
Yup. There was a list of what's in that bill right here on this board. Most of it was pork with only 5% for actual infrastructure repair.
So, if it's earmarks you have a problem with, consider the alternative. The same amount will be appropriated without earmarks except it'll just be in block appropriated to an Executive Branch Agency under a single heading like "Construction of , etc..etc..,", the Executive Branch Agency will then spend it on whatever projects UNELECTED and UNACCOUNTABLE BUREACRATS in that agency decide to spend it on. The only way the public will ever find out exactly what it's being spent on is to issue a FOIA request to the Executive Branch and even when you do find out, you can't hold Congress Critters accountable for it.

What often happens is that Congress Critter that wanted to "bring home the bacon" with an earmark to build some Institute to Study the Mating Habits of Crickets in his district and doesn't get his earmark, he's just on the phone with the head of the Executive Branch Agency that got the money he wanted the next day, lobbying her to get his project funded out of the new appropriation.

In other words, don't be so quick to scoff at earmarks because getting rid of them most often doesn't get rid of the money, it just hides what it's being spent on from the public.

"Even if all earmarks were eliminated we would not necessarily save a single penny in the federal budget. Earmarks are funded from spending levels that have been determined before a single earmark is agreed to, so spending levels remain the same with or without earmarks. By eliminating earmarks designated by members of Congress, all we would accomplish would be to transfer the funding decision process to federal bureaucrats and away from elected representatives" -- Ron Paul, The Revolution

Take care Claudette. :)
From the OP link:

Absent from the bipartisan deal are broad swaths of Mr. Biden’s original $2.3 trillion infrastructure package, which included hundreds of billions in funding for home care, housing, and workforce development, and his $1.8 trillion plan on childcare and education. It also doesn’t include the White House’s plan to raise taxes on corporations and high-income Americans to finance the cost of the spending.

The main sticking points seem to have been eliminated. Let’s see how this plays out in the voting.

The republicans have made the changes they wanted.

When it comes for a vote they will vote against the bill.

That's what they did all 8 of the Obama years and have mostly been doing thus far in the Biden years.

We will have to wait to see how they all vote.
According to the bill I read only 5% of the bill is for actual infrastructure. One has to wonder what they reached an agreement on?? Sharing the pork???
How did you read this bill given that there is no bill yet? it’s just a framework for a bi-partisan compromise agreement and as far as I know no details other then a guesstimate of the price tag have been released yet.
That's what I read. 5% of that bill is for infrastructure. The rest is pure d. pork.
If you read that, you wouldn't mind sharing...
On it’s face, I’m going to celebrate the Biden administration and Congress for Infrastructure. I am growing concerned that the markups, overhead, and payoffs to cronies and friends is becoming increasing complex to generate a legitimate return. I realize pork is the traditional price paid in Washington but this can have severe monetary ramifications.
The Re-Birth Of 'Porkulous'
No, Biden isn't hiding $500 billion, like the orange, NYC, grifter did.
Recipients to be revealed in 6 months.

6 months later ......................crickets.
It is a documented FACT, according to the FBI, IRS, & Treasury departments that Joe Biden took MILIONS from the Russians DURING his campaign this past election!

Wake the f* up - be brave enough to admit it!

Biden was BOUGHT....

According to these same agencies Joe & the Bidens have engaged in Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, & took over $1 BILLION from the CCP.

This is NOT in dispute. It is FACT...

Just like how Biden said he never knew or asked what Hjnter was doing and never met with Burisma members.....DESPITE THERE BEING PHOTOS ON THE INTERNET OF ALL OF THEM PLAYING GOLF TOGETHER!

A State Department rep under oathtestified Joe lied about Burisma reps showing up in DC demanding a meeting w/Joe, using Hunter's name as leverage ... and despite their advising him not to meet with them he did anyway.

It's documented FACT....the same way it is an u deniable FACT Joe Biden is a lying, sold out, self-serving criminal, treasonous f*!

Yeah, gets our President, but drop the lies - you are only lying to yourself because no one else is buying your bullshit.

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